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陈飞,男,籍贯福建福州。于2009年获得南开大学控制理论与控制工程专业工学博士学位,2009年8月至2010年8月,在美国犹他州立大学电气与计算机工程系从事博士后研究工作。自2010年11月起,被聘为厦门大学自动化系副教授。目前已发表SCI或EI收录论文50余篇,其中在系统与控制领域的顶级期刊“IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control” 以及“Automatica”上发表多篇论文,Google引用600余次,SCI他引300余次。并获得了“福建省新世纪优秀人才”、“IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems”杰出审稿人以及“南开大学优秀博士学位论文”等荣誉。陈飞是IEEE高级会员,中国复杂网络与复杂系统专业委员会委员,中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会多自主体系统学组委员。
F. Chen and G. Feng, "On the optimal parameter of the composite Laplacian quadratics function,"Automatica, vol. 72, pp. 1-10, 2016. (通讯作者, 顶级期刊,长文,JCR2区)
L. Bai, F. Chen, and W. Lan, "Distributed tracking of a non-minimally rigid formation for multi-agent systems,'' International Journal of Systems Sciences, DOI:10.1080/00207721.2016.1165896, in press, 2016. (通讯作者,JCR3区)
J. Zhao, L. Xiang, F. Chen, and W. Lan, "Distributed self-triggered control for general linear multi-agent systems via output feedback,'' IET Control Theory & Applications, vol. 10. no. 10, pp. 1170-1180, 2016. (通讯作者,JCR3区)
L. Bai, F. Chen, W. Lan, "Rigidity based formation tracking for multi-agent networks'', Chinese Physics, vol. 24, no. 9, 090206, 2015. (通讯作者,JCR4区)
F. Chen, L. Xiang, and W. Ren "Properties of Composite Laplacian Quadratics and their Applications in Consensus of Linear Differential Inclusions,''IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2015.2491739, in press, 2015. (通讯作者,顶级期刊,JCR2区)
J. Lv, F. Chen, and G. Chen, "Nonsmooth leader-following formation control for nonlinear multi-agent systems with directed communication network topologies," Automatica, vol. 64, pp. 112-120, 2016.(顶级期刊,JCR2区)
L.Xiang, F. Chen, and G. Chen,"Synchronized regions of pinned complex networks: Spectral analysis", Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 78, no. 3, pp 1609-1628, Nov. 2014.(JCR2区)
L. Xiang, F. Chen, and G. Chen, "Pinning synchronization of networked multi-agent systems: Spectral analysis", Control Theory and Technology, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 333–342, February 2015.
F. Chen, W. Ren, W. Lan, and G. Chen, "Distributed Average Tracking for Reference Signals with Bounded Accelerations," IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 863-869 Mar. 2015. (通讯作者,顶级期刊,JCR2区)
F. Chen, G. Feng, L. Liu, and W. Ren, "Distributed Average Tracking of Networked Euler-Lagrange Systems," IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 547-552, 2015. (通讯作者,顶级期刊,JCR2区)
L. Xiang, J. J. Zhu, F. Chen, and G. Chen, "Controllability of weighted and directed networks with nonidentical network dynamics," Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013.(JCR4区)
F. Chen, Y. Cao, and W. Ren, “Distributed average tracking of multiple time-varying reference signals with bounded derivatives,” IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, vol. 57, no. 12, pp. 3169-3174, Dec. 2012. (通讯作者,顶级期刊,JCR2区)
F. Chen, Z. Chen, L. Xiang, Z. Liu, and Z. Yuan, “Reaching a consensus via pinning control,” Automatica, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 1215-1220, 2009.(顶级期刊,JCR2区)
F. Chen, L. Xiang, W. Lan, and G. Chen, "Coordinated tracking in mean square for a multi-agent system with noisy channels and switching directed network topologies," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems- II, vol. 59. no. 11, pp. 835-839, Nov. 2012.(JCR3区)
