点击量: 1581
发布时间: 2018-09-10 14:10
微信号: H17720740258
刘志宇 博士
Dr. Zhiyu Liu
C3-416 Xiping Bldg, Xiangan Campus, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China
个人履历 Brief CV
B.Sc. (Phys. Oceanogr.), Ocean University of China (2004)
Visiting Student (with Iossif Lozovatsky), Arizona State University, USA (2006)
Visiting Student (with Stephen Thorpe FRS), Bangor University, UK (2007–2009)
Ph.D. (Phys. Oceanogr.), Ocean University of China (2009)
Assistant Professor, Xiamen University (2009–2010)
Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2010–2015)
Visiting Scientist, UPMC (Paris VI), France (2013–2014)
Professor of Oceanography, Xiamen University (2015–)
Vis. Sr. Res. Fellow, UNSW Sydney, Australia (Sep. 2017–Feb. 2018)
Program Participant, KITP, UCSB, USA (Apr. 2018)
研究方向 Research Interests
My research focuses on turbulent mixing processes in the ocean, including their characteristics, mechanisms, impacts, and representations in numerical ocean and climate models. This naturally comprises studies on dynamical instability of oceanic flows, identification and characterization of key mixing processes in different regimes of the ocean, and development of mixing parameterizations for numerical models of various degrees of complexity. Mechanistic understanding is at the heart of my research.
Topics with ongoing research efforts: ocean mixing, upper ocean dynamics, water mass transformation and overturning circulation, oceanic energy cascade, internal waves, wave-turbulence interaction
代表性论文 Selected Publications
Bian C., Liu Z., Huang Y., et al. (2018), On estimating turbulent Reynolds stress in wavy aquatic environment, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 3060–3071.
Du C., Liu Z., Kao S.-J., and Dai M. (2017), Diapycnal fluxes of nutrients in an oligotrophic oceanic regime: The South China Sea, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 11,510–11,518.
Liu Z., Lian Q., Zhang F., et al. (2017), Weak thermocline mixing in the North Pacific low-latitude western boundary current system, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 10,530–10,539.
Wang X., Liu Z., and Peng S. (2017), Impact of tidal mixing on water mass transformation and circulation in the South China Sea, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47(2), 419–432.
Liu Z. (2016), On instability and mixing on the UK Continental Shelf, Journal of Marine Systems, 158, 72–83.
Du C., Liu Z., Dai M., et al. (2013), Impact of the Kuroshio intrusion on the nutrient inventory in the upper northern South China Sea: Insights from an isopycnal mixing model, Biogeosciences, 10, 6419–6432.
Liu Z., Thorpe S.A., and Smyth W.D. (2012), Instability and hydraulics of turbulent stratified shear flows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 695, 235–256.
Liu Z. (2010), Instability of baroclinic tidal flow in a stratified fjord, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 40(1), 139–154.
Thorpe S.A., and Liu Z. (2009), Marginal instability? Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39(9), 2373–2381.
Liu Z., Wei H., Lozovatsky I.D., and Fernando H.J.S. (2009), Late summer stratification, internal waves, and turbulence in the Yellow Sea, Journal of Marine Systems, 77(4), 459–472. (See , ResearchGate or Mendeley for a full list of publications.)
学术任职 Affiliations/Service
Secretary, AOGS Ocean Sciences Section (2012–2014)
Acting Dean, Department of Physical Oceanography, Xiamen University (2013–)
Assistant Editor-in-Chief, Acta Oceanologica Sinica (2016–)
Editor, Journal of Oceanography (2017–)
Member, AOGS Publication Committee (2017–)
Associate Editor, Frontiers in Earth Science & Frontiers in Marine Science (2018–)
项目课题 Programs
Turbulent mixing in the upper northern South China Sea, NSFC Young Scientists Fund, CNY220k, 2011.01–2013.12, PI (completed with 7 peer-reviewed/SCI papers)
Upwelling in the Taiwan Shoal: The effects of tidal processes, NSFC General Fund, CNY420k, 2011.01–2013.12, co-PI (PI: Dr. Yuwu Jiang, XMU)
A study of ocean turbulence based on shear instability theory, FRFCU/President Grant, 1.0m, 2010.10–2014.12, PI
Key processes and mechanisms of Western Pacific Warm Pool variations, 973 sub-project, CNY800k (of 5.2m), 2012.01–2016.08, co-PI (PI: Prof. Qi Wang, OUC)
An investigation of the submesoscale dynamics of the upper mixed layer, NSFC General Fund, CNY920k, 2015.01–2018.12, PI (Key Collaborator: Dr. Zhenhua Lin, IOCAS/HIT-Weihai)
Ocean Mixing, NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund, CNY1.5m, 2017.01–2019.12, PI
主要教学 Teaching
Fluid Mechanics
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (with Prof. Xiao-Yi Yang & Dr. Qiang Deng)
Advanced Physical Oceanography (with Drs Wen-Zhou Zhang & Zhigang He)
学术奖励 Honors Awards
论文著作 Publications(详细文献请查看主页)
A. Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers (* corresponding author,? advised student or RA) CV
[35] Makarim S.?, Sprintall J., Liu Z., Yu W., Santoso A., Yan X.-H., and Susanto R.D. (2018), Unexpected Indonesian Throughflow pathways and freshening in the Indian Ocean during recent decades, submitted.
