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发布时间: 2018-09-10 16:46
微信号: H17720740258
张文舟 博士
Dr. Wen-Zhou Zhang
Associate Professor
个人履历 Brief CV
厦门大学副教授(2010-), 博导(2017-)
PhD, Xiamen University (2006)
Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Xiamen University (2007-2009)
Visiting Post-Doctoral Scholar, University of Delaware, USA (2008.01-12)
Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2010-)
Visiting Research Scholar, University of Maine, USA (2013.07-2014.02)
研究方向 Research Interests
physical oceanography, ocean modeling, air-sea interaction, ocean response to typhoons, mesoscale eddies
代表性论文 Selected Publications
Zhang, W.-Z., H.-S. Hong, S.-P. Shang, D.-W. Chen, and F. Chai (2007), A two-way nested coupled tide-surge model for the Taiwan Strait, Continental Shelf Research, 27, 1548-1567, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2007.01.018.
Zhang, W.-Z., H.-S. Hong, S.-P. Shang, X.-H. Yan, and F. Chai (2009), Strong southward transport events due to typhoons in the Taiwan Strait, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, C11013, doi:10.1029/2009JC005372.
Zhang, W.-Z.*, F. Shi, H.-S. Hong, S.-P. Shang, and James T. Kirby (2010), Tide-surge interaction intensified by the Taiwan Strait, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, C06012, doi:10.1029/2009JC005762.
Zhang, W.-Z.*, H.-S. Hong, and X.-H. Yan (2013), Typhoons enhancing northward transport through the Taiwan Strait, Continental Shelf Research, 56, 13-25, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2013.01.019.
Zhang, W.-Z.*, F. Chai, H.-S. Hong, and H. Xue (2014), Volume transport through the Taiwan Strait and the effect of synoptic events, Continental Shelf Research, 88, 117-125, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2014.07.010.
Zhang, W.-Z.*, X.-F. Zhuang, C.T.A. Chen, and T.-H. Huang (2015),The impact of Kuroshio water on the source water of the southeastern Taiwan Strait: numerical results, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34, 23-34.
Zhang, W.-Z.*, H. Xue, F. Chai, and Q. Ni (2015), Dynamical processes within an anticyclonic eddy revealed from Argo floats, Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 2342-2350, doi:10.1002/2015GL063120.
Zhang, W.-Z.*, H. Wang, F. Chai, and G. Qiu (2016), Physical drivers of chlorophyll variability in the open South China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, 7123–7140, doi:10.1002/2016JC011983.
Zhang, W.-Z.*, S. Lin, and X.-M. Jiang (2016), Influence of tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific, in Recent Developments in Tropical Cyclone Dynamics, Prediction, and Detection, edited by Prof. Anthony Lupo, InTech, pp. 3- 24. (Invited chapter) http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/64009
学术任职 Affiliations/Service
主要教学 Teaching
Marine Science and Ocean Uses (One International Postgraduate Program in XMU, with Prof. Minggang Cai)
指导学生 Students
Mohammed Eddabaha(2014- )
郑 辉(2016- )
Karapu Manikanta(2016- )
梅志国(2017- )
林 生(2015- )(注:与商少平教授联合指导)
王代锋(2006-2009) 倪钦彪(2011-2014) 庄雪芬(2011-2014)
袁方超(2012-2016) 林 生(2013-2015)
周红玉(2014-2017) 姜雪敏(2014-2017)
Mouaad Bouhaya(2015-2018)
林晓娟、潘 微、李 阳(2015-2018)(注:与国家海洋局预报中心和海洋三所联合培养)
李 林(2015-2018)
论文著作 Publications(详细文献请查看主页)
Lin S., W.-Z. Zhang*, S.-P. Shang, and H.-S. Hong (2017), Ocean response to typhoons in the western North Pacific: Composite results from Argo data,Deep-Sea Research Part I,123, 62-74, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr.2017.03.007.
Zhang, W.-Z.*, H. Wang, F. Chai, and G. Qiu (2016), Physical drivers of chlorophyll variability in the open South China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121, 7123–7140, doi:10.1002/2016JC011983.
