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发布时间: 2018-09-10 14:04
热门关键词:华侨大学生物医学学院/医学院导师 华侨大学孙涛 硕士研究生导师
邮箱: taosun@hqu.edu.cn
• 干细胞,神经干细胞发育和神经再生
• 神经系统发育和人类神经, 精神疾病的遗传机制
• 非编码RNA的基因治疗及精准医学研究
09/1995—11/1999 神经生物学博士,伦敦大学学院 (University College London, London, UK),MRC分子细胞生物实验室
09/1991—07/1994 动物学硕士,中国科学院动物所 (北京)
09/1987—07/1991动物学学士,厦门大学生物系 (厦门)
2016—至今 特聘教授,学科带头人华侨大学,生物医学学院。 福建,泉州
2011—2016 副教授,康奈尔大学威尔医学院,细胞与发育生物学系
2005—2011 助理教授,康奈尔大学威尔医学院,细胞与发育生物学系
2002—2005 博士后,哈佛大学医学,BIDMC医学中心神经生物学系
2000—2002 博士后,哈佛大学医学院(Harvard Medical school, Boston, USA),Dana-Farber癌症研究所小儿肿瘤科
1991 厦门大学最佳毕业生奖, 厦门
1992 中国科学院动物所最佳毕业生奖, 北京
1995 中国医科院杰出青年奖,北京
2001-2004 National Multiple Sclerosis Society杰出博士后奖, USA.
2004-2005 哈佛大学医学院博士后训练基金, Boston, USA
2007-2010 Whitehall Foundation科研奖, USA
2008-2009 Bohmfalk 科研奖, USA
2008-2012 The Ellison Medical Foundation杰出青年奖, USA
2010-2013 Qatar Foundation 科研奖, Qatar
2011-2016 Irma T. Hirschl 科研奖, USA
2016 福建省“百人计划”特聘专家
首次筛选了人类胚胎大脑不对称表达基因。此工作发表在"Science"杂志上。此文被引用180余次。首次证实了微型RNA 在大脑中的功能。
首次建立了微型RNA sponge转基因小鼠, 发表于“Cell Reports”。
首次建立了用人类PDGFRa YAC DNA的转基因小鼠。
2003-至今 神经科学学会 (Society for Neuroscience, USA)
1999-2001 发育生物学学会 (Society for Developmental Biology, USA)
1997-2001 英国细胞生物学学会(British Society for Cell Biology, UK)
1996-1999 伦敦大学学院人类遗传学中心(Centre for Human Genetics at the University College London, UK)
National Institute of Health (NIH), NIMH.
R01MH083680:$250,000per year;total:$1,250,000. 04/23/2009—02/28/2014.
MicroRNA Function in the Development of the Cerebral Cortex. Role: PI.Qatar National Research Fund, Qatar Foundation,Total: $366,000.$122,000 per year. 09/2010--09/2013.
Epigenetic control of odorant receptor gene choice Role: Co-PI.Irma T. Hirschl Award Total: $175,000. $35,000 per year. 01/2011--01/2016.
Non-coding RNA functions in motor neuron development Role: PI. T32 NIH Training Grant at Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School 7/1/04—7/1/05
Identify differentially expressed genes in the human fetal cerebral cortex. Advanced Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, National Multiple Sclerosis Society 7/1/01--7/1/04
Molecular regulation of cell fate determination in the neural tube.The Bohmfalk AwardTotal: $37,500. 06/2008—06/2009
Molecular regulation of asymmetric cortical development Role: PI.Whitehall Foundation Research Grant Total: $225,000. $75,000 per year. 08/2007--08/2010.
Molecular control of the motor cortex size and motor coordination. Gladys and Roland Harriman Foundation Total:$21,000. 01/2010--01/2011.
Molecular control of the anterior-posterior cortical patterning Role: PI.
Ellison Medical Foundation New Scholars Award Total: $400,000. $100,000 per year. 08/2008—08/2012.