[34] Liu C., Wang X., K?hl A., Wang F., and Liu Z. (2018), The northeast-southwest oscillating equatorial mode of the tropical instability wave and its impact on equatorial mixing, submitted.
[33] Zhang Z., Liu Z., Richards K., Shang G., Zhao W., Tian J., Huang X., and Zhou C. (2018), Elevated diapycnal mixing by a sub-thermocline eddy in the western equatorial Pacific, submitted.
[32] Bai X.?, Liu Z.*, Zheng Q., Hu J., Lamb K.G., and Cai S. (2018), Fission of shoaling internal waves on the northeastern shelf of the South China Sea, submitted.
[31] Bian C., Liu Z.*, Huang Y., Zhao L., and Jiang W. (2018), On estimating turbulent Reynolds stress in wavy aquatic environment, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 3060–3071.
[30] Du C.?, Liu Z., Kao S.-J., and Dai M. (2017), Diapycnal fluxes of nutrients in an oligotrophic oceanic regime: The South China Sea, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 11,510–11,518.
[29] Liu Z.*, Lian Q., Zhang F., Wang L., Li M., Bai X., Wang J., and Wang F. (2017), Weak thermocline mixing in the North Pacific low-latitude western boundary current system, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 10,530–10,539.
[28] Lozovatsky I., Fernando H.J.S., Planella-Morato J., Liu Z., Lee J.-H., and Jinadasa S.U.P. (2017), Probability distribution of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate in ocean: Observations and approximations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122, 8293–8308. (Editor's Highlight)
[27] Lin H., Hu J., Liu Z., Belkin I.M., Sun Z., and Zhu J. (2017), A peculiar lens-shaped structure observed in the South China Sea, Scientific Reports, 7, 478. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-00593-y
[26] Wang X.?, Liu Z., and Peng S. (2017), Impact of tidal mixing on water mass transformation and circulation in the South China Sea, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47(2), 419–432.
[25] Liu C., K?hl A., Liu Z., Wang F., and Stammer D. (2016), Deep-reaching thermocline mixing in the equatorial Pacific cold tongue, Nature Communications, 7, 11576. https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms11576
[24] Liu Z.* (2016), On instability and mixing on the UK Continental Shelf, Journal of Marine Systems, 158, 72–83.
[23] Wang X.?, Peng S., Liu Z., Huang R.X., Qian Y.-K., and Li Y. (2016), Tidal mixing in the South China Sea: an estimate based on the internal tide energetics, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 46(1), 107–124.
[22] Wu K.?, Dai M., Chen J., Meng F., Li X., Liu Z., Du C., and Gan J. (2015), Dissolved organic carbon in the South China Sea and its exchange with the Western Pacific Ocean, Deep-Sea Research II, 122, 41–51.
[21] Lian Q.?, and Liu Z.* (2015), Turbulence and mixing in a freshwater-influenced tidal bay: Observations and numerical modeling, Science China: Earth Sciences, 58(11), 2049–2058.
[20] Bai X.?, Liu Z.*, Li X., and Hu J. (2014), Generation sites of internal solitary waves in the southern Taiwan Strait revealed by MODIS true-color image observations, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35(11–12), 4086–4098.
[19] Bai X.?, Liu Z., Li X., Chen Z., Hu J., Sun Z., and Zhu J. (2013), Observations of high-frequency internal waves in the southern Taiwan Strait, Journal of Coastal Research, 29(6), 1413–1419.