Zhang, W.-Z.*, S. Lin, and X.-M. Jiang (2016), Influence of tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific, Recent Developments in Tropical Cyclone Dynamics, Prediction, and Detection, Prof. Anthony Lupo (Ed.), InTech, pp. 3- 24. (Invited chapter) Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/recent-developments-in-tropical-cyclone-dynamics-prediction-and-detection/influence-of-tropical-cyclones-in-the-western-north-pacific
袁方超,张文舟*,杨金湘,陈德文. 福建近海海平面变化研究. 应用海洋学学报,2016,35(1): 20-32.
Huang, T.-H., C.T.A. Chen*, W.-Z. Zhang, and X.-F. Zhuang (2015), Varying intensity of Kuroshio intrusion into Southeast Taiwan Strait during ENSO events, Continental Shelf Research, 103, 79-87.
Zhang, W.-Z.*, H. Xue, F. Chai, and Q. Ni (2015), Dynamical processes within an anticyclonic eddy revealed from Argo floats, Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 2342-2350, doi:10.1002/2015GL063120.
Zhang, W.-Z.*, X.-F. Zhuang, C.T.A. Chen, and T.-H. Huang (2015),The impact of Kuroshio water on the source water of the southeastern Taiwan Strait: numerical results, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34, 23-34.
Zhang, W.-Z.*, F. Chai, H.-S. Hong, and H. Xue (2014), Volume transport through the Taiwan Strait and the effect of synoptic events, Continental Shelf Research, 88, 117-125, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2014.07.010.
Ni Q. and W.-Z. Zhang* Statistical analysis of mesoscale eddies near the Luzon Strait. Proceedings of the 17th Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas Meeting (PAMS), Hangzhou, April 23-25, 2013, 95-101.
Zhang, W.-Z. New Estimate of Transport through the Taiwan Strait and Influence of Typhoons. Proceedings of the 17th Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas Meeting (PAMS), Hangzhou, April 23-25, 2013, 360-368.
Zhang, W.-Z.*, H.-S. Hong, and X.-H. Yan (2013), Typhoons enhancing northward transport through the Taiwan Strait, Continental Shelf Research, 56, 13-25, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2013.01.019.
Zhuang X.-F. and W.-Z. Zhang* Seasonal and Interannual variations of Kuroshio intrusion into the Taiwan Strait from the south. Proceedings of the 17th Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas Meeting (PAMS), Hangzhou, April 23-25, 2013, 108-112.
闫静,张彩云,骆炎民,王文卿,张文舟,商少凌. 福建九龙江口红树林变化的遥感监测. 厦门大学学报(自然科学版),2012,51(3): 426-433.
Zhang, W.-Z.*, F. Shi, H.-S. Hong, S.-P. Shang, and James T. Kirby (2010), Tide-surge interaction intensified by the Taiwan Strait, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 115, C06012, doi:10.1029/2009JC005762.
Zhang, W.-Z., H.-S. Hong, S.-P. Shang, X.-H. Yan, and F. Chai (2009), Strong southward transport events due to typhoons in the Taiwan Strait, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 114, C11013, doi:10.1029/2009JC005372.
Zhu, J., Hu, J.-Y., Zhang, W.-Z., Zeng, G.-N., Chen, D.-W., Chen, J.-Q., and Shang, S.-P. Numerical study on tides in the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent areas. Marine Science Bulletin, 2009, 11(2): 23-36.
Zhang, W.-Z., H.-S. Hong, S.-P. Shang, D.-W. Chen, and F. Chai (2007), A two-way nested coupled tide-surge model for the Taiwan Strait, Continental Shelf Research, 27, 1548-1567, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2007.01.018.
陈德文,商少平,商少凌,张文舟.台风期间台湾岛周边海域海面风场特征的卫星遥感研究.厦门大学学报(自然科学版),2007,46(1): 141-145.
张文舟,胡建宇,商少平,陈美娜,佘伟明.福建沿海风暴潮特征的分析.海洋通报, 2004, 23(3): 12-19.
张文舟,陈美娜,赵惠芳.利用太平洋海表温度作西北太平洋热带气旋年频数预测.海洋预报,2003, 20(3): 18-24.
张文舟和吴增茂.台湾岛对台风移动路径影响的分析.海洋预报,1996,13(4): 31-38.
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