F. Chen, Y. Cao, and W. Ren, “Surrounding control in cooperative agent networks,” Systems & Control Letters, vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 704-712, 2010.(JCR3区)
F. Chen, Z. Chen, Z. Liu, L. Xiang, and Z. Yuan, “Decentralized formation control of mobile agents: A unified framework,” Physica A, vol. 387, no. 19-20, pp. 4917-4926, Aug. 2008.(通讯作者,JCR3区)
F. Chen, Z. Chen, Z. Liu, L. Xiang, and Z. Yuan, “Finding and evaluating the hierarchical structure in complex networks,” Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 40, no. 19, pp. 5013-5023, May 2007. (通讯作者,JCR3区)
F. Chen, Z. Chen, and Z. Yuan, “A realistic model for complex networks with local interaction, self-organization and order,” Chinese Physics, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 287-291, Feb. 2007. (通讯作者,JCR4区)
F. Chen, Z. Chen, Z. Liu, and Z. Yuan, “Control a state-dependent dynamic graph to a pre-specified structure,” Kybernetica, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 801-808, May 2010. (通讯作者,JCR4区)
F. Chen, Z. Q. Chen, X. F. Wang, and Z. Z. Yuan, “The average path length of scale-free networks,” Communications in Nonlinear and Numerical Simulation, vol. 13, pp. 1405-1410, 2008. (通讯作者,JCR2区)
F. Chen, Z. Q. Chen, L. Y. Xiang, Z. X. Liu, and Z. Z. Yuan, “Swarm intelligence over random network,” International Journal of Information and Systems Sciences, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 188-198, 2009.
F. Chen, X. F. Wang, and Y. M. Rao, “Learning Bayesian networks using genetic algorithm,” Journal of System Engineering and Electronics, vol. 18, pp. 142-147, 2007.
F. Chen, Z. Q. Chen, Z. X. Liu, and Z. Z. Yuan, “Insights to a tunable complex-network model,” Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, vol. 14(s7), pp. 1-5, 2007.
L. Xiang, Z. Liu, Z. Chen, F. Chen, and Z. Yuan, “Pinning control of complex dynamical networks with general topology,” Physica A, vol. 379, no.1, pp. 298-306, Jan. 2007.(JCR3区)
L. Xiang, Z. Chen, Z. Liu, F. Chen, and Z. Yuan, “Stabilizing weighted complex networks,” Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 40, no. 48, pp. 14369-14382, Dec. 2007.(JCR3区)
L. Xiang, Z. Chen, Z. Liu, F. Chen, and Z. Yuan, “Stability and controllability of asymmetric complex dynamical networks: Eigenvalue analysis,”International Journal of Modern Physics C, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 237-252, Feb. 2009.(JCR4区)
L. Y. Xiang, Z. Q. Chen, Z. X. Liu, F. Chen, and Z. Z. Yuan, “Pinning control of complex dynamical networks with heterogeneous delays,” Computers and Mathematics with Applications, vol. 56, pp. 1423-1433, 2008.(JCR4区)
L. Y. Xiang, Z. X. Liu, Z. Q. Chen, F. Chen, G. Guo, and Z. Z. Yuan, “Comparison between pinning control of different chaotic complex dynamical networks,” Journal of Control Theory and Applications, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 2-10, 2008.
F. Chen, L. Xiang, W. Ren, "Consensus of linear differential inclusions via composite Laplacian quadratics,'' in Proceedings of the 2015 American Control Conference, Jul. 1-3, 2015. (通讯作者)
S. Ghapani, W. Ren, F. Chen, "Distributed Average Tracking for Double-integrator Agents with Reduced Velocity Measurements,'' in Proceedings of the 2015 American Control Conference, Jul. 1-3, 2015.
