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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1310 发布时间: 2018-09-08 15:02 微信号: H17720740258

  程鹏  博士
  Dr. Peng Cheng
  Xiping Building, Room C3-320, Xiangan District,Xiamen 361102, China
  个人履历 Brief CV
  纽约州立大学石溪分校博士 (2007)
  B.Sc. Nanjing University(1995)
  M.Sc. Nanjing University(1997)
  Ph.D. State University of New York at Stony Brook (2007)
  Associate Professor Xiamen University (2013)
  Professor Xiamen University (2014)
  研究方向 Research Interests
  Estuarine and Coastal Dynamics
  Sediment Dynamics
  代表性论文 Selected Publications
  Cheng, P., H. E. de Swart and A. Valle-Levinson, 2013. The role of asymmetric tidal mixing in subtidal dynamics of narrow estuaries. Journal of Geophysical Research, 118 (C5) 2623–2639, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20189.
  Cheng, P., M. Li and Y. Li, 2013. Generation of an estuarine sediment plume by a tropical storm. Journal of Geophysical Research. 118, 856-868, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20070.
  Cheng, P., A. Valle-Levinson and H. E. de Swart, 2011. A numerical study of residual estuarine circulation induced by asymmetric tidal mixing in tidally dominated estuaries. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, C01017, doi:10.1029/2010JC006137.
  Cheng, P., A. Valle-Levinson and H. E. de Swart, 2010. Residual currents induced by asymmetric tidal mixing in weakly stratified narrow estuaries. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 40 (9), 2135–2147.
  Cheng, P., and A. Valle-Levinson, 2009. Influence of lateral advection on residual currents in microtidal estuaries. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39(12), 3177-3190.
  Cheng, P., R. E. Wilson, R. J. Chant, D. C. Fugate and R. D. Flood, 2009. Modeling influence of stratification on lateral circulation in a stratified estuary. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39(9), 2324-2337.
  Cheng, P., and R. E. Wilson, 2006. Temporal variability of vertical nontidal circulation pattern in a partially mixed estuary: Comparison of self-organizing map and empirical orthogonal functions, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, C12021, doi: 10.1029/2005JC003241.
  学术任职 Affiliations/Service
  Member of American Geophysical Union,Estuarine Research Federation
  项目课题 Programs
  The role of lateral advction in estuarine dynamics, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universityies/President Grant, 2010.10-2014.12, PI, CNY 500k+500k.
  The role of asymmetric tidal mixing in estuarine dynamics, NSFC-general, 2015.01-2018.12, PI, CNY 920k.
  主要教学 Teaching
  Data analysis and visualization in oceanography (undergraduate)
  Numerical calculation in marine environmental science (with Profs. Shaoping Shang and Yuwu Jiang)
  Numerical simulation in atmospheric and marine environments (with Profs. Shaoping Shang and Yuwu Jiang)
  指导学生 Students
  论文著作 Publications
  Cheng, P., A. Wang and J. Jia, 2017. Analytical study of lateral-circulation-induced-exchange flow in tidally dominated well-mixed estuaries. Continental Shelf Research, 140, 1-10.
  Li. Z, Y. Wang, P. Cheng, G. Zhang, and J. Li, 2016. Flood-ebb asymmetry in current velocity and suspended sediment transport in the Changjiang Estuary, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2016, 35(10), 37–47.
  Lin, P., P. Cheng, J. Gan, and J. Hu, 2016. Dynamics of wind-driven upwelling off the northeastern coast of Hainan Island, Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans, 121, 1160–1173, doi:10.1002/2015JC011000.
  Cheng, P., 2014. Decomposition of residual circulation in estuaries. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 31(3), 698-713.
  Li, M., P. Cheng, R. Chant, A. Valle-Levinson, and K. Arnott, 2014. Analysis of Vortex Dynamics of Lateral Circulation in a Straight Tidal Estuary. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44, 2779–2795
  Palinkas, C. M., J. P. Halka, M. Li, L. P. Sanford and P. Cheng, 2014. Sediment deposition from tropical storms in the upper Chesapeake Bay: Field observations and model simulations, Continental Shelf Research, 86, 6-16.
  Basdurak, N. B., A. Valle-Levinson, and P. Cheng, 2013. Lateral Structure of tidal asymmetry in vertical mixing and its impact on exchange flow in a coastal plain estuary. Continental Shelf Research, 64, 20-32.
  Cheng, P., H. E. de Swart and A. Valle-Levinson, 2013. The role of asymmetric tidal mixing in subtidal dynamics of narrow estuaries. Journal of Geophysical Research. 118 (C5) 2623–2639, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20189.
  Cheng, P., M. Li and Y. Li, 2013. Generation of an estuarine sediment plume by a tropical storm. Journal of Geophysical Research. 118, 856-868, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20070.
  Cheng, P., A. Valle-Levinson and H. E. de Swart, 2011. A numerical study of residual estuarine circulation induced by asymmetric tidal mixing in tidally dominated estuaries. Journal of Geophysical Research. 116, C01017, doi:10.1029/2010JC006137.
