点击量: 1295
发布时间: 2018-09-10 17:00
微信号: H17720740258
张润 博士
Dr. Zhang Run
Associate Professor
Zhoulongquan Bldg B1-418
个人履历 Brief CV
厦门大学,海洋化学: 助理教授(2011-2015.11),副教授(2015.11-),
PhD, Xiamen University(2010)
Joint PhD Student, Hokkaido University(2008-2009)
POGO-SCOR Fellow, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) at Yerseke(2011)
Assistant Professor, Xiamen University(2011-)
Visiting scholar, University of Otago, New Zealand (2015.4)
Visiting Associate Research Scholar, Princeton University (2015.6-)
研究方向 Research Interests
Marine nitrogen fixation
Stable isotopes as tracers for marine biogeochemical cycles
代表性论文 Selected Publications
Zhang R., Chen M., Yang Q., Lin Y., Mao H., Qiu Y., Tong J., Lv E, Yang Z., Yang W., Cao J. 2015. Physical-biological coupling of N2 fixation in the northwestern South China Sea coastal upwelling during summer. Limnology and Oceanography. 60: 1411-1425.
Zhang R., Chen M., Ma Q., Cao J., Qiu Y. 2015. Insights into the coupling of upper ocean-benthic carbon dynamics in the western Arctic Ocean from an isotopic (13C, 234Th) perspective. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(6):26-33.
Zhang, R., Zheng, M., Chen, M., Ma, Q., Cao, J., Qiu, Y., 2014. An isotopic perspective on the correlation of surface ocean carbon dynamics and sea ice melting in Prydz Bay (Antarctica) during austral summer. Deep-Sea Research I, 83: 24-33.
Zhang, R., Chen M, Cao J, Ma Q, Yang J, Qiu Y, 2012. Nitrogen fixation in the East China Sea and the southern Yellow Sea during summer 2006. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 447: 77-86.
Zhang, R., Chen, M., Guo, L., Gao, Z., Ma, Q., Cao, J., Qiu, Y., Li, Y., 2012. Variations in the isotopic composition of particulate organic carbon and their relation with carbon dynamics in the western Arctic Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II, 81-84: 72-78.
Zhang, R., Chen M, Ma Q, Cao J, Qiu Y, 2011. Latitudinal distribution of nitrogen isotopic composition in suspended particulate organic matter in tropical/subtropical seas. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 47: 489-497.
项目课题 Programs
NSFC project “Nitrogen fixation in the twilight zone of the South China Sea”, 2013-2015.
指导学生 Students
王小娇(硕士,2013.9-) 李丹阳(硕士,2014.9-)
论文著作 Publications(详细文献请查看主页)
Zhang R., Chen M., Yang Q., Lin Y., Mao H., Qiu Y., Tong J., Lv E, Yang Z., Yang W., Cao J. 2015. Physical-biological coupling of N2 fixation in the northwestern South China Sea coastal upwelling during summer. Limnology and Oceanography. 60: 1411-1425.
Zhang R., Chen M., Ma Q., Cao J., Qiu Y. 2015. Insights into the coupling of upper ocean-benthic carbon dynamics in the western Arctic Ocean from an isotopic (13C, 234Th) perspective. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 34(6): 26-33.
Zhang, R., Zheng, M., Chen, M., Ma, Q., Cao, J., Qiu, Y. An isotopic perspective on the correlation of surface ocean carbon dynamics and sea ice melting in Prydz Bay (Antarctica) during austral summer. Deep-Sea Research I, 2014,83: 24-33
Sedimentation and lateral transport of 210Pb over the East China Sea Shelf(2013)
Zhang R, Chen M, Cao J, Ma Q, Yang J, Qiu Y. Nitrogen fixation in the East China Sea and the southern Yellow Sea during summer 2006. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2012, 447: 77-86
Zhang R, Chen M, Guo L, Gao Z, Ma Q, Cao J, Qiu Y, Li Y. Variations in the isotopic composition of particulate organic carbon and their relation with carbon dynamics in the western Arctic Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II, 2012, 81-84: 72-78
Zhang R, Chen M, Ma Q, Cao J, Qiu Y. Latitudinal distribution of nitrogen isotopic composition in suspended particulate organic matter in tropical/subtropical seas. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 2011, 47 (4): 489-497
应用镭-226解读南极普里兹湾表层水的来源与运移. 海洋学报 32 (4), 88-97(2010)
Influence of particle composition on thorium scavenging in the marginal China seas(2009)
226Ra evidence for the ecosystem shift over the past 40 years in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre(2007)
Chen M, Guo L, Ma Q, Qiu Y, Zhang R, Lv E, Huang Y. Zonal pattern of δ13C, δ15N, and 210Po in the tropical and subtropical North Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters, 2006, 33, L04609, doi: 10.1029/2005GL025186
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