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发布时间: 2018-09-08 10:34
微信号: H17720740258

彭兴跃 PENG Xingyue, Ph.D.
教 授
电 话:+86-592-2880018
E-mail: xypeng@xmu.edu.cn
1998,访问香港城市大学(Research Fellow)
2003-2004,访问加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学(Visiting Professor)
1984-1988, Chemistry Department, Xiamen University, B.S.;
1990-1993, Oceanography Department, Xiamen University, M.S.;
1993-1996, Xiamen University, Ph.D.;
1998, Dept. of biology and chemistry, City University of HongKong, Research Fellow;
1998-2010, Biology Department, Xiamen University, Associate Professor;
2003-2004, Chemistry Department, Simon Fraser University, Visiting Professor;
2010-Present , Biology Department, Xiamen University ,Professor.
研究领域(Research Area)
Our research seeks to bring novel lab-on-a-chip techniques to biology. We fabricate glass chips integrated with valves, pumps, cell retention devices or gas exchange devices to create special micro environments which involved in researches on animal cells, plant cells or even algae cells. Cells on chips with their gas or chemical micro environment or any stimuli precisely controlled, an ideal “Human-Cell-Conversation” style experiment could be realized.
代表性论文(Selected Publications)
1. Peng, X. Y. * A micro surface tension pump (MISPU) in a glass microchip. Lab Chip,11:132–138 , 2011.
2. Peng, X. Y. *, Li, L. Q., Hong, H. S. A vast-range speed control microchip for retention of all cell types. Lab Chip, 9: 3012–3015 , 2009.
3. Peng, X. Y. * A micro surface tension alveolus (MISTA) in a glass microchip. Lab Chip, 9:3251–3254 , 2009.
4. Peng, X. Y., Li, P., C. H., Yu H. Z., Parameswaran M. (A) , Chou W. L.(J). Spiral microchannels on a CD for DNA hybridizations, Sens. Actuators B: Chem,128:64–69 , 2007.
5. Peng, X. Y., Paul C. H., Li. Extraction of pure cellular fluorescence by cell scanning in a single-cell microchip. Lab Chip,5:1298-1302 , 2005.
6. Peng, X. Y., Paul, C. H., Li. A Three-Dimensional Flow Control Concept for Single-Cell Experiments on a Microchip. 2. Fluorescein Diacetate Metabolism and Calcium Mobilization in a Single Yeast Cell As Stimulated by Glucose and PH Changes. Anal. Chem,76: 5282-5292 , 2004.
7. Peng, X. Y., Paul, C. H., Li. A Three-Dimensional Flow Control Concept for Single-Cell Experiments on a Microchip. 1. Cell Selection, Cell Retention, Cell Culture, Cell Balancing, and Cell Scanning. Anal. Chem,76: 5273-5281 , 2004.
荣誉、奖励(Honors and awards)
2011,Lab on chip team won the first prize of Xiamen University 2011 annual“Tian Shaowu interdisciplinarity award”.