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发布时间: 2018-09-08 10:15
微信号: H17720740258

靳全文 JIN Quanwen, Ph.D.
细胞周期调控(Cell Cycle Regulation)
电 话:+86-592-2187931
研究领域(Research Area)
1. Cipak L, Gupta S, Rajovic I, Jin QW, Anrather D, Ammerer G, McCollum D, Gregan J. Crosstalk between casein kinase II and Ste20-related kinase Nak1. Cell Cycle. 12(6):884-888, 2013.
2. Wang Y, Li WZ, Johnson AE, Luo ZQ, Sun XL, Feoktistova A, McDonald WH, McLeod I, Yates JR 3rd, Gould KL, McCollum D*, Jin QW*. Dnt1 acts as a mitotic inhibitor of the spindle checkpoint protein Dma1 in fission yeast. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 23:3348-3356, 2012. (*Corresponding author).
3. Li WZ, Yu ZY, Ma PF, Wang Y and Jin QW*. A Novel Role of Dma1 in Regulating Forespore Membrane Assembly and Sporulation in Fission Yeast. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 21: 4349–4360, 2010.
4. Jin QW, Ray S, Choi SH and McCollum D. The nucleolar Net1/Cfi1-related protein Dnt1 antagonizes the septation initiation network in fission yeast. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 18: 2924-2934, 2007.
5. Jin QW, Zhou M, Bimbo A, Balasubramanian MK and McCollum D. A role for the septation initiation network in septum assembly revealed by genetic analysis of sid2-250 suppressors. Genetics. 172: 2101-2112, 2006.
6. Jin QW and McCollum D. Scw1p antagonizes the septation initiation network to regulate septum formation and cell separation in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Eukaryotic Cell. 2: 510-520, 2003.
7. Jin QW, Pidoux AL, Decker C, Allshire RC and Fleig U. The mal2p protein is an essential component of the fission yeast centromere. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 22: 7168-7183, 2002.
8. Davis L, Barbera M, McDonnell A, McIntyre K, Sternglanz R, Jin QW, Loidl J and Engebrecht J. The Saccharomyces cerevisiaeMUM2 gene interacts with the DNA replication machinery and is required for meiotic levels of double strand breaks. Genetics 157:1179-1189, 2001.
9. Jin QW, Fuchs J and Loidl J. Rabl-like chromosome arrangement is a major determinant of yeast interphase nuclear organization. Journal of Cell Science. 113:1903-1912, 2000.
10. Jin QW, Trelles-Sticken E, Scherthan H and Loidl J. Yeast nuclei display prominent centromere clustering that is reduced in nondividing cells and in meiotic prophase. Journal of Cell Biology. 141: 21-29, 1998.
11. Loidl J, Jin QW and Jantsch M. Meiotic pairing and segregation of translocation quadrivalents in yeast. Chromosoma 107: 247-254, 1998.