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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1146 发布时间: 2018-09-10 17:23 微信号: H17720740258

  罗亚威  博士
  Ya-Wei Luo, Ph.D.
  Associate Professor
  Email:ywluo (at) xmu.edu.cn
  个人履历 Brief CV
  Associate Professor, 2013-present, Xiamen University, China
  Postdoc, 2009-2013, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA
  Ph.D., 2009, Brown University, USA
  研究方向 Research Interests
  My research tools can be defined as data synthesis, ecosystem modeling and the integration of the two through data assimilation. I am interested in using these tools to study microbial ecology, biogeochemistry and climate change in the global ocean. My previous studies focused on heterotrophic bacteria-dissolved organic matter (DOM) dynamics, nitrogen fixation, and the related carbon and nitrogen cycles.
  代表性论文 Selected Publications
  Hong, H., R. Shen, F. Zhang, Z. Wen, S. Chang, W. Lin, S. A. Kranz, Luo, Y.-W., S.-J. Kao, F. M. M. Morel, and D. Shi (2017), The complex effects of ocean acidification on the prominent N2-fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium, Science 356(6337), 527-531, doi:10.1126/science.aal2981. Link
  Jiao, N., L. Legendre, C. Robinson, H. Thomas, Luo, Y.-W., H. Dang, J. Liu, R. Zhang, K. Tang, T. Luo, C. Li, X. Wang, and C. Zhang (2015), Comment on “Dilution limits dissolved organic carbon utilization in the deep ocean”, Science 350(6267), 1483, doi:10.1126/science.aab2713. Link
  Brun, P., Vogt, M., Payne, M. R., Gruber, N., O'Brien, C. J., Buitenhuis, E. T., Le Quéré, C., Leblanc, K., and Luo, Y.-W. (2015), Ecological niches of open ocean phytoplankton taxa, Limnology and Oceanography 60, 1020-1038, doi:10.1002/lno.10074. Link
  Luo, Y.-W.*, Lima, I. D., Karl, D. M., Deutsch, C. A. and Doney, S. C. (2014), Data-based assessment of environmental controls on global marine nitrogen fixation, Biogeosciences 11, 691-708, doi:10.5194/bg-11-691-2014. Link
  Luo, Y.-W.*, Ducklow, H. W., Friedrichs, M. A. M., Church, M. J., Karl, D. M. and Doney, S. C. (2012), Interannual variability of primary production and dissolved organic nitrogen storage in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 117, G03019, doi:10.1029/2011JG001830. Link
  Luo, Y.-W.*, Doney, S. C., Anderson, L. A., Benavides, M., Berman-Frank, I., Bode, A., Bonnet, S., Bostr?m, K. H., B?ttjer, D., Capone, D. G., Carpenter, E. J., Chen, Y. L., Church, M. J., Dore, J. E., Falcón, L. I., Fernández, A., Foster, R. A., Furuya, K., Gómez, F., Gundersen, K., Hynes, A. M., Karl, D. M., Kitajima, S., Langlois, R. J., LaRoche, J., Letelier, R. M., Mara?ón, E., McGillicuddy Jr, D. J., Moisander, P. H., Moore, C. M., Mouri?o-Carballido, B., Mulholland, M. R., Needoba, J. A., Orcutt, K. M., Poulton, A. J., Rahav, E., Raimbault, P., Rees, A. P., Riemann, L., Shiozaki, T., Subramaniam, A., Tyrrell, T., Turk-Kubo, K. A., Varela, M., Villareal, T. A., Webb, E. A., White, A. E., Wu, J., and Zehr, J. P. (2012). Database of diazotrophs in global ocean: abundance, biomass and nitrogen fixation rates. Earth System Science Data 4, 47-73, doi:10.5194/essd-4-47-2012. Link
  Luo, Y.-W.*, Friedrichs, M.A.M., Doney, S.C., Church, M.J. & Ducklow, H.W. (2010). Oceanic heterotrophic bacterial nutrition by semilabile DOM as revealed by data assimilative modeling. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 60: 273-287, doi:10.3354/ame01427. Link
  项目课题 Programs
  参与国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目:“海洋微型生物碳泵储碳过程与机制研究”, 执行期:2013-2017,项目编号:2013CB955700
  参与国家自然科学基金重大研究计划集成项目:“南海碳循环与生物学储碳机制集成研究”, 执行期:2015-2018,批准号:91428308
  主要教学 Teaching
  指导学生 Students
  Graduate Student (Master) : Chu CHEN, Le XIE, Lice WANG
  Undergraduate Student: Qi Zhang
  论文著作 Publications(详细文献请查看主页
  Brun, P., Vogt, M., Payne, M. R., Gruber, N., O'Brien, C. J., Buitenhuis, E. T., Le Quéré, C., Leblanc, K., and Luo, Y.-W. (2015), Ecological niches of open ocean phytoplankton taxa, Limnology and Oceanography, 60, 1020-1038, doi:10.1002/lno.10074.
