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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1723 发布时间: 2018-09-10 16:14 微信号: H17720740258

  陈铭  博士
  Ming Chen
  Associate Professor
  个人履历 Brief CV
  北京大学,药学院, 药学学士(1998—2002)
  Associate Professor, Xiamen University, China (2015-)
  Post-Doc, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA (2011-2015)
  Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics, University Jena, Germany (2007-2011)
  M.Sc. in Pharmaceutics, Peking University, China (2004-2007)
  B.Sc.in Pharmaceutical science, Peking University, China (1998-2002)
  研究方向 Research Interests
  海洋生物材料 Marine bio-materials
  海洋化妆品 Marine cosmetics
  海洋生物制药 Marine bio-pharmaceutics
  代表性论文 Selected Publications
  1.Ming Chen, Sunny Kumar, Aaron C. Anselmo, Vivek Gupta, Deborah H. Slee, John A. Muraski, Samir Mitragotri. Topical delivery of Cyclosporine A into the skin using SPACE-peptide. Journal of controlled release, 199 (2015) 190-197.
  2.Ming Chen, Sunny Kumar ,Aaron A Anselmo, John A Muraski and Samir Mitragotri, Enhanced Dermal Retention of Topically Applied Steroids using SPACE Peptide. Drug Deliv Transl Res. 2015 May 5. [Epub ahead of print]
  3.Sunny Kumar, Ming Chen, Michael Zakrewsky, Stefano Menegatti, and John A Muraski, Samir Mitragotri. Mechanisms of Peptides as Skin Penetration Enhancers. Journal of controlled release, 199 (2015) 168–178.
  4.M. Chen, M. Zakrewsky, V. Gupta, A.C. Anselmo, D.H. Slee, J.A. Muraski, S. Mitragotri, Topical delivery of siRNA into skin using SPACE-peptide carriers, Journal of controlled release, 179C (2014) 33-41.
  5.M. Chen, V. Gupta, A.C. Anselmo, J.A. Muraski, S. Mitragotri, Topical delivery of hyaluronic acid into skin using SPACE-peptide carriers, Journal of Controlled Release, 173 (2014) 67-74

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