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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1245 发布时间: 2018-09-10 16:05 微信号: H17720740258

  张瑶  博士
  Dr. Zhang Yao
  个人履历 Brief CV
  厦门大学 理学博士(2006)
  厦门大学 助理教授 (2006-2009)
  荷兰皇家海洋研究所 博士后 (2007-2008)
  厦门大学 副教授 (2009-2014)
  厦门大学 教授(2014-)
  厦门大学 特聘教授(2018-)
  PhD, Xiamen University (2006)
  Assistant Professor, Xiamen University (2006-2009)
  Post-doctoral researcher, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) (2007-2008)
  Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2009-2014)
  Professor, Xiamen University (2014-)
  Chair Professor, Xiamen University (2018-)
  研究方向 Research Interests
  Marine Microbial Ecology with emphasis on structure and function relationships in microbial communities
  Microbial Oceanography focuses on deciphering the metabolic activity of Bacteria and Archaea thriving in the open ocean and relating their community composition to the biogeochemical fluxes in the water masses.
  代表性论文 Selected Publications
  Yao Zhang*, Zihao Zhao, Minhan Dai, Nianzhi Jiao, Gerhard J. Herndl, Drivers Shaping the Diversity and Biogeography of Total and Active Bacterial Communities in the South China Sea, Molecular Ecology, 2014, 23(9): 2260-2274
  Yao Zhang*, Wei Xiao, Nianzhi Jiao, Linking biochemical properties of particles to particle-attached and free-living bacterial community structure along the particle density gradient from freshwater to open ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2016, 121(8): 2261-2274.
  Yao Zhang, Ying Sun, Nianzhi Jiao, Ramunas Stepanauskas, Haiwei Luo, Ecological Genomics of the Uncultivated Marine Roseobacter Lineage CHAB-I-5, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2016, 82(7): 2100-2111.
  Lei Hou, Xiabing Xie, Xianhui Wan, Shuh-Ji Kao, Nianzhi Jiao,and Yao Zhang*, Niche differentiation of ammonia and nitrite oxidizers along a salinity gradient from the Pearl River estuary to the South China Sea. Biogeosciences, 2018, 15: 5169–5187
  Yao Zhang*, Xiabing Xie, Nianzhi Jiao, Sung-Yun Hsiao, Shuh-Ji Kao, Diversity and Distribution of AmoA-type Nitrifying and NirS-type Denitrifying Microbial Communities in the Yangtze River Estuary. Biogeosciences, 2014, 11: 2131-2145
  Yao Zhang*, Pan Liang, Xiabing Xie, Xiaofeng Dai, Haodong Liu, Chuanlun Zhang, Shuh-Ji Kao, Nianzhi Jiao, 2017, Succession of bacterial community structure and potential significance along a sediment core from site U1433 of IODP expedition 349, South China Sea, Marine Geology, 2017, 394: 125-132
  Zhang Y.*, Zhao Z.H., Sun J., Jiao N.Z., 2011, Diversity and distribution of diazotrophic communities in the South China Sea deep basin with mesoscale cyclonic eddy perturbations. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 78(3): 417-427.
  Zhang, Y.*, Zhao, Z., Chen C.T.A., Tang, K., Su, J., Jiao, N., 2012, Sulfur metabolizing microbes dominate microbial communities in andesite-hosted shallow-sea hydrothermal systems. PLoS ONE 7(9): e44593. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044593.
  Zhang Y., Jiao N.Z., Sun Z.Y., Hu A.Y., Zheng Q., 2011, Phylogenetic diversity of bacterial communities in South China Sea mesoscale cyclonic eddy perturbations. Research in Microbiology, 162:320-329.
  Zhang Y., Sintes E., Chen J.N., Zhang Y., Dai M.H., Jiao N.Z., Herndl, G.J., 2009. Role of mesoscale cyclonic eddies on the distribution and activity of Archaea and Bacteria in the South China Sea. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 56: 65-79.
  项目课题 Programs
  学术奖励 Honors Awards
  荷兰惠更斯(HSP Huygens)奖学金(2007)
  课题组 Research Group
  Institute of Marine Microbes and Ecospheres (IME)
  论文著作 Publications(详细文献请查看主页
  Xianhui Wan, Huaxia Sheng, Minhan Dai, Yao Zhang, Dalin Shi, Thomas W. Trull, Yifan Zhu, Michael W. Lomas & Shuh-Ji Kao, Ambient nitrate switches the ammonium consumption pathway in the euphotic ocean, Nature Communications, 2018, 9:915. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03363-0
  1. Zhang Y., Jiao N.Z., Sun Z.Y., Hu A.Y., Zheng Q., 2011, Phylogenetic diversity of bacterial communities in South China Sea mesoscale cyclonic eddy perturbations. Research in Microbiology, 162:320-329.
  10. Jiao N.Z., Zhang Y., Chen Y., 2006. Time series observation based InfraRed Epifluorescence Microscopic (TIREM) approach for accurate enumeration of bacteriochlorophyll-containing microbes in marine environments, Journal of Microbiological Methods, 65(3): 442-452.
  11. Zhang Y., Jiao N.Z., 2004. Method for quantification of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria, Chinese Science Bulletin, 49: 597-599.
  12. Jiao N.Z., Sieracki M.E., Zhang Y., Du H.L., 2003. Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria and their roles in marine ecosystems, Chinese Science Bulletin, 48: 1064-1068.
  2. Chen Y., Zhang Y., Jiao N.Z., 2011, Responses of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria to algal blooms in the East China Sea. Hydrobiologia, 661: 435-443.
  3. Liu R.L., Zhang Y., Jiao N.Z., 2010. Diel variations in frequency of dividing cells and abundance of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in a coral reef system of the South China Sea. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 58: 303-310.
  4. Zhang Y., Sintes E., Chen J.N., Zhang Y., Dai M.H., Jiao N.Z., Herndl G.J., 2009. Role of mesoscale cyclonic eddies in the distribution and activity of Archaea and Bacteria in the South China Sea. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 56: 65-79.
  5. Zhang Y., Jiao N.Z., Hong N., 2008. Comparative study of picoplankton biomass and community structure in different provinces from subarctic to subtropical oceans. Deep-Sea Research II, 55:1605-1614
  6. Zhang Y., Jiao N.Z., 2007. Dynamics of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in the East China Sea. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 61: 459-469.
  7. Jiao N.Z., Zhang Y., Zeng Y.H., Hong N., Chen F., Liu R.L., Wang P.X., 2007. Distinct distribution pattern of abundance and diversity of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in the sea. Environmental Microbiology, 9(12):3091-3099.
  8. Jiao N.Z., Zhang Y., Zeng Y.H., Gardner W.D., Mishonov A.V., Richardson M.J., Hong N., Pan D.L., Yan X.H., Jo Y.H., Chen C.T.A., Wang P.X., Chen Y.Y., Hong H.S., Bai Y., Chen X.H., Huang B.Q., Deng H., Shi Y., Yang D.C., 2007. Ecological anomalies in the East China Sea: Impacts of the Three Gorges Dam? Water Research, 41: 1287-1293.
  9. Zhang Y., Jiao N.Z., Cottrell M.T., Kirchman D.L., 2006. Contribution of major bacterial groups to bacterial biomass production along a salinity gradient in the South China Sea, Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 43(3): 233-241.

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