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发布时间: 2018-09-11 15:16
微信号: H17720740258
郑海雷 Hailei Zheng | 教授
PhD, Lanzhou University (1993)
Post-Doctor, Xiamen University (1993-1995)
Associate Professor, Xiamen University (1995-2000)
Professor, Xiamen University (2000-)
Visiting Scholar, Duke University (2004-2005)
Environmental botany, Plant physiological ecology and molecular biology, including calcium signal transduction in plant under environmental stresses; Functions of nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide on plants; Ecophysiology of mangrove wetland and biochemistry and molecular biology of mangrove plant tolerance to salt; Molecular mechanism
1. Tang,RH*, Han,SC*, Zheng, HL*, Cook,CW, Choi,CS, Woerner,TE, Jackson,RB, Pei,ZP, Coupling diurnal cytosolic Ca2+ oscillations to the CAS-IP3 pathway in Arabidopsis, Science, 2007, 315:1423-1426 (*These authors contributed equally to this work.) (JCR 1)
2. Chen J, Xiao Q, Wu FH, Dong XJ, He JX, Pei ZM, Zheng HL, Nitric oxide enhances salt secretion and Na+ sequestration in a mangrove plant, Avicennia marina, through increasing the expressions of H+-ATPase and Na+/H+ antiporter under high salinity, Tree Physiology, 2010, 30:1570-1585 (JCR 1)
3. Chen L, Wu FH, Liu TW, Chen J, Li ZJ, Pei ZM, Zheng HL, Soil acidity rebuild based on tree ring information of a dominant species Abies fabri in the subalpine forest ecosystems in southwest China, Environmental Pollution, 2010, 158(10):3219-3224 (JCR 2)
4. Chen J, Xiao Q, Wu FH, Pei ZM, Wang J, Wu YG, Zheng HL, Nitric oxide emission from barley seedlings and detached leaves and roots treated with nitrate and nitrite, Plant, Soil and Environment, 2010, 56(5):201-208 (JCR 4)
5. Chen J, Wu FH, Xiao Q, Yang ZH, Huang SK, Wang J, Wu YG, Dong XJ, Pei ZM, Zheng HL, Diurnal variation of nitric oxide emission flux from mangrove wetlands, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2010, 90: 212-220 (JCR 3)
6. Chen J, Wu FH, Wang WH, Zheng CJ, Lin GH, Dong XJ, He JX, Pei ZM, Zheng HL, Hydrogen sulfide enhances photosynthesis through promoting chloroplast developement and photosynthetic enzyme expression in Spinacia oleracea seedlings, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2011, 62(13): 4481-4493 (JCR 2)
7. Liu TW, Fu B, Niu L, Chen J, Wang WH, He JX, Pei ZM, Zheng HL, Comparative proteomic analysis of proteins in response to simulated acid rain in Arabidopsis, Journal of Proteome Research, 2011, 10: 2579-2589 (JCR 2)
8. Liu, TW, Jiang, XW, Shi, WL, Chen, J, Pei, ZM, Zheng, HL, Comparative proteomic analysis of differentially expressed proteins in beta-aminobutyric acid enhancing Arabidopsis thaliana tolerance to simulated acid rain, Proteomics, 2011, 11: 2079-2094 (JCR 2)
9. Liu,T-W, Wu,F-H, Wang, W-H, Chen, J, Li,Z-J, Dong, X-J, Patton, J, Pei,Z-M, Zheng, H-L, Effects of calcium on seed germination, seedling growth and photosynthesis of six forest tree species under simulated acid rain, Tree Physiology, 2011, 31(4): 402-413 (JCR 1)
10. Tang X, Chen J, Wang WH, Liu TW, Zhang J, Gao YH, Pei ZM, Zheng HL, The changes of nitric oxide production during the growth of Microcystis aerugrinosa, Environmental Pollution, 2011,159:3784-3792 (JCR 2)
11. Zhu Z, Zhang RF, Liu TW, Zheng, HL, Effect of salinity on osmotic adjustment characteristics of a mangrove plant, Avicena marina, Marina Botanica, 2011, 54: 335- 341 (JCR 4)
