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发布时间: 2018-09-07 16:41
微信号: H17720740258

姓名: 陈强
2006.04–2009.03 工学博士,日本埼玉大学
2005.10–2006.03 研究生,日本埼玉大学
2002.09–2005.06 凝聚态物理专业硕士,兰州大学物理系
1998.09–2002.06 理学学士,兰州大学物理系
2017-现在 中国电工技术学会高级会员
2016-现在 中国电工技术学会-等离子体及应用专业委员会委员
2015-现在 Division of Plasma Physics Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies 会员
2009-现在 日本等离子体核融合学会会员
2006-现在 日本应用物理学会会员
2011.11 薄膜研究鼓励奖, 第十五届国际薄固态膜会议, 日本京都2009.11–2011.12 日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员奖励费(JSPS)2005.10–2009.03 日本文部科学省国费奖学金
基于等离子体-液体相互作用的尺寸及形状可控金属纳米粒子合成,国家自然科学基金青年项目, 2015-2017
[1]Jiandi Liu, Bangbang He, Qiang Chen*, Hai Liu, Junshuai Li, Qing Xiong, Guanghui Yue*, Xianhui Zhang, Size Yang, and Qing Huo Liu, Plasma electrochemical synthesis of cuprous oxide nanoparticles and their visible-light photocatalytic effect, Electrochimi Acta222 (2016) 1677.
[2]Jiandi Liu, Bangbang He, Qiang Chen*, Junshuai Li, Qing Xiong, Guanghui Yue, Xianhui Zhang, Size Yang, Hai Liu* and Qing Huo Liu, Direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide from plasma-water interactions,Sci. Reps. 6 (2016) 38454.
[3]Jiandi Liu, Qiang Chen*, Junshuai Li, Qing Xiong, Guanghui Yue*, Xianhui Zhang, Size Yang and Qing Huo Liu, “Facile synthesis of cuprous oxide nanoparticles by plasma electrochemistry”, J. Phys. D 49 (2016) 275201.
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[7]Q. Chen, T. Kaneko*, N. Matsuda, and R. Hatakeyama, “Potential structure of discharge plasma inside liquid directly measured by an electrostatic probe”, Appl. Phys. Lett.102 (2013) 244105.
[8]Q. Chen* and J. S. Li, “Observation of positive self-bias in a radio frequency atmospheric pressure microplasma”,IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci.41 (2013) 826.
[9]Q. Chen* and H. Shirai, “Large-area cold atmospheric pressure discharges realized by mesh covered tube-plate electrodes in open air”, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci.41 (2013) 421.
[10]Q. Chen*, T. Kaneko, and R. Hatakeyama, “Synthesis of superfine ethanol-soluble CoO nanoparticles via discharge plasma in liquid”, Appl. Phys. Express5 (2012) 096201.
[11]Q. Chen, T. Kaneko*, and R. Hatakeyama, “Reductants in gold nanoparticle synthesis using gas–liquid interfacial discharge plasmas” Appl. Phys. Express5 (2012) 086201.
[12]Q. Chen*, T. Kaneko, and R. Hatakeyama, “Rapid synthesis of water-soluble gold nanoparticles with control of size and assembly using gas-liquid interfacial discharge plasma”, Chem. Phys. Lett.521 (2011) 113.
[13]T. Kaneko, Q. Chen, T. Harada, and R. Hatakeyama, “Structural and reactive kinetics in gas-liquid interfacial plasmas”, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol.20 (2011) 034014.
[14]Q. Chen*, T. Kaneko, and R. Hatakeyama, “Effects of ionic liquid electrode on pulse discharge plasmas in the wide range of gas pressures”, J. Appl. Phys.108 (2010) 103301.
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[17]Q. Chen, Y. Takemura, K. Saito, and H. Shirai, “Physicochemistry of the plasma-electrolyte solution interface”, Thin Solid Films,516 (2008) 6688.
[18]Q. Chen, T. Kitamura, K. Saito, K. Haruta, Y. Yamano, T. Ishikawa, and H. Shirai, “Microplasma discharge within ethanol solution: Characterization and its application to the synthesis of carbon microstructures”, Thin Solid Films,516 (2008) 4435.