MicroRNA function in maintaining neural stem cells in the aging brain Role: PI
大学委员会2008-2010 康奈尔大学威尔医学研究生院招生录取委员会
2006—present “Animal models for human disease”
(2 hours,Clinical and Translational Research Training Program”)
2008 Focus group“Small RNAs in development and diseases”
(2 hours, Graduate School)
2008—present “Human Embryology and Development”
(2 hours, Medical School)
2009—present “Histology”
(30 hours, Medical School)
2010—present “Gene regulation by non-coding RNAs”
(2 hours, Medical School)
2011—2012 “Frontiers in Biomedical Science”
(2 hours, M.D./Ph.D. Program)
2011—present “Developmental Biology—Brain Patterning and Morphogenesis”
(2 hours,Developmental Biology Training Program,Graduate School)
2012— present “miRNAs & post transcriptional regulation in Development”
(2 hours, Neuroscience Program, Graduate School)
2012— present “miRNAs and human diseases”
(2 hours, “Clinical and Translational Training Program”)
2006 哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University, USA)
2007 康奈尔大学(Cornell University, Ithaca, USA)
2009 杜兰大学(Tulane University, USA)
2011 伯克医学研究所(Burke Medical Research Institute, USA)
2011 苏州大学
2011 上海交通大学
2012 康奈尔大学卡塔尔分校(Cornell University at Qatar)
2012 noncoding RNA in development and human diseases, Boston, USA
2012 Johnson & Johnson Stem cell meeting, New York, NY
2012 Roche Stem Cell Symposium, New York, NY
2012 “2012 Shanghai International Forum on Neuroscience”, Shanghai, China
2012 “Ellison Medical Foundation Colloquium”, Woods Hole, MA, USA
2013 Hunter College, New York, NY USA
评审主编Review Editor: Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology.
主编Editor for a new book “Neural Stem Cells and Therapy” (2011), InTech.
I have worked together with 20 authors who contribute chapters to this book and reviewed all chapters.
副主编Associate Editor: MicroRNA Journal.
文章评委Reviewer for: Journal of Neuroscience, Nature Neuroscience, Nature Communications, Development, BMC Neuroscience, Brain Research, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, FEBS Letters, PloS ONE, Frontiers Neurosciences, WIREs Developmental Biology, Cell Death and Differentiation, Developmental Biology.
课题评委Grant reviewer for:
2011-2012: AFM Foundation, France;
2011: The Wellcome Trust, UK;
2012-目前: Medical Research Council (MRC), UK;
2011-目前: 中国国家自然科学基金
2013 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
2014 University of Missouri Spinal Cord Injuries Research Program (UM SCIRP)
2014 Neurological Foundation of New Zealand, New Zealand
July 24 2012
microRNA cluster that promotes neurogenesis
# 5988-01-US (31305-0013)
1.Tao Sun (1995). Methods of the preparation of the chromosome from land snails. Chinese Journal of Zoology 30(6), 27-30 (in Chinese with English abstract).
2.Shui-gen Hong, Tao Sun, Zi-mian Ni and Ru Xue (1995). Studies on the spermatogenesis in Tachypleus tridentatus: I. The stages of spermatogenesis. Acta Zoologica Sinica 41(4), 393-402 (in Chinese with English abstract).
3.Tao Sun, Nigel P. Pringle, Adrain P. Hardy, William D. Richardson and Hazel K. Smith (1998). Pax6 influences the time and site of origin of glial precursors in the ventral spinal cord. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 12, 228-239.
4.Tao Sun, Damith Jayatilake, Gijs Afink, Paris Ataliotis, Monica Nister, William D. Richardson and Hazel K. Smith (2000). A human YAC transgene rescues craniofacial and neural tube development in PDGFRa knockout mice and uncovers a role for PDGFRa in prenatal lung growth. Development 127, 4519-4529.
5.Jose L. Mullor, Nadia Dahmane, Tao Sun and Ariel Ruiz i Altaba (2001). Wnt signals are targets and mediators of Gli function. Current Biology 11:769-73
6.Tao Sun, Yann Echelard, Richard Lu, Dong-in Yuk, Sovann Kaing, Charles D. Stiles and David H. Rowitch (2001). Olig bHLH proteins interact with homeodomain proteins to regulate cell fate acquisition in progenitors of the ventral neural tube. Current Biology 11:1413–1420.
7.Q. Richard Lu, Tao Sun, Zhimin Zhu, Nan Ma, Meritxell Garcia, Charles D. Stiles and David H. Rowitch (2002). Common developmental requirement for Olig function indicates a motor neuron/oligodendrocyte connection. Cell 109, 75–86.
8.Lizi Wu, Tao Sun, Karla Kobayashi, Ping Gao, and James D. Griffin (2002). Identification of a family of mastermind-like transcriptional coactivators for mammalian Notch receptors. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 22(21):7688–7700.
9.Tao Sun, Hualing Dong, Lizi Wu, Micheal Kane, David H. Rowitch and Charles D. Stiles (2003). Cross-repressive interaction of the Olig2 and Nkx2.2 transcription factors in developing neural tube associated with formation of a specific physical complex. Journal of Neuroscience. 23(29):9547-56.
10.Lizi Wu, Karla Kobayashi, Tao Sun, Ping Gao, Jingxuan Liu, Makoto Nakamura, Ellen Weisberg, Nishit Mukhopadhyay and James D. Griffin (2004). Cloning and functional characterization of the murine mastermind-like 1 (maml1) gene. Gene, 328:153-65.
