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高祥,理学博士,厦门大学药学院副教授。2004年进入厦门大学化学系有机化学专业学习,师从有机化学家赵玉芬院士,主要研究生命有机磷化学及生命分析化学,分别于2007年和2010年获得理学硕士和博士学位;2011年至2012年进入香港浸会大学理学院环境与生物分析国家重点实验室进行博士后研究,在化学系蔡宗苇教授指导下开展流感病毒蛋白质组学研究及蛋白质定量分析新策略开发,2013年加入厦门大学药学院。高祥副教授主要从事基于现代生物质谱的蛋白质组学及药物分析研究,涉及药物合成、色谱分离、分子生物学、纳米生物材料、生命有机磷化学及药物代谢组学等相关交叉领域。在蛋白质组学研究方面,高祥博士成功开发出一种基于有机磷化学的稳定同位素标记多肽测序和蛋白质定量的全新策略SIPL,在蛋白质组学领域具有较重要的应用价值。目前已在国际前沿期刊发表30多篇研究论文,如Anal. Chem.,Chem. Commun.,Analyst,J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.,J. Chromatogr. A,J. Mass Spectrom.,Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.等。目前主持一项国家自然科学基金,并作为科研骨干参与多项重点项目,现正开展基于蛋白质组学的艾滋病病毒潜伏激活及基因转录调控的分子机制研究。
1. 蛋白质组学定量新策略及艾滋病基因转录调控机制研究;
2. 生物质谱分析--质谱基本原理及联用技术;
4. 生命有机磷化学及生命起源。
国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(21305115),稳定同位素磷酰化标记蛋白质定量及其在HIV潜伏激活机制研究中的应用, 2014.01-2016.12;
国家海洋局第三海洋研究所项目:海洋微生物源HIV-1基因转录调控活性物质的筛选, 2016.04-2017.04;
厦门大学校长基金项目(20720170069):基于SIPL定量蛋白质组学新策略研究抗HIV-1海洋活性物质的靶点机制, 2017.01-2019.12
1.Shanshan Zhang, Jinwen Shi,Changkai Shan, Chengting Huang, Yile Wu, RongDing, YuhuaXue, Wen Liu, Qiang Zhou, Yufen Zhao, PengxiangXu, Xiang Gao, Stable isotope N-phosphoryl amino acids labeling for quantitative profiling of amine-containing metabolites using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. AnalyticaChimicaActa, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2017.04.025
2.Lin, Zhiwei,Shi, Jinwen,Gao, Xiang ,Zhao, Yufen,Novel tandemhydrogen migrations across five chemical bonds for 1,4-dihydropyridine usingelectrospray ionization FT-ICR mass spectrometry,International Journal of MassSpectrometry,2016,406:29~34
3.Cong Wang ,Shuiyuan Yang ,Huasong Lu,Hongchao You,Man Ni,WenjunShan,Ting Lin,Xiang Gao,Haifeng Chen,Qiang Zhou,YuhuaXue.A naturalproduct from polygonumcuspidatumSieb. Et Zucc. promotes Tat-dependent HIVlatency reversal through triggering P-TEFbs release from 7SK snRNP,PLosOne,2015,10(11): e0142739
4.Yuan, Hang; Ying, Jianxi; Deng, Peiran; Chen, Peng; Shi, Jinwen; Liu, Yan; Gao, Xiang; Zhao, Yufen. Specific interactions of leucine with disaccharides by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry: application to rapid differentiation of disaccharide isomers in combination with statistical analysis. Analyst, 2015, 140(23), 7965-7973.
5.Fang, Mei-Juan; Zhang, He; Liao, Chao; Qiu, Ying-Kun; Fang, Hua; Zheng, Zhen-Yu; Gao, Xiang; Zhao, Yu-Fen; Wu, Zhen. Using positive-ion electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and H/D exchange study phosphoryl group transfer reactions involved in amino acid ester isopropyl phosphoramidates of Brefeldin A. AnalyticaChimicaActa, 2015, 853, 391-401.
6.Gao, Wei-wei; Xiao, Rong-quan; Peng, Bing-ling; Xu, Huan-teng; Shen, Hai-feng; Huang, Ming-feng; Shi, Tao-tao; Yi, Jia; Zhang, Wen-juan; Wu, Xiao-nan; Gao, Xiang; Lin, Xiang-zhi, Dorrestein, Pieter C.; Rosenfeld, Michael G.; Liu, Wen.Arginine methylation of HSP70 regulates retinoid acid-mediated RAR beta 2 gene activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2015, 112(26), E3327-E3336.
7.Hang Yuan; Yile Wu; Wu Liu; Yan Liu; Xiang Gao; Jinming Lin; Yufen Zhao. Mass spectrometry-based method to investigate the natural selectivity of sucrose as the sugar transport form for plants. Carbohydrate Research, 2015, 407, 5-9.