12. Chen J, Wu FH, Liu TW, Chen L, Xiao Q, Dong XJ, He JX, Pei ZM, Zheng HL, Emissions of nitric oxide from 79 plant species in response to simulated nitrogen deposition. Environmental Pollution, 2012, 160:192-200 (JCR 2)
13. Wang WH, Yi XQ, Han AD, Liu TW, Chen J, Wu FH, Dong XJ, He JX, Pei ZM, Zheng HL, Calcium sensing receptor regulates stomatal closure through hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide in response to extracellular calcium, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012, 63(1): 177-190 (JCR 2)
14. Huang SS, Chen J, Dong XJ, Patton J, Pei ZM, Zheng HL, Calcium promotes Arabidopsis de-etiolation by increasing the light-regulated expression of CAS, a calcium sensor, Physiologia Plantarum, 2012, 144(1): 73-82 (JCR 3)
15. Wang WH, Zheng HL, Mechanisms for calcium sensing receptor-regulated stomatal closure in response to the extracellular calcium signal, Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2012,7(2):1-3
16. Zhu Z, Chen J, Zheng HL, Physiological and proteomic characterization of salt tolerance in a mangrove plant, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Tree Physiology, 2012, 32:1378-1388 (JCR 1)
17. Chen J, Wang WH, Wu FH, You CY, Liu TW, Dong XJ, He JX, Zheng HL, Hydrogen sulfide alleviates aluminum toxicity in barley seedlings, Plant and Soil, 2013, 362:301-318 (JCR 1)
18. Liu TW, Niu L, Fu B, Chen J, Wu FH, Chen J, Wang WH, Hu WJ, He JX, Zheng HL, A transcriptomic study reveals differentially expressed genes and pathways respond to simulated acid rain in Arabidopsis thaliana, Genome, 2013, 56: 49-60 (JCR 4)
19. Chen J, Wang WH, Liu TW Wu FH, Zheng HL, Photosynthetic and antioxidant responses of Liquidambar formosana and Schima superba seedlings to sulfuric-rich and nitric-rich simulated acid rain, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2013, 64: 41-51 (JCR 3)
20. Wu,F-H, Chen J, Liu,T-W, Li,Z-J, Chen J, Chen,L, Guan,S-H, Li,T-Y, Dong, X-J, Patton, J, Zheng,H-L, Differential responses of Abies fabri and Rhododendron calophytum at two sites with contrasting pollution deposition and available calcium in southwestern China, Plant Ecology, 2013, 214(4): 557-569 (JCR 4)
21. Chen J, Xiong DY, Wang WH, Hu WJ, Simon M, Xiao Q, Chen J, Liu TW, Liu X, Zheng HL, Nitric oxide mediates root K+/Na+ balance in a mangrove plant, Kandelia obovata, by enhancing the expression of AKT1-type K+ channel and Na+/H+ antiporter under high salinity, Plos ONE, 2013, 8(8):e71543 (JCR 2)
22. Wang WH, Chen J, Liu TW, Chen J, Han AD, Simon M, Dong, XJ, He JX, Zheng HL, Regulation of the calcium sensing receptor in both stomatal movement and photosynthetic electron transport is crucial for water use efficiency and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2014, 65(1): 223-234 (JCR 2)
23. Hu WJ, Chen J, Liu TW, Liu X, Chen J, Wu FW, Wang WH, He JX, Zheng HL, Comparative proteomic analysis on wild type and nitric oxide-overproducing mutant (nox1) of Arabidopsis thaliana, Nitric Oxide - Biology and Chemistry, 2014, doi: 10.1016/j.niox.2013.10.008 (JCR 3)
24. Chen J, Hu WJ, Wang C, Liu TW, Wang WH, Chen J, Xiao Q, Zheng HL, Comparative proteomic analysis reveals nitric oxide functions in promoting greening of etiolated barley seedlings, Crop Science, 2014, doi: 10.2135/cropsci201 (JCR 2)
25. Liu TW, Chen J, Wang WH, Simon M, Wu FH, Hu WJ, Chen J, Zheng HL, A combined proteomic and transcriptomic analysis on sulfur metabolism pathways of Arabidopsis thaliana under simulated acid rain, Plos ONE, 2014, doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0090120 (JCR 2)
