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发布时间: 2018-09-08 15:13
微信号: H17720740258
郭卫东 博士
Dr. Guo Weidong
个人履历 Brief CV
厦门大学理学博士(1999) PhD, Xiamen University (1999)
英国Sussex大学进修(2004) Visiting Study, Sussex University (2004)
丹麦国家环境研究院访问学者(2005-2006) Visiting Scholar, National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark (2005-2006)
厦门大学 教授(2008-) Professor, Xiamen University (2008- )
法国土伦大学客座教授(2011.7) Visiting professor, PROTEE Laboratory of the South Toulon-Var University, Toulon, France(2011.7)
意大利国家研究理事会近岸海洋环境研究所客座教授(2011.9)lVisiting professor, Institute for Coastal Marine Environment of the National Research Council (CNR-IAMC), Oristano, Italy(2011.9)
美国北卡罗来纳州立大学访问学者(2013-2014) Visiting scholar, North Carolina State University, USA(2013-2014)
研究方向 Research Interests
Estuarine Chemistry, Organic Geochemistry, Marine Photochemistry
代表性论文 Selected Publications
Wang. C., Guo. W.D.*, Li Y., Stubbins A., Li, Y.Z., & Song, G.D., et al. (2017). Hydrological and biogeochemical controls on absorption and fluorescence of dissolved organic matter in the northern South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,122, 3408-3418.
Spencer R. G. M., Guo W.D., Raymond P. A., Dittmar T., Hood E., Fellman J., Stubbins A. (2014). Source and biolability of ancient dissolved organic matter in glacier and lake ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 142: 64-74.
Guo W.D.*, Yang L.Y., Zhai W.D., Chen W. Z., Osburn C. L., Huang X., Li Y. (2014). Runoff-mediated seasonal oscillation in the dynamics of dissolved organic matter in different branches of a large bifurcated estuary - the Changjiang Estuary. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,776-793,doi: 10.1002/2013JG002540.
Yang L.Y., Guo W.D., Hong H.S.* and Wang G. Z. (2013). Non-conservative behaviors of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in a turbid estuary: roles of multiple biogeochemical processes. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 133: 285-292.
Huang L.F., Zhuo J.F., Guo W.D.*, Spencer R.G.M., Zhang Z.Y. and Xu J. (2013). Tracing organic matter removal in polluted coastal waters via floating bed phytoremediation. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 71(1-2): 74-82.
Guo W.D.*, Yang L.Y., Yu X.X., Zhai W.D. and Hong H.S. (2012). Photo-production of dissolved inorganic carbon from dissolved organic matter in contrasting coastal waters in the southwestern Taiwan Strait, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 24(7): 1181-1188.
Yang L.Y., Hong H.S., Guo W.D., Chen C-T A*, Pan P.I. and Feng C.C. (2012). Absorption and fluorescence of dissolved organic matter in submarine hydrothermal vents off NE Taiwan. Marine Chemistry, 128-129: 64-71
Hong H.S., Yang L.Y., Guo W.D.*, Wang F.L. and Yu X.X. (2012). Characterization of dissolved organic matter under contrasting hydrologic regimes in a subtropical watershed using PARAFAC model. Biogeochemistry, 109: 163-174.
Guo W.D.*, Yang L.Y., Hong H.S., Stedmon C.A., Wang F.L., Xu J. and Xie Y.Y. (2011). Assessing the dynamics of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in a subtropical estuary using parallel factor analysis. Marine Chemistry, 124: 125-133.
Guo W.D.*, Stedmon C A, Han Y.C., Wu F., Yu X.X. and Hu M.H. (2007). The conservative and non-conservative behavior of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in Chinese estuarine waters. Marine Chemistry, 107: 359-366.
项目课题 Programs
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,河口区 DOM 生物可利用性的时空演变及其调控机制(进行中)。
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,海洋有色溶解有机物的光化学及其在生源要素生物地球化学循环中的作用。
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,海洋有色溶解有机物的光化学及其地球化学和生态环境效应研究。
4. 厦门市海洋与渔业局课题,厦门海洋水质模型开发应用。
5. 福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目。
6. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,河口生态系溶解有机荧光物质生物地球化学过程研究。
1. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,九龙江流域-河口-近海系统耦合变动及环境生态效应(项目负责人:洪华生教授)
2. 国家908专项,ST09区块水体环境调查与研究(项目负责人:李炎教授)
3. 福建省海洋与渔业厅重点项目,福建省重点陆海界面污染物及通量动态监控系统研发(项目负责人:洪华生教授)
4. 国家863重点项目,高污染海洋浅水湿地生物修复的关键技术研究与示范(项目负责人:黄凌风教授)
主要教学 Teaching
本科生: 《海洋地球化学》 研究生: 《海洋地球化学》 《海洋生物地球化学循环》
论文著作 Publications (具体文献请点击主页)
Wang. C., Guo. W.D.*, Li Y., Stubbins A., Li, Y.Z., & Song, G.D., et al. (2017). Hydrological and biogeochemical controls on absorption and fluorescence of dissolved organic matter in the northern South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,122, 3408-3418.
Guo W.D.*, Yang L.Y., Zhai W.D., Chen W. Z., Osburn C. L., Huang X., Li Y. (2014). Runoff-mediated seasonal oscillation in the dynamics of dissolved organic matter in different branches of a large bifurcated estuary - the Changjiang Estuary. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,776-793,doi: 10.1002/2013JG002540.
Spencer R. G. M., Guo W.D., Raymond P. A., Dittmar T., Hood E., Fellman J., Stubbins A.(2014). Source and biolability of ancient dissolved organic matter in glacier and lake ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 142: 64-74.