[18] Lozovatsky I.D., Liu Z.*, Fernando H.J.S., Hu J., and Wei H. (2013), The TKE dissipation rate in the northern South China Sea, Ocean Dynamics, 63(11–12), 1189–1201.
[17] Du C.?, Liu Z., Dai M., Kao S.-J., Cao Z., Zhang Y., Huang T., Wang L., and Li Y. (2013), Impact of the Kuroshio intrusion on the nutrient inventory in the upper northern South China Sea: Insights from an isopycnal mixing model, Biogeosciences, 10, 6419–6432.
[16] 徐鹏?, 刘志宇, 毛新燕, 江文胜 (2013), 强潮狭长海湾中垂直涡黏性系数与底拖曳系数的估计, 中国海洋大学学报, 43(8), 1–7.
[15] Dai M., Cao Z., Guo X., Zhai W., Liu Z., Yin Z., Xu Y., Gan J., Hu J., and Du C. (2013), Why are some marginal seas sources of atmospheric CO2? Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 2154–2158.
[14] Zhu J.?, Hu J., and Liu Z.* (2013), On summer stratification and tidal mixing in the Taiwan Strait, Frontiers of Earth Science, 7(2), 141–150.
[13] Liu X.?, Huang B., Liu Z., Wang L., Wei H., Li C., and Huang Q. (2012), High-resolution phytoplankton diel variations in the summer stratified central Yellow Sea, Journal of Oceanography, 68(6), 913–927.
[12] Liu Z.*, and Lozovatsky I.D. (2012), Upper pycnocline turbulence in the northern South China Sea, Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(18), 2302–2306.
[11] Liu Z.*, Thorpe S.A., and Smyth W.D. (2012), Instability and hydraulics of turbulent stratified shear flows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 695, 235–256.
[10] Lozovatsky I., Liu Z.*, Fernando H.J.S., Armengol J., and Roget E. (2012), Shallow water tidal currents in close proximity to the seafloor and boundary-induced turbulence, Ocean Dynamics, 62(2), 177–191.
[09] 王凡, 胡敦欣, 穆穆, 王启, 何金海, 朱江, 刘志宇 (2012), 热带太平洋海洋环流与暖池的结构特征、变异机理和气候效应, 地球科学进展, 27(6), 595–602.
[08] Lozovatsky I.D., Roget E., Planella J., Fernando H.J.S., and Liu Z. (2010), Intermittency of near-bottom turbulence in tidal flow on a shallow shelf, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 115, C05006.
[07] Liu Z.* (2010), Instability of baroclinic tidal flow in a stratified fjord, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 40(1), 139–154.
[06] Thorpe S.A., and Liu Z. (2009), Marginal instability? Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39(9), 2373–2381.
[05] Liu Z.*, Wei H., Lozovatsky I.D., and Fernando H.J.S. (2009), Late summer stratification, internal waves, and turbulence in the Yellow Sea, Journal of Marine Systems, 77(4), 459–472.
[04] Lozovatsky I.D., Liu Z., Wei H., and Fernando H.J.S. (2008), Tides and mixing in the northwestern East China Sea Part II: Near-bottom turbulence, Continental Shelf Research, 28(2), 338–350.
[03] Lozovatsky I.D., Liu Z., Wei H., and Fernando H.J.S. (2008), Tides and mixing in the northwestern East China Sea Part I: Rotating and reversing flows, Continental Shelf Research, 28(2), 318–337.
[02] Liu Z.*, and Wei H. (2007), Estimation to the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate and bottom shear stress in the tidal bottom boundary layer of the Yellow Sea, Progress in Natural Science, 17(3), 289–297.
[02'] 刘志宇*, 魏皓 (2007). 黄海潮流底边界层内湍动能耗散率与底应力的估计, 自然科学进展, 17(3), 362–369.
[01] Wei H., He Y., Li Q., Liu Z., and Wang H. (2007), Summer hypoxia adjacent to the Changjiang Estuary, Journal of Marine Systems, 67(3–4), 292–303.
B. Other Publications & Manuscripts
[01] 刘志宇 (2009), 强潮驱陆架海中的湍流与混合, 博士学位论文, 中国海洋大学. [Liu Z. (2009), Turbulence and Mixing in Tidally Energetic Shelf Seas, Ph.D. dissertation, Ocean University of China.]
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