26. Hu WJ, Chen J, Liu TW, Wu FW, Chen J, Wang WH, Liu X, Zheng HL, Combined calcium-related genes and proteomic analysis of defense response to acid rain stress under different calcium levels in Pinus massoniana, Plant and Soil, 2014, doi: 10.1007/s11104-014-2086-9 (JCR 1)
27. Hu WJ, Chen J, Liu TW, Simon M, Wang WH, Chen J, Wu FW, Liu X, Shen ZJ, Zheng HL, Comparative proteomic analysis on differential responses of Pinus massoniana and Taxus wallichiana var. mairei to simulated acid rain, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2014, 15(3): 4333-4355, doi:10.3390/ijms15034333 (JCR 3)
28. Chen, J, Xiao, Q, Wu, FH, Ye, WJ, Zhu, Z, Ru, QM, Zhang, LL, Zheng, HL, Nitric oxide reduces oxidative stress induced by NaCl in seedling leaves of a mangrove plant, Aegiceras corniculatum, Aquatic Botany, 2014, 117: 41–47 (JCR 4)
29. Chen J, Hu WJ, Liu TW, Chen J, Simon M, Wang WH, Liu X, Zheng HL, Comparative proteomic analysis on differential responses of L formosana and S superba to simulated acid rain, Plos One, 2014, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0102532 (JCR 2)
30. Chen J, Liu TW, Hu WJ, Wang WH, Chen J, Liu X, Zheng HL, Comparative proteomic analysis of differentially expressed proteins induced by hydrogen sulfide in Spinacia oleracea leaves, Plos One, 2014, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105400 (JCR 2)
31. Chen J, Wu FH, Liu TW, Xiao Q, Zheng HL, Variation of nitric oxide emission potential in plants: a possible link to leaf N content and net photosynthetic activity, Journal of Plant Ecology, 2014, doi: 10.1093/jpe/rtu015 (JCR 4)
32. Wang C, Chen J, Hu WJ, Liu JY, Zheng HL, Zhao F, Comparative proteomics reveal the impact of OmcA/MtrC deletion on Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 in response to hexavalent chromium exposure, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2014, December, 98(23):9735-9747 (JCR 2)
33. Chen J*, Liu X*, Wang C*, Yin SS, Li XL, Hu WJ, Simon M, Shen ZJ, Xiao Q, Chu C-C, Peng X-X, Zheng HL, Nitric oxide ameliorates zinc oxide nanoparticles-induced phytotoxicity in rice seedlings, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 297:173–182 (JCR 1)
34. Chen J, Wu F-H, Wang W-H, Yan C-L, He J-X, Zheng H-L, Hydrogen sulfide improves adaptation of Zea mays seedlings to iron deficiency, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2015, doi:10.1093/ jxb/erv368 (JCR 2)
35. Chen J, Wang L-F, Wu F-H, Liu X, Shangguan Z-P, Zheng H-L, Hydrogen sulphide enhances salt tolerance through nitric oxide-mediated maintenance of ion homeostasis in barley seedling roots, Scientific Reports, 2015, doi: 10.1038/srep12516, (JCR 2)
36. Wang WH, He EM, Guo Y, Tong QX, Zheng HL, Chloroplast calcium and ROS signaling networks potentially facilitate the primed state for stomatal closure under multiple stresses, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2015, doi:10.1016/j.envexpbot.2015.09.008 (JCR 2)
37. Liu X*, Chen J*, Wang GH, Shen ZJ, Luo MR, Gao GF, Simon M, Ghoto K, Zheng HL, Hydrogen sulfide alleviates zinc toxicity by reducing zinc uptake and regulating gene expression of antioxidative enzymes and metallothioneins in roots of a hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum L., Plant and Soil, 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s11104-015-2719-7 (JCR 1)
