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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 2165 发布时间: 2018-09-08 14:01 微信号: H17720740258

  曾骥孟(Chi-Meng Tzeng)执行主任、教授级高级工程师、博士生导师
  曾骥孟博士,教授级高级工程师,博士生导师,主要研究方向为药物基因组学及个体化诊疗研发,涉及脑白质疏松症(Leukoaraiosis)、腺癌(adenocarcinoma)、不孕症(A-/Oligo-zoospermia) 及间充质干细胞(MSC)的扩增等多个领域,曾在国际学术期刊发表SCI/IEEE学术论文40余篇,申报4项PCT专利,9项中国发明专利,并开发出超过六项生技市场产品,对生物医药技术的研发、转化商品应用、市场与资本运作等方面均有丰富的实践经验。于厦大任职期间承担国家自然科学基金两项,省市级科技项目四项。引领的药学院转化医学平台期间合作建立了标准化的生物样本资源库并开展了多项基于高通量芯片技术(甲基化芯片、表达谱芯片、小RNA芯 片等)的研究,先后与福建肿瘤医院,厦门中山医院,厦门第一医院合作,并联合台北病理中心,台大医学院基因蛋白组中心,筛选出甲状腺癌、乳腺癌、胃癌、癫 痫、脑白质疏松症、少精无精等多种疾病中的关键基因和潜在靶向治疗生物标志物进行基础研究。且与佰香汇生技,艾德生医药、上海逍鹏、台湾芮宝生化、山东铂 源等多家生物医学产业公司合作,将科研成果转化到市场中,将开发出相关检测类试剂盒(EGFR, SMA, VitD3, PD等检测试剂盒)及医药产品(Terpenoid vs Psoriasis牛皮鲜, Osteoporosis骨质疏松vs Protos and MSC间充质干细胞vs wound healing伤口愈合),充分实现了产学研相结合概念与产业化。
  Congxia LU,Qing  Lin,Wenqing Huang, Tzeng CM*. Novel polymorphisms in ATP7B, identified  in sporadic Wilson’s disease. European Journal of Medical Genetics. 2014  XXX(in press, IF:1.925)
  YQ Wang, JJ Song, X Han, YY Liu, XH Wang,ZM Li,Tzeng CM*. Effects of angiopoietin-1 on inflammatory injury in endothelial progenitor cells and blood vessels,Current Gene Therapy, 2014. XXX(in press, IF: 5.318)
  Zhiming Li, Qing Lin, Qilin Ma, Congxia Lu,Tzeng  CM*. Genetic Predisposition to Parkinson’s disease and Cancer. Current  cancer drug targets, 2014,14(3):XXX.(in press, IF: 4.00)
  Hui-Ming Ye,Yi-Zhuo Lu,Xian-Ming Liang,Yong-Zhi Lin ,Yi Li, Zhong-Ying Zhang, Tzeng CM*.Clinical significance of combined testing of YKL-40 with CEA in Chinese colorectal cancer patients.Clinical Laboratory.2014, 60:XXX (in press, IF: 0.9)
  Qilin Ma, Xingkai An, Zhiming Li, Huanjing Zhang, Wenqing Huang, Liangliang Cai, Peng Hu, Qing Lin*, Tzeng CM*. P268S in NOD2 associates With susceptibility to Parkinson's disease in Chinese Population.Behavioral and Brain Functions. 2013,9:19 (IF:2.13)
  Xiao Nan Lv, Zhu Jun Liu, Huan Jing Zhang, Tzeng CM *.Aromatherapyon Central Nerve System (CNS): Therapeutic mechanism and its associated genes.Current Drug Targets. 2013,14(8):872-879 (IF: 3.553)
  Cai, Liang Liang, HuiMing Ye, Xiao Nan Lv, Yun Long Wu, HuanJing Zhang,Li Mou Zheng and Tzeng CM*. 25-(OH)-VitD3, as a Risk Indicator in Diagnosis of Adenocarcinoma.Current Drug Targets. 2013,14(11):1367-76.(IF: 3.553 )
  HL Zhang, L Ruan,LM Zheng, Daivid Whyte, Tzeng CM, XW Zhou. Association  between class III β-tubulin expression and response to  paclitaxel/vinorbine-based chemotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer: A  meta-analysis. Lung cancer. 2012,77(1):9-15. (IF: 3.6)
  Guoyan Liu,Kunhong Liu,Yin Li, Chao Pan, Jiqin Su,Hongfeng Liao,Renxiang Yv, Zhaohui Li, Li Yuan, Huanjing Zhang, Tzeng CM *. Novel  cancerization marker,TP53, and its role in distinguishing normal tissue  adjacent to cancerous tissue from normal tissue adjacent to benign  tissue. World Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2012,10:252. (IF: 1.12)
