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发布时间: 2018-09-10 16:15
微信号: H17720740258
陈仕玺 博士
厦门大学翔安校区 周隆泉楼 B1-216室
Dr. Shixi CHEN
Associate Professor
个人履历 Brief CV
厦门大学 海洋与地球学院 副教授 博士生导师 (2017-至今)
厦门大学 海洋系 学士 (1999-2003)
厦门大学 海洋系 博士(2003-2009)
荷兰乌德勒支大学 生物系 联合培养博士(2007-2009)
香港中文大学 生物系 博士后(2010)
厦门大学 海洋与地球学院 助理教授 (2011-2013)
Research Associate, Department of Biology, Chinese University of Hong Kong (2010-2011)
Ph.D, Departmen of Biology, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. (2007-2009)
Ph.D. Department of Oceanography, Xiamen University, China (2003.9-2009.10)
B.Sc., Department of Oceanography, Xiamen University, China (1999-2003)
厦门大学 海洋与地球学院 副教授 (2013-至今)
研究方向 Research Interests
Molecular Mechanisms of Steroid Action 类固醇激素作用的分子机理
Mechanisms of Endocrine Disruption 内分泌干扰物的作用机理
Fish Developmental Genetics 鱼类发育遗传学
项目课题 Programs
2、 纳米银对鱼类配子发生过程的干扰机制研究。福建省自然科学基金青年创新项目。编号:2013J05029。金额:3万元。起止年限:2013.1-2015-12;
7、大黄鱼性别分化过程中Gsdf 的表达及作用研究。福建省自然科学基金面上项目。编号:2017J01067。金额:4万元。起止年限:2017.4-2020.4;
论文著作 Publications(详细文献请查看主页)
Zhang, Y. T., Hong, W. S., Liu, D. T., Qiu, H. T., Zhu, Y., & Chen, S. X.* (2018). Involvement of Membrane Progestin Receptor Beta (mPRβ/Paqr8) in Sex Pheromone Progestin-Induced Expression of Luteinizing Hormone in the Pituitary of Male Chinese Black Sleeper (Bostrychus Sinensis). Frontiers in endocrinology, 9.
Chen, S. X.,* Yang, X. Z., Deng, Y., Huang, J., Li, Y., Sun, Q., Yu, C., Zhu, Y., Hong, W. S. (2017). Silver nanoparticles induce oocyte maturation in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Chemosphere 170, 51-60.
Zhang, Y. T., Huang, S., Qiu, H. T., Li, Z., Mao, Y., Hong, W. S.*, & Chen, S. X.* (2017). Optimal salinity for rearing Chinese black sleeper (Bostrychus sinensis) fry. Aquaculture, 476, 37-43.
Bai, J., Gong, W.D., Wang, C.L., Gao, Y.D., Hong, W.S., Chen, S.X.*, 2016. Dynamic methylation pattern of cyp19a1a core promoter during zebrafish ovarian folliculogenesis. Fish Physiol Biochem 42, 947-954
Chen, Y., Hong, W.S., Wang, Q., Chen, S.X.*, 2016. Cloning and pattern of gsdf mRNA during gonadal development in the protogynous Epinephelus akaara. Anim Reprod Sci 165, 46-55
Li, Z., Hong, W.S., Qiu, H.T., Yu, T.Z., Yang, M.S., You, X.X., Chen, S.X.*, 2016. Cloning and expression of two hepcidin genes in the mudskipper (Boleophthalmus pectinirostris) provides insights into their roles in male reproductive immunity. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 56, 239-247
Wang, C.L., Liu, D.T., Chen, W.T., Ge, W., Hong, W.S., Zhu, Y., Chen, S.X.*, 2016. Progestin increases the expression of gonadotropins in pituitaries of male zebrafish. J. Endocrinol. 230, 143-156
Zhang, Y.T., Liu, D.T., Zhu, Y., Chen, S.X.*, Hong, W.S.*, 2016. Cloning and olfactory expression of progestin receptors in the Chinese black sleeper Bostrichthys sinensis. Gen Comp Endocr 230, 87-102
Chen, Y., Hong, W.S., Wang, Q., Chen, S.X.*, 2015. Cloning and expression pattern of gsdf during the first maleness reproductive phase in the protandrous Acanthopagrus latus. Gen Comp Endocrinol 217-218, 71-80
Hong, L.Y., Hong, W.S., Zhu, W.B., Shi, Q., You, X.X., Chen, S.X.* 2014. Cloning and expression of melatonin receptors in the mudskipper, Boleophthalmus pectinirostris: Their role in synchronizing its semilunar spawning rhythm. Gen Comp Endocr 195, 138-150
Lai, X.J., Hong, W.S., Liu, F., Zhang, Y.T., Chen, S.X.*, 2014. Cloning and expression of prostaglandin E-2 receptor subtype 1 (ep (1) ) in Bostrichthys sinensis. Fish Physiol Biochem 40, 1281-1288
Chen, S. X., Bogerd, J., Schoonen, N. E., Martijn, J., de Waal, P. P., & Schulz, R. W.* (2013). A progestin (17α, 20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one) stimulates early stages of spermatogenesis in zebrafish. General and comparative endocrinology, 185, 1-9.
Chen, S. X., Almeida, F. F., Andersson, E., Taranger, G. L., Schmidt, R., Schulz, R. W., & Bogerd, J.* (2012). Cloning, pharmacological characterization and expression analysis of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua, L.) nuclear progesterone receptor. General and comparative endocrinology, 179(1), 71-77.
Chen, S. X., Bogerd, J., Andersson, E., Almeida, F. L., Taranger, G. L., & Schulz, R. W.* (2011). Cloning, pharmacological characterization and expression analysis of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) nuclear progesterone receptor. Reproduction, REP-10.
Chen, S. X., Bogerd, J., García-López, ?., de Jonge, H., de Waal, P. P., Hong, W. S.*, & Schulz, R. W.* (2010). Molecular cloning and functional characterization of a zebrafish nuclear progesterone receptor. Biology of reproduction, 82(1), 171-181.
Chen, S. X., Hong, W. S., Su, Y. Q., & Zhang, Q. Y. (2008). Microhabitat selection in the early juvenile mudskipper Boleophthalmus pectinirostris (L.). Journal of Fish Biology, 72(3), 585-593.
Chen, S., Hong, W., Zhang, Q., & Su, Y. (2007). Why does the mudskipper Boleophthalmus pectinirostris form territories in farming ponds?. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 87(2), 615-619.
Wanshu, H. O. N. G., Shixi, C. H. E. N., Qiyong, Z. H. A. N. G., & Qiong, W. (2007). Reproductive ecology of the mudskipper Boleophthalmus pectinirostris. ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA, 26(4), 72-81.
Chen, S., Hong, W.*, Zhang, Q., Wu, R., & Wang, Q. (2006). Rates of oxygen consumption and tolerance of hypoxia and desiccation in Chinese black sleeper (Bostrichthys sinensis) and mudskipper (Boleophthalmus pectinirostris) embryos. ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA, 25(4), 91.
Chen, S., Hong, W.*, Zhou, W., & Zhang, Q. (2006). Hypoxic tolerance of Chinese black sleeper Bostrichthys sinensis embryos at heartbeat stage. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 86(6), 1473-1476.
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