L. Bai, F. Chen, and W. Lan, "Decentralized event-triggered control for rigid formation tracking,'' in Proceedings of the 2015 Chinese Control Conference, Hangzhou, China, Jul. 2015. (通讯作者)
J. Xie, F. Chen, and L. Xiang, "Event-triggered coverage control for continuous-time multi-agent systems,'' in Proceedings of the 2015 Chinese Control Conference, Hangzhou, China, Jul. 2015. (通讯作者)
E. Zheng, F. Chen, and L. Xiang, "A cooperative inverse optimal problem for multi-agent systems with output feedbacks,'' in Proceedings of the 2015 Chinese Control Conference, Hangzhou, China, Jul. 2015. (通讯作者)
A. Huang, F. Chen, and W. Lan, "An adaptive dynamic protocol for distributed convex optimization,'' in Proceedings of the 2015 Chinese Control Conference, Hangzhou, China, Jul. 2015. (通讯作者)
Y. Qiu, F. Chen, and L. Xiang, "Distributed event-triggered control for coupled nonholonomic mobile robots,'' in Proceedings of the 2015 Chinese Control Conference, Hangzhou, China, Jul. 2015. (通讯作者)
J. Zhao, L. Xiang, F. Chen, and Weiyao Lan, "Distributed self-triggered control for coupled general linear systems via static output feedback,'' inProceedings of the 2015 Chinese Control Conference, Hangzhou, China, Jul. 2015. (通讯作者)
J. Jing, F. Chen, and L. Xiang, "Event-triggered control for cluster synchronization of linearly coupled complex networks,'' in Proceedings of the 2014 Chinese Control Conference, Nanjing, China, Jul. 2014.
L. Bai, F. Chen, and W. Lan, "Distributed tracking of a rigid formation for multi-agent systems,'' in Proceedings of the 2014 Chinese Control Conference, Nanjing, China, Jul. 2014. (通讯作者)
Y. Qiu, F. Chen, and L. Xiang, "Distributed adaptive coordinated tracking for coupled nonholonomic mobile robots,'' in Proceedings of the 2014 Chinese Conference on Decision and Control, Changsha, China, May 2014. (通讯作者)
F. Chen, G. Feng, L. Liu, and W. Ren, "An extended proportional-integral control algorithm for distributed average tracking and its applications in Euler-Lagrange systems,'' in Proceedings of the 2014 American Control Conference, Portland, Oregon, Jun. 2014. (通讯作者)
F. Chen and W. Ren,"Robust Distributed Average Tracking for Coupled General Linear Systems," in Prof. Chinese Control Conference, Anhui, China, Jul. 2013. (通讯作者)
F. Chen, W. Ren, W. Lan, and G. Chen, "Tracking the Average of Time-Varying Nonsmooth Signals for Double-Integrator Agents with a Fixed Topology," inProc. American Control Conference, Whshington DC., 2013. (通讯作者)
F. Chen, L. Xiang, W. Lan and G. Chen, "Coordinated tracking in mean square for a multi-agent system with noisy channels," in Proc. Chinese Control Conference, Anhui, China, Jul. 2012. (通讯作者)
F. Chen, Y. Cao, and W. Ren, “Distributed average tracking of multiple time-varying reference signals with bounded derivatives,” in Proc. American Control Conference, San Francisco, California, Jun. 2011.
F. Chen, W. Ren, and Z. Lin “Containment control with swarming behavior and group dispersion,” in Proc. American Control Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, Jun. 2010.
Y. Cao, W. Ren, and F. Chen, “Finite-time consensus of multi-agent networks with inherent nonlinear dynamics,” in Proc. American Control Conference, San Francisco, California, Jun. 2011.
L. Y. Xiang, J. H. Zhu, and F. Chen, “A network view of audience flows across satellite television channels in China”, in Chinese Conference on Complex Networks, Qingdao, China, Sep. 2009.
F. Chen, Z. Q. Chen, Z. X. Liu, L. Y. Xiang, and Z. Z. Yuan, “Characterizing and improving consensus speed on random networks,” in Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Yantai, China, Jul. 2008. (通讯作者)
Z. Q. Chen, F. Chen, Z. X. Liu, L. Y. Xiang, and Z. Z. Yuan, “An edge driven model for complex networks: A unified framework,” in World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Chongqing, China, Jun. 2008. (通讯作者)
Z. Q. Chen, F. Chen, Z. X. Liu, L. Y. Xiang, and Z. Z. Yuan, “Consensus in multi-agent systems with negative coupling: Mistake tolerance and conflicts of interest,” in Chinese Conference on Complex Networks, Shanghai, China, Dec. 2007.
F. Chen, Z. Q. Chen, Z. X. Liu, and Z. Z. Yuan, “Insights to a tunable complex-network model,” in Chinese Conference on Complex Networks,Wuhan, China, Nov. 2006.
IEEE Transactions on Controlof Network Systems杰出审稿人,2015
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