  SK Chiu, JT Ma, MH, Hsieh, DL, Lu and Tzeng CM*. Unique Marker Finder Algorithm Generates Molecular Diagnostic Markers.Int. J. Bioinformatics. 2011,7(1): 24-42. (IF: 0.102)
  C.C. Chen,WC Ku,SK Chiu, Tzeng CM*.Deoxyribonucleic acid hybridization acceleration by photovoltaic effect. Appl.Phys.Lett.2006,89(23): 233902-1-2. (IF: 4.184)
  Tsai,  NP, Wu, YC, Chen, JW, Wu, CF, Tzeng CM*, Syu, WJ*. Multiple functions  of l0036 in the regulation of the pathogenicity island of  enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 : H7. Biochemical Journal.  2006,393(Pt 2):591-9. (IF: 6.10)
  E Lin,Y Hwang and Tzeng CM*.A Comparison of Taiwanese and Han Chinese Populations Based on Pharmacogenomics of Antidepressants with HapMap Database. J Hum Genet. 2006, 367:1177-1182. (IF: 3.68)
  E  Lin,Y Hwang and Tzeng CM* A Case Study of the Utility of the  HapMapDatabase for Pharmacogenomic Haplotype Analysis in the Taiwanese  Population. Molecular Diagnosis &Therapy. 2006, 10(6): 367-370. (IF:  3.45)
  B  Jiang,ZZ Zhu,F Liu,LF Hou, J Gu, E Chen, Tzeng CM, G Zhu. Prevalence of  Mutation in the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Gene in Chinese  Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. Clinical  Oncology.2006,18:635-639.(IF:2.798)
  Shyur LF, Chen CH, Lo CP, Wang SY ,Kang PL, Sun SJ, Chang CA, Tzeng CM* and Yang NS*. Inductionof Apoptosisin MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cells by Phytochemicals from Anoectochilusformosanus. J. BioMedical Science.2004, 11(6): 928-939. (IF: 3.12)
  Yang  NS, Shyur LF, Chen CH, Wang SY and Tzeng CM*. Medicinal Herb Extract  and a Single-Compound Drug Confer Similar Complex Pharmacogenomic  Activities in MCF-7 Cells. J. BioMedical Science.2004, 11: 418-422. (IF:  3.12)
  Chiu  SK, Hsu M, Ku WC, Tu CY, YT Tseng YT, Lau WK, Yan RY, Ma JT, and Tzeng  CM*. Synergistic effects of epoxy and amine-silanes on microarray DNA  immobilization and hybridization. Biochemical J. 2003,374: 625-632. (IF:  6.10)
  Hsieh,  MH, Hsu, WC, Chiu, SK, Tzeng CM*. An efficient algorithm for minimal  primer set selection. Bioinformatics.2003, 19(2):285-286. (IF: 2.259)
  Lau,  WK, Chiu, SK, Ma, JT, Tzeng CM*. Linear amplification of catalyzed  reporter deposition technology on nylon membrane microarray.  Biotechniques. 2002,33(3):564-570. (IF: 2.643)
  Hsiu,  F.M., Chen, S.J., Tsai, C.H., Tsou, C.Y., Su, Y.D., Lin, G.Y., Huang,  K.T., Chyou, J.J., Ku, W.C., Chiu, S.K., Tzeng CM*. Surface plasmon  resonance imaging system with Mach-Zehnder phase-shift interferometry  for DNA micro-array hybridization; Multi- experiment linear data  analysis for ATR biosensors. The Proceedings of SPIE.2002, 4819:  167-174/175-184.