38. Liu X, Wu FH, Li JX, Chen J, Wang WH, Chen J, Hu WJ, Gao LJ, Wang ZL, Chen JH, Simon M, Zheng HL, Glutathione homeostasis and Cd tolerance in the Arabidopsis sultr1;1-sultr1;2 double mutant with limiting sulfate supply, Plant Cell Reports, 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s00299-015-1892-8 (JCR 3)
39. Hu WJ, Wu Q, Liu X, Shen ZJ, Chen J, Liu TW, Chen J, Zhu CQ, Wu FH, Chen L, Wei J, Qiu XY, Shen GX, Zheng HL, Comparative proteomic analysis reveals the effects of exogenous calcium against acid rain stress in Liquidambar formosana Hance leaves, Journal of Proteome Research, 2015, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.5b00771 (JCR 2)
40. Chen J, Shangguan Z-P, Zheng H-L, The function of hydrogen sulphide in iron availability:sulfur nutrient or signaling molecule?, Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2016, doi: 10.1080/15592324.2015.1132967
41. Wang W-H, He E-M, Chen J, Guo Y, Chen J, Liu X, Zheng H-L, The reduced state of the plastoquinone pool is required for chloroplast-mediated stomatal closure in response to calcium stimulation, The Plant Journal, 2016, doi:10.1111/tpj.13154 (JCR 2)
42. Chen Juan; Shang Yu-Ting; Wang Wen-Hua; Chen Xi-Yan; He En-Ming; Zheng Hailei, Shangguan Zhouping, Hydrogen sulfide-mediated polyamines and sugar changes are involved in hydrogen sulfide-induced drought tolerance in Spinacia oleracea seedlings. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.01173 (JCR 2)
43. Juan Chen§, Zhi-Jun Shen§, Wei-Zhi Lu§, Xiang Liu§, Fei-Hua Wu, Gui-Feng Gao, Yi-Ling Liu, Chun-Sheng Wu, Yan Chong-Ling, Fan Hang-Qing, Yi-Hui Zhang* and Hai-Lei Zheng*, Responses of leaf structure, photosynthetic characteristics and antioxidative system of Avicennia marina leaves to leaf miner damage, Tree Physiology, 2016, Accepted (JCR 1)
44. Zhu CQ, Chen J, Qiao F, Hu WJ, Zheng HL, Heavy metal complexation behavior of rhizosphere exudates from Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh, Aquatic Botany, 2016 (2nd revision) (JCR 4)
45. Xiao Q, Li XL, Chen J, Liu X, Shen ZJ, Gao GF, Zheng HL, Exogenous nitric oxide enhances selenium accumulation by promoting selenite absorption and metabolism in rice seedling roots, Plant and Soil, 2016 (submitted)
46. Zhi-Jun Shen§, En-Ming He§, Juan Chen§, Wen-Hua Wang§, Wen-Jun Hu, Chun-Sheng Wu, Yi-Hui Zhang*, and Hai-Lei Zheng*,Transcriptome analysis reveals jasmonate signaling regulates the responses of mangrove plant Avicennia marina leaves to leaf miner attack, Tree Physiology, 2016 (preparing)
47. Zhi-Jun Shen§, Juan Chen§, Wen-Jun Hu, Martin Simon, Xiang Liu, Gui-Feng Gao, Mei-Rong Luo, Zan Li and Hai-Lei Zheng, Proteomic analysis on Avicennia marina leaves reveals nitric oxide enhances the salt tolerance by up-regulating photosynthetic and energy metabolic protein expression, Tree Physiology, 2016 (preparing)
48. Chen J, Zhu CQ, Karbo SS, Liu X, Shen Z-J, Simon M, Zheng H-L, Carbon assimilation alternation induced by salinity in mangrove plant Avicennia marina, Tree Physiology, 2016 (preparing)
生命科学前沿(Frontiers in Life Sciences)
生态学前沿(Frontiers in Ecology)
高级生态学(Advanced Ecology)
高级植物学(Advanced Botany)
植物生物学(Plant Biology)
植物生理学(Plant Pgysiology)
硫化氢调节红树植物生长发育的生理与分子机制(31570586),国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2016–2019 (主持)
《植物学报》、Journal of integrated OMICS 编委等职。
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