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2006年取得中国药科大学中药学理学学士学位,2011年获北京协和医学院药物分析博士学位。2011年-2015年在中国医学科学院药物研究所国家药物及代谢产物分析研究中心工作。2015年10调动到厦门大学药学院从事药物分析和药物代谢相关专业研究。主要研究方向有:常用中草药及其复方代谢研究、新药质量控制和药代研究等。对从药物代谢和代谢组学角度阐释中药药效物质基础有着浓厚的兴趣。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金,福建省自然科学基金面上项目、北京市自然科学基金预探索项目等多项基金。在Analytical Chemistry,Drug Metabolism and Dispostion等药物分析和药物代谢前沿杂志上发表研究论文30余篇。
2002年-2006年 中国药科大学中药学院
2006年-2011年 中国医学科学院药物研究所
Caisheng Wu, Haiying Zhang, Caihong Wang, et al. An integrated approach for studying exposure, metabolism, and disposition of multiple component herbal medicines using high-resolution mass spectrometry and multiple data processing tools. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 44 (2016) 800-808.
Caihong Wang#, Caisheng Wu#, Lin Zhang, et al. Ultraperformance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for profiling ketolic and phenolic sex steroids using an automated injection program combined with diverter valve switch and step analysis, Analytical Chemistry 88 (2016) 7878-7884.
Caihong Wang, Zhixin Jia, Zhe Wang, Ting Hu, Hailin Qin, Guanhua Du, Caisheng Wu*, Jinlan Zhang*. Pharmacokinetics of 21 active components in focal cerebral ischemic rats after oral administration of the active fraction of Xiao-Xu-Ming decoction. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 122 (2016) 110-117.
Thibaud Thiollier#, Caisheng Wu#, Hugues Contamin, et al. Permeability of blood-brain barrier in macaque model of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-induced Parkinson disease. Synapse 70 (2016) 231-239.
Caihong Wang#, Caisheng Wu#, Jinlan Zhang, et al. Systematic considerations for a multicomponent pharmacokinetic study of Epimedii wushanensis herba: From method establishment to pharmacokinetic marker selection. Phytomedicine 22 (2015) 487-497.
Zhe Wang#, Caisheng Wu#, Gang-Li Wang, et al. Novel strategy for the determination of illegal adulterants in health foods and herbal medicines using high-performance liquid chromatography with high-resolution mass spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science 38 (2015) 925-935.
Ying Jin, Caisheng Wu*, Jinlan Zhang*, et al., A new strategy for the discovery of epimedium metabolites using high-performance liquid chromatography with high resolution mass spectrometry, Analytica Chimica Acta 768 (2013) 111-117.
Caisheng Wu, Yuanfeng Tong, Pengyuan Wang, et al., Identification of impurities in methotrexate drug substances using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with a photodiode array detector and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 27 (2013) 971-978.
Caisheng Wu, Jinlan Zhang*, Tonghui Zhou, et al., Simultaneous determination of seven flavonoids in dog plasma by ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry and its application to a bioequivalence study of bioactive components in Herba Epimedii and Er-Xian Decoction, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 54 (2011) 186-191.
Caisheng Wu, Yuxin Sheng, Yinghao Zhang, et al., Identification and characterization of active compounds and their metabolites by high-performance liquid chromatography/Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry after oral administration of a herbal extract of Epimedium koreanum Nakai to rats, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 22 (2008) 2813-2824.
Caisheng Wu, Ying Jin, Jinlan Zhang*, et al., Simultaneous determination of seven prohibited substances in cosmetic products by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry, Chinese Chemical Letters 24 (2013) 509-511.
Caisheng Wu, Jinlan Zhang, Yanling Qiao, et al., Simultaneous determination of 14 b-lactam antibiotics in cosmetic products by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method, Chinese Chemical Letters 22 (2011) 334-337.
Caisheng Wu, Caihong Wang, Jinlan Zhang*, et al., Separation, determination of six impurities in methotrexate drug substance using ultra-performance liquid chromatography, Chinese Chemical Letters 25 (2014) 447-450.
Caisheng Wu, Zhixin Jia, Baoming Ning*, et al., Separation and identification of moxifloxacin impurities in drug substance by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with ultraviolet detection and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, Chinese Chemical Letters 23 (2012) 1185-1188.
Caisheng Wu, Baolin Guo, Yuxin Sheng, et al., Simultaneous determination of seven flavonoids in Epimedium by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry method, Chinese Chemical Letters 19 (2008) 329-332.
Caihong Wang#, Caisheng Wu#, Hailin Qin, et al., Rapid discovery and identification of 68 compounds in the active fraction from Xiao-Xu-Ming decoction (XXMD) by HPLC-HRMS and MTSF technique, Chinese Chemical Letters 25 (2014) 1648-1652.
吴彩胜, 王亦琳, 张金兰*, 等. HPLC-MS/MS法测定银杏7种有效成分在犬血浆中浓度以及银杏叶酊剂的相对生物利用度, 中国新药杂志, 22(2013) 93-99.
金滢, 张金兰, 吴彩胜*, 等. 柱前衍生化HPLC法测定疏血通注射液及其原药材中糖的含量, 中国新药杂志, 22(2013) 111-115.