点击量: 1524
发布时间: 2018-09-10 14:23
微信号: H17720740258
王德利 博士
Dr. Wang Deli
个人履历 Brief CV
Xiamen University, Professor (2016-);厦门大学教授
Xiamen University, Associate Professor (2008-);厦门大学副教授
State University of New York, Suffolk College, Adjunct Instructor (2005-2007);纽约州立大学萨福克分校客座讲师
State University of New York, Stony Brook, PhD (2003-2007);纽约州立大学石溪分校博士
University of Alaska Fairbanks, MA(2001-2003);阿拉斯加州立大学硕士
研究方向 Research Interests
Interactions between trace elements and phytoplankton, chemistry of bioessential elements and organic molecules, metal pollution in China
代表性论文 Selected Publications
Wang D.*, X. Yang, W. Zhai,Y. Li, H. Hong, 2015. Spatial distributionofdissolvedcadmiumintheJiulongriver–estuary system:Relevanceofanthropogenicperturbation.Continental Shelf Research, 111:279-285.
Wang D.*, Zhao, Z., Dai, M., 2013. Tracing the recently increasing anthropogenic Pb inputs into the East China Shelf sediments using Pb isotopic analysis. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.11.032.
Wang*, D., 2012. Redox chemistry of molybdenum in natural waters and its involvement in biological evolution. Frontiers in Microbiology, 3: 1-7.
Wang*, D., Lin, W., Yang, X., Zhai, W., Dai, M., Chen, C.T.A., 2012. Occurrences of dissolved trace Metals (Cu, Cd, and Mn) in the Pearl River Estuary (China), a large river-groundwater-estuary system. Continental Shelf Research, 50/51: 54-63.
Wang*, D., Aller, R.C., and Sa?udo-Wilhelmy, S.A., 2011. Redox speciation and early diagenetic behavior of dissolved molybdenum in sulfidic muds. Marine Chemistry, 125: 101-107.
Wang*, D., and Sa?udo-Wilhelmy, S., 2009. Vanadium speciation and cycling in an urban estuary. Marine Chemistry, 117: 52-58.
Wang*, D., Aller, R.C., and Sa?udo-Wilhelmy, S.A., 2009. A new method for the quantification of different redox-species of molybdenum (V and VI) in seawater. Marine Chemistry, 113: 250-256.
Wang*, D., and Sa?udo-Wilhelmy, S.A., 2008. Development of an analytical protocol for the determination of V (IV) and V (V) in seawater: Application to coastal environments. Marine Chemistry, 112: 72-80.
Wang, D., Henrichs, S.M., and Guo, L., 2006. Distribution of dissolved organic carbon and carbohydrates in the western Arctic Ocean. Continental Shelf Research, 26(14): 1654-1667.
项目课题 Programs
自然水体中痕量金属元素钼的价态变化,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2011-2014, 负责人;
从河口到近岸痕量金属钼的迁移转化机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2015-2019, 负责人;
主要教学 Teaching
指导学生 Students
博士研究生: Dalayya kota
硕士研究生: 郑辰禾; 姜艳; 石梦秋
本科生: 詹皓禹
论文著作 Publications(详细文献请查看主页)
Wang*, D., Xia, W., Kumar, K.S. and Gao, K.S., 2017. Increasing copper alters cellular elemental composition (Mo and P) of marine diatom. Ecology and Evolution, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2890
Wang, DL; Gao, YQ; Larsson, K; Lin, WF. Speciation of dissolved copper in human impacted freshwater and saltwater lakes. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, 2016. 23: 10832-10840.
Wang, DL; Xia, WW; Lu, SM; Wang, GZ; Liu, Q; Moore, WS; Arthur Chen, CT. The nonconservative property of dissolved molybdenum in the western Taiwan Strait: Relevance of submarine groundwater discharges and biological utilization. GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS, 2016. 17: 28-43.
Wang, DL; Yang, X; Zhai, WD; Li, Y; Hong, HS. Spatial distribution of dissolved cadmium in the Jiulong river-estuary system: relevance of anthropogenic perturbation.CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH, 2015. 11: 279-285.
Wang, DL; Zhao, ZQ; Dai, MH. Tracing the recently increasing anthropogenic Pb inputs into the East China Sea shelf sediments using Pb isotopic analysis. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 2014. 79: 333-337.
Wang*, D., 2012. Redox chemistry of molybdenum in natural waters and its involvement in biological evolution. Frontiers in Microbiology, 3: 1-7.
Wang*, D., Lin, W., Yang, X., Zhai, W., Dai, M., Chen, C.T.A., 2012. Occurrences of dissolved trace Metals (Cu, Cd, and Mn) in the Pearl River Estuary (China), a large river-groundwater-estuary system. Continental Shelf Research, 50/51: 54-63.
Wang*, D., Aller, R.C., and Sa?udo-Wilhelmy, S.A., 2011. Redox Speciation and Early Diagenetic Behavior of Dissolved Molybdenum in Sulfidic Muds. Marine Chemistry, 125: 101–107.
Wang*, D., Aller, R.C., and Sa?udo-Wilhelmy, S.A., 2009. A new method for the quantification of different redox-species of molybdenum (V and VI) in seawater. Marine Chemistry, 113: 250-256.
Wang*, D., and Sa?udo-Wilhelmy, S., 2009. Vanadium speciation and cycling in an urban estuary. Marine Chemistry, 117:52-58.
Wang*, D., and Sa?udo-Wilhelmy, S.A., 2008. Development of an analytical protocol for the determination of V (IV) and V (V) in seawater: Application to coastal environments. Marine Chemistry, 112: 72-80.
Wang, D., Henrichs, S.M., and Guo, L., 2006. Distribution of dissolved organic carbon and carbohydrates in the western Arctic Ocean. Continental Shelf Research, 26(14): 1654-1667.
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