Yi Y.Y., Zheng A.R., Guo W.D.*, Yang L.Y., Chen D. (2014). Optical properties of estuarine dissolved organic matter isolated using cross flow ultrafiltration. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2014, 33(4): 22-29.
Huang L.F., Zhuo J.F., Guo W.D.*, Spencer R.G.M., Zhang Z.Y., Xu J. (2013). Tracing organic matter removal in polluted coastal waters via floating bed phytoremediation. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 71(1-2): 74-82.
Lin H., Guo W.D.*, Xu J., Hu M.H. (2013). Identify the origin of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in Xiamen Bay using fluorescence spectroscopy and chemometrics. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 33(2): 404-408.
Wang C., Guo W.D., Guo Z.R.*, Wei J., Zhang B., Ma Z.Y. (2013). Characterization of dissolved organic matter in groundwater from the coastal Dagu River watershed, China using fluorescence excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 33(9): 2460-2465.
Yang L.Y., Guo W.D., Chen N.W., Hong H.S.*, Huang J.L., Xu J., Huang S.Y. (2013). Influence of a summer storm event on the flux and composition of dissolved organic matter in a subtropical river, China. Applied Geochemistry, 28: 164 -171.
Yang L.Y., Guo W.D., Hong H.S.*, Wang G. Z. (2013). Non-conservative behaviors of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in a turbid estuary: roles of multiple biogeochemical processes. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 133: 285-292.
Yang L.Y., Hong H.S., Chen C.-T. A.*, Guo W.D, Huang T. H. (2013). Chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the estuaries of populated and mountainous Taiwan. Marine Chemistry, 157: 12-23.
Deng X., GUO W.D.*, Zhuo J.F. (2012). Effect of pH on excitation emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy of rainwater dissolved organic matter. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 32(1): 137-141.
Guo D.H., Yi Y.Y., Zhao L., Guo W.D.* (2012). Spectral characteristics of dissolved organic matter released during the metabolic process of small medusa. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 32(6): 1584-1587.
Guo W.D.*, Yang L.Y., Yu X.X., Zhai W.D., Hong H.S. (2012). Photo-production of dissolved inorganic carbon from dissolved organic matter in contrasting coastal waters in the southwestern Taiwan Strait, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 24(7): 1181-1188.
Hong H.S., Yang L.Y., Guo W.D.*, Wang F.L., Yu X.X. (2012). Characterization of dissolved organic matter under contrasting hydrologic regimes in a subtropical watershed using PARAFAC model. Biogeochemistry, 109:163-174.
Lin H., Guo W.D.*, Hu M.H., Lin C., Ji W.D. (2012). Spatial-temporal variability of absorption properties of colored dissolved organic matter in the Taiwan Strait. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 31(5): 98-106.
Yan X.L., Zhai W.D.*, Hong H.S., Li Y., Guo W.D., Huang X. (2012). Distribution, export fluxes and decadal changes of nutrients in the Jiulong River estuary, Western Taiwan Strait. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(18): 2307-2318.
Yang L.Y., Hong H.S., Guo W.D.*, Huang J.L., Li Q.S., Yu X.X. (2012). Environmental factors affecting the composition of dissolved organic matter in a subtropical river watershed. Regional Environmental Change, 12: 145-151.
Yang L.Y., Hong H.S., Guo W.D., Chen C-T A*, Pan P.I., Feng C.C. (2012). Absorption and fluorescence of dissolved organic matter in submarine hydrothermal vents off NE Taiwan. Marine Chemistry, 128-129: 64-71.
Guo W.D.*, Yang L.Y., Hong H.S., Stedmon C.A., Wang F.L., Xu J., Xie Y.Y. (2011). Assessing the dynamics of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in a subtropical estuary using parallel factor analysis. Marine Chemistry, 124:125-133.
Guo W.D.*, Yang L.Y., Wang F.L., Chen W.Z., Wang X.H., Hong H.S. (2011). Parallel factor analysis for excitation emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy of dissolved organic matter from a reservoir-type river. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 31(2): 427-430.
Jiang X.J., Lin X.H., Yao D., Guo W.D. (2011). Enrichment mechanisms of rare earth elements in marine hydrogenic ferromanganese crusts. Science China- Earth Sciences, 54(2): 197-203.
Cheng Y.Y., Guo W.D.*, Long A.M., Chen S.Y. (2010). The optical characteristics of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in rainwater by fluorescence excitation-emission matrix and absorbance spectroscopy. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 30(9): 2413-2416.
Guo W.D.*, Xu J., Wang J.P., Wen Y.R., Zhuo J.F., Yan Y.C. (2010). Characterization of dissolved organic matter in urban sewage using excitation emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy and parallel factor analysis. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 22(11): 1728-1734.
Li C., Zhang Y.P., Guo W.D.*, Zhu Y., Xu J., Deng X. (2010). Verification of ballast water exchange for international ships anchored in Xiamen Port by CDOM tracer. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 30(9): 2541-2545.
Zhuo J.F., Guo W.D.*, Deng X., Zhang Z.Y., Xu J., Huang L.F. (2010). Fluorescence Excitation-Emission-Matrix Spectroscopy of CDOM from Yundang Lagoon and its Indication for Organic Pollution, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 30(6):1539-1544.
Cheng Y.Y., Guo W.D.* (2009). Characterization of photobleaching of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in Xiamen bay by excitation emission matrix spectroscopy, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 29(4):990-993.
Guo W.D.*, Stedmon C A, Han Y.C., Wu F., Yu X.X., Hu M.H. (2007). The conservative and non-conservative behavior of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in Chinese estuarine waters. Marine Chemistry, 107: 359-366.
Jiang X.J.*, Lin X.H, Yao D., Zhai S.K., Guo W.D., (2007). Geochemistry of lithium in marine ferromanganese oxide deposits, Deep-Sea Research I, 54: 85–98.
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