  Tzeng  CM*, Kornberg, Arthur. The multiple activities of polyphosphate kinase  of Escherichia coli and their subunit structure determined by radiation  target analysis. Journal of Biological Chemistry.2000,275 (6):  3977-3983. (IF: 7.666 )
  Tzeng  CM*, Kornberg, A . Polyphosphate kinase is highly conserved in many  bacterial pathogens. Molecular Microbiology. 1998,29 (1):381-382. (IF:  6.361 )
  Ault-Riche D, Fraley CD, Tzeng CM, Kornberg A. (1998) Novel assay reveals multiple pathways regulating stress-induced accumulations of inorganic polyphosphate in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 180(7):1841-1847.(IF:3.712 )
  Tzeng  CM*, Percival, L, Barber, LD, Cooper, S, Adams, EJ, Stewart, D, Parham,  P. HLA class I genotyping by cDNA sequence of a Vietnamese family  expressing a weak B46 antigen. Tissue Antigens.1997,45 (9):519-522. (IF:  2.977)
  Tzeng  CM*, Adams EJ, Gumperz JE, Percival L, Wells RS, Parham P, Barber LD.  Peptides bound endogenously by HLA-Cw*0304 expressed in LCL 721.221  cells include a peptide derived from HLA-E. Tissue Antigens. 1996,  48(4):325-328 (IF:2.977 )
  Tzeng  CM*, Yang CY, Yang SJ, Jiang SS, Kuo SY, Hung SH, Ma JT, Pan RL.  Subunit structure of vacuolar proton-pyrophosphatase as determined by  radiation inactivation. Biochem. J. 1996, 316(1):143-147 IF:4.349 )
  Yang  SJ, Jiang SS, Tzeng CM, Kuo SY, Hung SH, Pan RL. Involvement of  tyrosine residue in the inhibition of plant vacuolar  H(+)-pyrophosphatase by tetranitromethane. Biochim. Biophys. Acta.  1996,1294(1):89-97 (IF:2.590 )
  Tzeng CM*, Pan RL. Chemical modification of tonoplast H+-ATPase from etiolated mung bean seedlings (Review). Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 1994, 35:1-6 (IF: 0.372 )
  Hsu  LH, Tzeng CM, Pan RL. Characterization of the phosphatase from spinach  thylakoids. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 1993, 34:175-182 (IF: 0.372 )
  Chien LF, Wu JJ, Tzeng CM, Pan RL. ATPase  of Rhodospirillum rubrum requires three functional copies of beta  subunit as determined by radiation inactivation analysis. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 1993,31(1):13-18 (IF:0.770 )
  Ma  JT, Wu JJ, Tzeng CM, Pan RL. Functional size analysis of F-ATPase from  Escherichia coli by radiation inactivation. J. Biol. Chem.  1993,268(15):10802-7 (IF: 7.666)
  Hsu LH, Tzeng CM, Pan RL. Functional size of the thylakoids phosphatase determined by radiation inactivation. FEBS Lett. 1993,318(1):1-3 (IF:3.720 )
  Tzeng  CM*, Hsu LH, Pan RL. Inhibition of tonoplast ATPase from etiolated mung  bean seedlings by fluorescein 5’-isothiocyanate. Biochem J. 1992,  285(Pt 3):737-743 (IF:4.349 )
  Chow,  WM., Tzeng CM, Chen CS, Kuo SY, Wang MY, and Pan RL. Inhibition of  tonoplast ATPase by 2',3'-dialdehyde derivative of ATP. Plant Physiol.  1992, 98: 44-52. (IF: 4.434)
  顾龙、肖芸、吕晓楠、叶辉铭、刘祝君、曾骥孟*.厦门大学附属中山医院 2005~2012 年新发急性髓性白血病初步分析. 中华临床医师杂志2013,7(24):11388-11391.
  李志明、安兴凯、林青、马琪林、曾骥孟*. 帕金森病LRRK2基因单核苷酸rs34778348:G>A多态性分析.厦大学报2013,52(6).
  张换敬,李怡,刘国彦,曾骥孟*. 新型靶向治疗HER2过表达乳腺癌. 广东医学. 2013.34(3):476-479.(影响因子:0.14)
  李怡,张换敬, 吕晓楠, 刘国彦, 叶辉铭, 林青, 曾骥孟*. 生物样本信息资源库的国内外研究进展. 中国医药生物技术. 2012,7(5): 369-372.(影响因子:0.286).
