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作者:聚创华大考研网-余老师 点击量: 1586 发布时间: 2018-09-10 14:13 【微信号:扫码加咨询】

热门关键词:华侨大学生物医学学院/医学院导师  华侨大学柯荣秦  硕士研究生导师  







20019月至20088月就读于厦门大学生命科学学院,先后获得学士学位和硕士学位。201212月于瑞典乌普萨拉大学Uppsala University获得理学博士学位,研究方向为分子诊断学,博士毕业后在瑞典Science for Life Laboratory进行过短暂博士后训练。2013年加入位于美国加州的二代测序领域的知名公司Complete Genomics Inc.,先后担任ScientistSr. Scientist近年来发表SCI学术论文10余篇,出版书籍章节一章,以第一发明人身份申请美国专利一项。在博士以及博士后期间,所研发的原位RNA测序技术引起了广泛的关注,该技术入选了2013Nature Methods的年度方法学特辑,并被包括Science在内的多个权威杂志报道。在Complete Genomics Inc.期间,作为核心成员参与研发新型二代测序方法和无创产前诊断技术,其基于DNA纳米球的双端测序发明专利已被应用于华大基因自主研发的二代测序系统中,实现了发明专利的产业化。2015年入选福建省“闽江学者”特聘教授奖励计划,2016年入选第十二批国家“青年千人计划”。


2001.09 2005.07     厦门大学生命科学学院生物科学学士

2005.09 2008.08     厦门大学生命科学学院生物化学与分子生物学硕士

2008.09 2012.01     瑞典乌普萨拉大学医学科学博士


2016.05 –至今           华侨大学生物医学学院特聘教授

2015.01 2016.03     美国Complete Genomics, Inc. Senior Scientist

2013.10 2015.01     美国Complete Genomics, Inc. Scientist

2013.01 2013.06     瑞典Science for Life Laboratory博士后




1.   Ke R, Mignardi M, Hauling T, Nilsson M. Fourth Generation of Next-Generation Sequencing Technologies: Promise and Consequences. Human Mutation. 2016, 37(12):1363-1367

2.    Ke R*, Mignardi M*, Botling J, Wählby C, and Nilsson M. In situ sequencing for RNA analysis in preserved cells and tissue. Nature Methods. 2013, 10: 857860.

3.    Ke R*, Nong RY*, Fredriksson S, Landegren U, Nilsson M. Improving precision of proximity ligation assay by amplified single molecule detection. PLoS One. 2013, 8(7): e69813. *共同一作

4.    Gómez de la Torre TZ*, Ke R*, Mezger A, Svedlindh P, Strmme M, Nilsson M. Sensitive detection of spores using volume-amplified magnetic nanobeads. Small. 2012, 8:2174-7. *共同一作

5.    Sun S, Ke R, Hughes D, Nilsson M, Andersson DI. Genome-Wide Detection of Spontaneous Chromosomal Rearrangements in Bacteria. PLoS One. 2012, 7: e42639.

6.    Göransson J, Ke R, Nong RY, Howell WM, Karman A, Grawé J, Stenberg J, Granberg M, Elgh M, Herthnek D, Wikström P, Jarvius J, Nilsson M. Rapid identification of bio-molecules applied for detection of biosecurity agents using rolling circle amplification. PLoS One. 2012, 7: e31068.

7.    Ke R, Zorzet A, Göransson J, Lindegren G, Sharifi-Mood B, Chinikar S, Mardani M, Mirazimi A, Nilsson M. Colorimetric nucleic acid testing assay for RNA virus detection based on circle-to-circle amplification of padlock probes. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 2011, 49:4279-85.

8.    Ke R*, Yang W*, Xia X, Xu Y, Li Q. Tandem conjugation of enzyme and antibody on silica nanoparticle for enzyme immunoassay. Analytical Biochemistry. 2010, 406:8-13. (selected for cover) *共同一作 (封面文章)

9.Barišić I, Schoenthaler S, Ke R, Nilsson M, Noehammer C, Wiesinger-Mayr H, Multiplex detection of antibiotic resistance genes using padlock probes. Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease. 2013, 77: 118-125.

10.  Xia X, Xu Y, Ke R, Zhang H, Zou M, Yang W, Li Q, A highly sensitive europium nanoparticle-based lateral flow immunoassay for detection of chloramphenicol residue, Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2013, 45: 7541-7544.

11.  Pacureanu A, Ke R, Mignardi M, Nilsson M, Wählby C, Image based in situ sequencing for RNA analysis in tissue. Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), IEEE 11th International Symposium on, 2014: 286-289.

12.  New technologies for DNA analysis--a review of the READNA Project, New Biotechnology. 2016, 33:311-330.


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