8.Chen, Xiaowu; Gao, Dan; Liu, Feng; Gao, Xiang; Wang, Shujuan; Zhao, Yufen; Liu, Hongxia; Jiang, Yuyang. A novel quantification method for analysis of twenty natural amino acids in human serum based on N-phosphorylation labeling using reversed-phase liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. AnalyticaChimicaActa, 2014, 836(1), 61-71.
9.Gao, X.; Bi, X.; Wei, J. T.; Peng, Z. M.; Liu, H. X.; Jiang, Y. Y.; Wei, W.; Cai, Z. W. N-phosphorylation labeling for analysis of twenty natural amino acids and small peptides by using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Analyst2013, 138, 2632-2639.
10.Bi, X.; Jin, Y. B.; Gao, X.; Liu, F.; Gao, D.; Jiang, Y. Y.; Liu, H. X. Investigation of Pokemon-regulated proteins in hepatocellular carcinoma using mass spectrometry-based multiplex quantitative proteomics. Eur. J. Mass Spectrom.2013, 19, 111-121.
11.Liu, L.; Lv, Y.; Wu, Y. L.; Gao, X.; Zeng, Z. P.; Gao, Y. X.; Tang, G.; Zhao, Y. F. Experimental and theoretical studies on nickel-zinc-catalyzed cross-coupling of gem-dibromoalkenes with P(O)-H compounds. RSC Adv.2013, DOI: 10.1039/C3RA45212C.
12.Gao, X.; Wu, H. Z.; Lee, K. C.; Liu, H. X.; Zhao, Y. F.; Cai, Z. W.; Jiang, Y. Y. Stable isotope N-phosphorylation labeling for peptide de novo sequencing and protein quantification based on organic phosphorus chemistry. Anal. Chem.2012, 84, 10236-10244.
13.Gao, X.; Tang, Z.; Lu, M. H.; Liu, H. X.; Jiang, Y. Y.; Zhao, Y. F.; Cai, Z. W. Suppression of matrix ions by N-phosphorylation labeling using matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Chem. Commun.2012, 48, 10198-10200.
14.Gao, X.; Hu, X. M.; Zhu, J.; Zeng, Z. P.; Han, D. X.; Tang, G.; Huang, X. T.; Xu, P. X.; Zhao, Y. F. An isotope (18O, 15N, and 2H) technique to investigate the metal ion interactions between the phosphoryl group and amino acid side chains by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.2011, 22: 689-702.
15.Gao, X.; Deng, H. G.; Xu, P. X.; Liu, Y.; Tang G.; Zhao, Y. F. Inter-molecular phosphoryl transfer of N-phosphoryl amino acids. Eur. J. Org. Chem.2011, 17: 3220-3228.
16.Gao, X.; Chen, W. Z.; Zhu, G. T.; Yi, R. Z.; Wu, Z.; Xu, P. X.; Zhao, Y. F. Fast separation of antiviral nucleoside phosphoramidate and H-phosphonatediastereoisomers by reversed-phase liquid chromatography. J. Chromatogr. A2011, 1218: 1416-1422.
17.Gao, X.; Zhu, G. T.; Zeng, Z. P.; Chen, W. Z.; Lin, Z. W.; Liu, Y.; Xu, P. X.; Zhao, Y. F. A novel methyl migration to phosphoryl group with the formation of cyclic aminoacylphosphoramidate in electrospray ionization tandem mass spectra of amino acid ester phosphoramidates of antiviral nucleoside. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.2011, 25: 1061-1069.
18.Gao, X.; Zeng, Z. P.; Xu, P. X.; Tang, G.; Liu, Y.; Zhao, Y. F. Comparison of the isomeric alpha-amino acyl adenylates and amino acid phosphoramidates of adenosine by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.2011, 25, 291-300.
19.Gao, X.; Ni, F.; Bao, J.; Liu, Y.; Xu, P. X.; Zhao, Y. F. Formation of cyclic acylphosphoramidates in mass spectra of N-monoalkyloxyphosphoryl amino acids using electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. J. Mass Spectrom.2010, 45: 779-787.
20.Gao, X.; Zhuang, R. Q.; Guo, J. N.; Bao, J.; Fang, M. J.; Liu, Y.; Xu, P. X.; Zhao, Y. F. Isolation and purification of macrocyclic components from penicillium fermentation broth by high-speed counter-current chromatography. J. Sep. Sci.2010, 33: 277-284.
21.Gao, X.; Xu, P. X.; Liu, Y.; Li, G.; Zhao, Y. F. Stable-isotope labeling technique to investigate the chemical structures and reaction mechanisms using ESI-MS. Chin. J. Anal. Lab.2010, 29 (S): 1-3.
22.Gao, X.; Liu, Y.; Xu, P. X.; Cai, Y. M.; Zhao, Y. F. alpha-Amino acid behaves differently from beta- or gamma-amino acids as treated by trimetaphosphate. Amino Acids2008, 34: 47-53.