  Jiao, N., L. Legendre, C. Robinson, H. Thomas, Y.-W. Luo, H. Dang, J. Liu, R. Zhang, K. Tang, T. Luo, C. Li, X. Wang and C. Zhang (2015). "Comment on “Dilution limits dissolved organic carbon utilization in the deep ocean”." Science 350(6267): 1483, doi:10.1126/science.aab2713.
  Luo, Y.-W.*, I. D. Lima, D. M. Karl, C. A. Deutsch, and S. C. Doney (2014), Data-based assessment of environmental controls on global marine nitrogen fixation, Biogeosciences 11:691-708, doi:10.5194/bg-11-691-2014.
  Jiao, N., Robinson, C., Azam, F., Thomas, H., Baltar, F., Dang, H., Hardman-Mountford, N. J., Johnson, M., Kirchman, D. L., Koch, B. P., Legendre, L., Li, C., Liu, J., Luo, T., Luo, Y.-W., Mitra, A., Romanou, A., Tang, K., Wang, X., Zhang, C., and Zhang, R. (2014), Mechanisms of microbial carbon sequestration in the ocean - future research directions, Biogeosciences 11:5285-5306, doi:10.5194/bg-11-5285-2014.
  Buitenhuis, E. T., Vogt, M., Moriarty, R., Bednar?ek, N., Doney, S. C., Leblanc, K., Le Quéré, C., Luo, Y.-W., O'Brien, C., O'Brien, T., Peloquin, J., Schiebel, R., and Swan, C.(2013), MAREDAT: towards a world atlas of MARine Ecosystem DATa, Earth System Science Data 5:227-239, doi:10.5194/essd-5-227-2013.
  Luo, Y.-W.*, Doney, S. C., Anderson, L. A., Benavides, M., Berman-Frank, I., Bode, A., Bonnet, S., Bostr?m, K. H., B?ttjer, D., Capone, D. G., Carpenter, E. J., Chen, Y. L., Church, M. J., Dore, J. E., Falcón, L. I., Fernández, A., Foster, R. A., Furuya, K., Gómez, F., Gundersen, K., Hynes, A. M., Karl, D. M., Kitajima, S., Langlois, R. J., LaRoche, J., Letelier, R. M., Mara?ón, E., McGillicuddy Jr, D. J., Moisander, P. H., Moore, C. M., Mouri?o-Carballido, B., Mulholland, M. R., Needoba, J. A., Orcutt, K. M., Poulton, A. J., Rahav, E., Raimbault, P., Rees, A. P., Riemann, L., Shiozaki, T., Subramaniam, A., Tyrrell, T., Turk-Kubo, K. A., Varela, M., Villareal, T. A., Webb, E. A., White, A. E., Wu, J., and Zehr, J. P. (2012), Database of diazotrophs in global ocean: abundance, biomass and nitrogen fixation rates, Earth System Science Data 4:47-73, doi:10.5194/essd-4-47-2012.
  Luo, Y.-W.*, H. W. Ducklow, M. A. M. Friedrichs, M. J. Church, D. M. Karl, and S. C. Doney (2012), Interannual variability of primary production and dissolved organic nitrogen storage in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, Journal of Geophysical Research 117:G03019, doi:10.1029/2011JG001830.
  Luo, Y.-W.*, Friedrichs, M. A. M., Doney, S. C., Church, M. J., and Ducklow, H. W. (2010), Oceanic heterotrophic bacterial nutrition by semilabile DOM as revealed by data assimilative modeling, Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 60:273-287, doi:10.3354/ame01427.
  Gasol, J. M., Pinhassi, J., Alonso-Sáez, L., Ducklow, H., Herndl, G. J., Koblízek, M., Labrenz, M., Luo, Y., Morán, X. A. G., Reinthaler, T., and Simon, M. (2008), Towards a better understanding of microbial carbon flux in the sea, Aquatic Microbial Ecology 53:21-38, doi:10.3354/ame01230.
  Luo, Y.-W.*, Wu, H. D., Zhang, Y. F., Sun, C. R., and Liu, Y. (2004), Application of the HY-1 satellite to sea ice monitoring and forecasting, Acta Oceanologica Sinica 23:251-266.

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