点击量: 1367
发布时间: 2018-09-10 16:11
微信号: H17720740258
蔡毅华 博士
Cai Yihua
个人履历 Brief CV
Professor, Xiamen University(2017-)
Associate Professor, Xiamen University(2009-2017)
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Research Scientist, University of Southern Mississippi(2006-2009)
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alaska Fairbanks(2003-2006)
PhD, Xiamen University(2002)
研究方向 Research Interests
Aquatic biogeochemistry of orgnics, nutrients and trace elements
代表性论文 Selected Publications
Cai, Yihua, Moo-Joon Shim, Laodong Guo, and Alan Shiller. 2016. Floodplain influence on carbon speciation and fluxes from the lower Pearl River, Mississippi. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 186, 189-206.
Lin, Hui, Yihua Cai?, Xiuwu Sun, Guoxiang Chen, Bangqin Huang, Hua Cheng, Min Chen. 2016. Sources and mixing behavior of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the Taiwan Strait. Marine Chemistry 187, 43-56.(*: Corresponding Author)
Cai, Yihua, Laodong Guo, Xuri Wang and George Aiken. 2015. Abundance, stable isotopic composition, and export fluxes of DOC, POC, and DIC from the Lower Mississippi River during 2006–2008. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 120, 2273-2288.
Cai, Yihua, Laodong Guo, Xuri Wang, Steven E Lohrenz and Allison K Mojzis. 2013. Effects of tropical cyclones on river chemistry: A case study of the lower Pearl River during Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 129, 180-188.
Cai, Yihua, Laodong Guo, Xuri Wang, Allison K. Mojzis and Donald G. Redalje. 2012. The source and distribution of dissolved and particulate organic matter in the Bay of St. Louis, northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 96, 96-104.
Cai, Yihua, and Laodong Guo. 2009. Abundances and variations of colloidal organic phosphorus in river, estuarine and coastal waters in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Limnology and oceanography 54(4), 1393-1402.
Cai, Yihua, Laodong Guo and Thomas A. Douglas. 2008. Temporal variations of organic carbon species and fluxes from the Chena River, Alaska. Limnology and Oceanography 53(4), 1408-1419.
Cai, Yihua, Laodong Guo, Thomas A. Douglas, and Terry E. Whitledge. 2008. Seasonal variation of nutrients and their speciation in the Chena River, Central Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 113, G03035, doi:10.1029/2008JG000733.
论文著作 Publications
Sources and mixing behavior of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the Taiwan Strait
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