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发布时间: 2018-09-07 15:08
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Lijun Liu, Yi Shen*, Earl H. Dowell, Chunhui Zhu. A General Fault Tolerant Control and Management for a Linear System with Actuator Faults. Automatica, 第48卷, 第8期, 1676-1682页, 2012. (SCI, JCR2, 检索号000307688200020)
Lijun Liu, Chunhui Zhu, Zhen Yu*, Earl H. Dowell. Guidance and Ignition Control of Lateral Jet Controlled Interceptor Missiles. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 第38卷, 第10期, 2015. (SCI, JCR2,检索号000365745700018)
Lijun Liu, Yi Shen*, Earl H. Dowell. Integrated Adaptive Fault-tolerant Output Feedback Control with Adaptive Fault Identification. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 第35卷, 第3期, 881-889页, 2012. (SCI, JCR2, 检索号000303904600017)
Lijun Liu, Yi Shen*. Three-dimension Guidance Law and Capture Region Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 第48卷, 第1期, 419-429页, 2012. (SCI, JCR2, 检索号000302643100030)
刘利军, 余臻*, 沈毅. 非线性导引律设计与分析(Design and analysis of nonlinear H∞ guidance law). 宇航学报, 第36卷, 第8期, 932-939页, 2015. (EI, 检索号20155001677066)
刘利军, 沈毅*, 赵振昊. 基于多项式拟合SDRE 的三维导引律设计(Three-dimensional Missile Guidance Law Design Based on Polynomial Fitting of SDRE). 宇航学报, 第31卷, 第1期, 87-92页, 2010. (EI, 检索号20101412827443)
Chunhui Zhu, Qing Huo Liu, Lijun Liu*, Yanhui Liu. An Accurate Conformal Fourier Transform Method for 3D Discontinuous Functions. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 第63卷, 第2期, 804-809页, 2015. (SCI, JCR2, 检索号000349162400043)
Yi Shen(导师), Lijun Liu*. Adaptive Fault-tolerant Robust Control for a Linear System with Adaptive Fault Identification. IET Control Theory & Applications, 第7卷, 第2期, 246-252页, 2013. (SCI, JCR2, 检索号000321712400009)
Zhen Yu, Fei Wang, Lijun Liu*. An adaptive fault-tolerant robust controller with fault diagnosis for submarine’s vertical movement. International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 第31卷, 第8期,1178-1186页,2015. (SCI,JCR4, 检索号000365378800003)
余臻,刘利军*,沈毅. H无穷容错控制器设计及其在线优化选择容错控制(Active H∞ fault-tolerant control design and online optimal selection schemes of fault-tolerant controllers).控制理论与应用, 第31卷, 第4期, 417-424页, 2014. (EI, 检索号20142317795719)
Chunhui Zhu, Qinghuo Liu*, Yi Shen, Lijun Liu. A High Accuracy Conformal Method for Evaluating the Discontinuous Fourier Transform. Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 第109卷, 425-440页, 2010. (SCI, JCR1, 检索号000284282500023)
Chunhui Zhu, Qinghuo Liu*, Yanhui Liu, Yi Shen, Lijun Liu. An Accurate Conformal Foruier Transform Method for 2D Discontinuous Functions. Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 第120卷, 165-179页, 2011. (SCI, JCR1, 检索号000296979000010)
Chunhui Zhu, Qinghuo Liu*, Yi Shen, Lijun Liu. An Analytical Convolution Method Combined with the Conformal Fourier Transform for Solving 1D Integral Equations. IEEE Antennas and Wireless propagation letters, 第10期, 1267-1269页, 2011. (SCI, JCR3, 检索号000297632100004)
Lijun Liu, Zhen Yu*, Chunhui Zhu. Integrated Active Fault-tolerant Control by Designing an Auxiliary Self-examination Plant, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 234—239,香港,2015.10.09-12. (SCI检索号WOS:000368940200040,担任“Systems Safety & Security” Session主席)
Lijun Liu, Yi Shen*, Earl H. Dowell, Chunhui Zhu. Online Selection of Controllers for a Faulty Linear System. Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2257-2262页, 美国奥兰多, 2011.12.12-15. (SCI检索号WOS:000303506202140;EI检索号20121915011058)
Lijun Liu, Yi Shen*, Miao Zhang. Active Robust Fault-tolerant Control Design Based on an Adaptive Fault Observer. Proceedings of the 31st Chinese Control Conference, 5209 - 5214 页, 合肥, 2012.07.25-27. (EI, 检索号20130716024347)
刘利军, 沈毅*, 王艳. 雷达信号的HHT滤波方法研究(Radar Signal Filter Design Base on HHT Method). 第31届中国控制会议,3611 - 3616 页,合肥, 2012.07.25-27. (EI, 检索号20130716024051)
Lijun Liu, Dengcheng Weng, Zhen Yu*, Fei Wang, Chunhui Zhu. An active output feedback fault-tolerant control design for submarine control systems. The 35th Chinese Control Conference, Chengdu, 2016.07.27-29(EI,已接受)
Zhen Yu, Nanjie Xie, Lijun Liu*, Chunhui Zhu. Research of the Incipient Fault Detection Method for an Airfoil Based on Near Flutter Analysis. The 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,Yinchuan,2016.05.27-30.(EI,已接受)
Liye Wu, Zhen Yu*, Lijun Liu. Method of Fitting the Solution of SDRE with Polynomial. Proceedings of the 33st Chinese Control Conference, 2106 - 2110 页, 南京, 2014.07.27-30. (EI, 检索号20144300120565)
Fei Wang, Zhen Yu*, Lijun Liu. Integrated design of fault diagnosis and adaptive fault-tolerant robust control for submarine’s vertical movement. 2014 IEEE Chinese Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, 1056-1061页,烟台,2014.08.07-10. (EI, 检索号20150700517797)
Yi Shen*, Chunhui Zhu, Lijun Liu, Qiang Wang, Jing Jin, Yurong Lin. Explicit Solution for Nonuniform Discrete Fourier Transform, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 1505-1509页, 美国奥斯汀, 2010.05.03-06. (EI, 检索号20104213295724)
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