  Cheng, P., A. Valle-Levinson and H. E. de Swart, 2010. Residual currents induced by asymmetric tidal mixing in weakly stratified narrow estuaries. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 40 (9), 2135–2147.
  Cheng, P., A. Valle-Levinson, C. D. Winant, A. Ponte, G. G. de Velasco, and K. B. Winters, 2010. Upwelling-enhanced seasonal stratification in a semiarid bay. Continental Shelf Research, 30 (10-11), 1241-1249.
  Cheng, P., and A. Valle-Levinson, 2009. Influence of lateral advection on residual currents in microtidal estuaries. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39(12), 3177-3190.
  Cheng, P., and A. Valle-Levinson, 2009. Spatial variations of flow structure over estuarine hollows. Continental Shelf Research, 29(7), 927-937.
  Cheng, P., R. E. Wilson, R. J. Chant, D. C. Fugate and R. D. Flood, 2009. Modeling influence of stratification on lateral circulation in a stratified estuary. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39(9), 2324-2337.
  Cheng, P., and R. E. Wilson, 2008. Modeling sediment suspensions in an idealized tidal embayment: importance of tidal asymmetry and settling lag. Estuaries and coasts, 31 (5), 828-842
  Cheng, P., and R. E. Wilson, 2006. Temporal variability of vertical nontidal circulation pattern in a partially mixed estuary: Comparison of self-organizing map and empirical orthogonal functions, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, C12021, doi: 10.1029/2005JC003241
  Li, F., X., Li, J. Song, G. Wang, P. Cheng, and S. Gao. 2006. Sediment flux and source in northern Yellow Sea by 210Pb technique. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 24(3), 255-263.
  Cheng, P., and R. E. Wilson, 2005. Discussion: a critique of “Modeling suspended sediment distribution in continental shelf upwelling/downwelling settings”. Geo-Marine Letters, 25(6), 378-386
  Cheng, P., S. Gao and H. Bokuniewicz, 2004. Net sediment transport patterns over the Bohai Strait based on grain size trend analysis. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 60(2), 203-212
  Liu, J.P., J.D. Milliman, S. Gao and P. Cheng, 2004. Holocene development of the Yellow River's subaqueous delta, North Yellow Sea. Marine Geology, 209, 45-67
  齐君,李凤业,宋金明,高抒,王桂芝,程鹏,2004. 北黄海沉积速率及其沉积通量. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,24(2), 9-14
  蒋东辉,高抒,程鹏,2002. 海渤海海峡沉积物输运的数值模拟. 海洋与湖沼, 33(5), 553-561.
  程鹏,高抒,2001. ADCP测量悬沙浓度的可行性分析与现场标定. 海洋与湖沼, 32(2), 168-176
  程鹏,高抒,李徐生,2001,激光粒度仪测试结果的评价及其与沉降法、筛析法的比较. 沉积学报, 19(3), 449-455
  程鹏,高抒,刘敬圃,官晨钟,王桂芝,J.D.Milliman. 2001, 北黄海西部全新统分布的初步认识.第四纪研究,21(4), 379-379
  Gao, S., Cheng, P., Wang, Y. P., Cao, Q. Y., 2000. Characteristics of suspended sediment concentrations over the areas adjacent to Changjiang River Estuary, the summer of 1998. Marine Science Bulletin, 2(1),14-24
  程鹏,高抒,2000. 北黄海西部海底沉积物的粒度物征和净输运趋势. 海洋与湖沼, 31(6), 604-615
  Cheng, P., Gao, S., Park, Y.A., Guan, C.Z., Li, K.Y., and Zhao, Y.Y., 1999, Grain Size Characteristics of the Central Yellow Sea Mud Deposits. The Yellow Sea, 5, 1-7
  Liu, J., Cheng, P., Gao, S., Farnsworth, K. and Milliman, J., 1999. A preliminary report about the recent cruise in the north Yellow Sea and Bohai Strait. In: Saito, Y., Ikehara, K. and Katayama, H. (editors), Land-Sea Link in Asia - Professor Kenneth O. Emery Commemarative International Workshop (Proceedings of an International Workshop on Sediment Transport and Storage in Coastal Sea-ocean System, Tsukuba, Japan, March 15-19). p.44-48.
  程鹏,朱诚,1999.试论良渚文化中断的成因及其去向.东南文化, (4),14-21
  高抒,程鹏,汪亚平,曹奇源,1999.长江口外海域1998年夏季悬沙浓度特征.海洋通报, 18(6), 44-50。
  程鹏,朱大奎, 1998.试论海洋划界的原则及内涵.海洋科学,(6):54-57
  程鹏,朱大奎, 1997.海洋法与北部湾海洋划界.海洋通报,16(2):51-56
  Zhu, C., Zhang, J and Cheng, P., 1996. Rock Glaciers in the Central Tianshan Mountains, China. Permafrost and Periglacial Process.7(1):69-78

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