11.Tao Sun, Christina Patoine, Jane Visvader, Eleanor Sum, Timothy J. Cherry, Stuart H. Orkin, Daniel H. Geschwind and Christopher A. Walsh (2005). Early asymmetry of gene transcription in embryonic human left and right cerebral cortex. Science, 308(5729):1794-8. (Published online 12 May 2005).
12.Keith L. Ligon, Santosh Kesari, Masaaki Kitada, Tao Sun, Heather A. Arnett, John A. Alberta, David J. Anderson, Charles D. Stiles, and David H. Rowitch (2006). Development of NG2 neural progenitor cells requires Olig gene function. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 103(20):7853-8.
13.Tao Sun, Brain Hafler, Sovann Kaing, Masaaki Kitada, Keith Ligon, Hans Widlund, Dong-in Yuk, Charles D. Stiles and David H. Rowitch (2006). Evidence for motoneuron lineage-specific regulation of Olig2 in the vertebrate neural tube. Developmental Biology, 292(1):152-164.
14.Tao Sun, Randall V. Collura, Katherine Miller, Maryellen Ruvolo and Christopher A. Walsh (2006). Genomic and evolutionary analyses of asymmetrically expressed genes in human fetal left and right cerebral cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 16 Suppl 1:i18-25.
15.Zhenyong Huang, Yoko Kawase-Koga, Shuqun Zhang, Jane Visvader, Miklos Toth, Christopher A. Walsh and Tao Sun (2009). Transcription factor Lmo4 defines the shape of functional areas in developing cortices and regulates sensorimotor control. Developmental Biology, 327(1):132-142. Epub 2008 Dec 16.
16.Yoko Kawase-Koga, Gaizka Otaegi and Tao Sun (2009). Different timings of Dicer deletion affect neurogenesis and gliogenesis in the developing mouse central nervous system. Developmental Dynamics, 238:2800–2812.
17.Yoko Kawase-Koga, Roger Low, Gaizka Otaegi, Andrew Pollock, Haiteng Deng, Frank Eisenhaber, Sebastian Maurer-Stroh and Tao Sun (2010). RNAase III enzyme Dicer maintains signaling pathways for differentiation and survival in mouse cortical neural stem cells. Journal of Cell Science, 123(Pt 4):586-94.
18.Gaizka Otaegi, Andrew Pollock, Janet Hong and Tao Sun (2011). MicroRNA miR-9 modifies motor neuron columns by a tuning regulation of FoxP1 levels in developing spinal cords. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(3):809-18.
19.Qingsong Li, Shan Bian, Janet Hong , Yoko Kawase-Koga, Edwin Zhu, Yongri Zheng, Lizhuang Yang and Tao Sun (2011). Timing specific requirement of microRNA function is essential for embryonic and postnatal hippocampal development. PloS ONE, 6(10): e26000.
20.Hea-Jin Jung, Catherine Coffinier, Youngshik Choe, Anne P. Beigneux, Brandon S. J. Davies, Shao H. Yang, Richard H. Barnes II, Janet Hong, Tao Sun, Samuel J. Pleasure, Stephen G. Young and Loren G. Fong (2012) Regulation of prelamin A but not lamin C by miR-9, a brain-specific microRNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109(7): E423-31.
21.Gaizka Otaegi, Andrew Pollock and Tao Sun (2012). An optimized sponge for microRNA miR-9 affects spinal motor neuron development in vivo. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 5:146.
22. Qingsong Li, Shan Bian, Bingfang Liu, Janet Hong, Yan Zhao, Miklos Toth and Tao Sun (2013). Establishing brain functional laterality in adult mice through unilateral gene manipulation in the embryonic cortex. Cell Research. 23(9):1147-9. PMID: 23917527; NIHMSID: 485487.
23.Shan Bian, Janet Hong, Qingsong Li, Laura Schebelle, Andrew Pollock, Vidur Garg and Tao Sun (2013). miR-17-92 miRNAs regulate expansion of radial glial cells and conversion of intermediate progenitors in the developing neocortex. Cell Reports. 3(5):1398-1406. PMID: 23623502; PMCID: PMC3762321.
24.Tomasz Jan Nowakowski, Vassiliki Fotaki, Andrew Pollock, Tao Sun, Thomas Pratt and David J. Price (2013). MicroRNA-92b regulates the development of intermediate cortical progenitors in embryonic mouse brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110(17):7056-61. PMID: 23569256.