  曾骥孟.临床病毒学. 北京.科学出版社,2012. (2 chapters)
  李怡,刘国彦,张换敬,郑立谋,曾骥孟*.新型环状引物荧光定量PCR检测乳腺癌组织HER2基因mRNA表达水平方法的建立. 中华检验医学杂志. 2012.35(11):1000-1005.(影响因子:0.916)
  万巍巍,张换敬,叶辉铭,万丽琴,蔡良良,郑立谋,曾骥孟*.25-羟基维生素D3完全抗原的合成与鉴定.细胞与分子免疫学杂志. 2011,27(11): 1173-1179.
  曾骥孟*,吕晓楠,林辉暖,刘祝君,. 格列卫辅助治疗胃肠道间质瘤的用药选择及疗效检测试剂盒,厦门大学,CN201310673737.5
  曾骥孟*,吕晓楠,刘祝君,. 检测白血病BCR-ABL的多重RT-PCR试剂盒,厦门大学,CN201310673777.X
  刘祝君,曾骥孟,张换敬,吕晓楠. 一种去除精油中呋喃香豆素的方法. 厦门大学和佰香汇生物科技(厦门)有限公司联合申请. CN201310058217.3.
  刘祝君,曾骥孟,陈康,刘节喜,朱洪珍,郑声煊,谢加凤.. 一种新型连续精萃液态原料的超临界二氧化碳萃取技术. 厦门大学和佰香汇生物科技(厦门)有限公司联合申请CN201210005263.8.
  刘祝君,曾骥孟,陈康,刘节喜,朱洪珍,郑声煊,谢加凤.一种脱除柑橘属植物精油中呋喃香豆素类成分的新方法. CN201210005247.3
  曾骥孟*,郑立谋,万巍巍,蔡良良,吕晓楠,叶辉铭. 血液25-羟基维生素D3腺癌检测试剂盒及其制备方法.厦门大学. CN201210206882.8.
  郑立谋,张海龙,罗捷敏,阮力,周细武,曾骥孟*. 一种循环肿瘤细胞特异性富集方法. CN201210023487.6.
  刘祝君,曾骥孟,伍宏,陈康,郑声煊,朱洪珍,李煌基.一种新型长效固体芳香提的制作方法. 厦门大学和佰香汇生物科技(厦门)有限公司联合申请CN201110432553.0
  曾骥孟*,郑立谋,李怡,张换敬. 检测HER2基因表达水平的实时荧光定量PCR试剂盒. 厦门大学. ZL201210227940.5
  王蓟斌,张海龙,阮力,曾骥孟,郑立谋. 用于预测乙肝病毒引起的肝癌的引物、探针及试剂盒.厦门艾德生物医药科技有限公司2011: CN201110146841.X
  朱冠山,赵翊均,曾骥孟*. 非小细胞肺癌疗效相关的egfr基因突变的快速检测. 上海基康生物科技有限公司 2007:CN200610027918.0
  Chi-chan Chen,Wei-chi Ku,Sung-kay Chiu,Chi-meng Tzeng*. Photovoltaic device to accelerate the interaction among biomolecules. U-Vision Biotech Co.,Ltd. WO2003035825.
  Chi-meng  Tzeng*, Kung-ming Hsu,Wei-chi Ku,Grace Lau, Jing-tyan Ma and Sung-kay  Chiu. Combination of epoxy and amine silanes for immobilizing and  hybridizing nucleic acid molecules on a solid support. U-Vision Biotech  Co.,Ltd. US20030059819.
  Shean-jen  Chen,Feng-ming Hsiu,Chien-hung Tsai,Chia-yuan Tsou and Chi-meng Tzeng*.  Surface plasmon resonance shifting interferometry imaging system for  biomolecular interaction analysis. U-Vision Biotech Co.,Ltd.  US20030219809.
  Chi-chan Chen,Sung-kay  Chiu,Chi-meng Tzeng and Wei-chi Ku. Photovoltaic device to accelerate  the interaction among biomolecules. U-Vision Biotech  Co.,Ltd..US20030077600.



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