25.Janet Hong, Haijun Zhang, Yoko Kawase-Koga and Tao Sun (2013). MicroRNA function is required for neurite outgrowth of mature neurons in the mouse postnatal cerebral cortex. Frontiers in Cellular Neurosciences. 7:151. PMID: 24062642.
26.Jennifer L. Knauss, Shan Bian and Tao Sun (2013). Plasmid-based target protectors allow specific blockade of miRNA silencing activity in mammalian developmental systems. Frontiers in Cellular Neurosciences. 7:163. PMID: 24068984.
27.Andrew Pollock, Shan Bian, Chao Zhang, Zhengming Chen, Tao Sun (2014). Growth of the developing cerebral cortex is controlled by microRNA-7 through the p53 pathway. Cell Reports. 7(4):1184-96. PMID: 24813889.
28.Yase Chen, Shan Bian, Jing Zhang, Haijun Zhang, Beisha Tang and Tao Sun (2014). The silencing effect of microRNA miR-17 on p21 maintains the neural progenitor pool in the developing cerebral cortex. Frontiers in Neurology. 5:132. PMID: 25101050, PMCID: PMC4103084.
29.Haijun Zhang, Yoko Kawase-Koga and Tao Sun (2015). Protein Expression Profiles Characterize Distinct Features of Mouse Cerebral Cortices at Different Developmental Stages. PLoS One. 10(4):e0125608. PMID: 25915664.
30.Aisha I. Abdullah, Haijun Zhang, Yanzhen Nie, Wei Tang and Tao Sun (2016). CDK7 and miR-210 Co-regulate Cell-Cycle Progression of Neural Progenitors in the Developing Neocortex. Stem Cell Reports. 7(1):69-79. PMID: 27411104, PMCID: PMC4944761.
31.Junghee Jin, Seung-Nam Kim, Xuqing Liu, Haijun Zhang, Chao Zhang, Ji-Seon Seo, Yong Kim, Tao Sun (2016). miR-17-92 Cluster Regulates Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis, Anxiety, and Depression. Cell Reports. 16(6):1653-63. PMID: 27477270, PMCID: PMC4981532.
1.Tao Sun, Ming Zhao and Lian-feng Zhang (1996). Homeobox genes and the development. Overseas Medicine, Genetics Section 19(1), 38-40 (minireview in Chinese).
2.Tao Sun and Xue-feng Liu (1996). Isolation of specifically expressed genes by differential display. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics 23(4), 316-318 (review in Chinese with English abstract).
3.William D. Richardson, Hazel K. Smith, Tao Sun, Nigel P. Pringle, Anita Hall and Rachel Woodruff (2000). Oligodendrocyte lineage and the motor neuron connection. Glia 29, 136-142.
4.Tao Sun and Christopher A. Walsh (2006). Molecular approaches to brain asymmetry and handedness. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 7(8):655-662.
5.Tao Sun (2010). Differential gene transcription in the left and right cerebral cortex. "The two halves of the brain: Information processing in the cerebral hemispheres". The MIT Press. P21-36.
6.Shan Bian and Tao Sun (2011). Functions of noncoding RNAs in neural development and neurological diseases. Molecular Neurobiology. 44(3):359-73. Epub 2011 Oct 4.
7.Shan Bian and Tao Sun (2012). Noncoding RNAs in Neural Stem Cell Development. “Neural Stem Cells and Therapy”. The InTech Open Access Publisher.
8.Aisha Abdullah, Andrew Pollock and Tao Sun (2012). The Path from Skin to Brain: Generation of Functional Neurons from Fibroblasts. Molecular Neurobiology, 45(3):586-95.
9.Tao Sun and Quan-hong Ma (2013). Repairing neural injuries using human umbilical cord blood. Molecular Neurobiology 47(3):938-45.
10.Haijun Zhang, Benjamin Shykind and Tao Sun (2012) Approaches to manipulating microRNAs in neurogenesis. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 6:196.
11.Jennifer L. Knauss and Tao Sun (2013). Regulatory mechanisms of long noncoding RNAs in neural development and function. Neuroscience. 235:200-14. PMID: 23337534; PMCID: PMC3595319.
12.Michał Harciarek, Dolores Malaspina, Tao Sun and Elkhonon Goldberg (2013). Schizophrenia and frontotemporal dementia: Shared causation? International Review of Psychiatry. 25(2):168-77. PMID: 23611347.
13.Shan Bian, Tian-le Xu and Tao Sun (2013). Tuning the cell fate of neurons and glia by microRNAs. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 23(6):928-34. PMID: 23978589; NIHMSID: 519154.
14.Tao Sun and Robert Hevner (2014). Growth and Folding of the Mammalian Cerebral Cortex, from Molecules to Malformations. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 15(4):217-234.
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