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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1362 发布时间: 2018-09-07 11:21 微信号: H17720740258

  9) Y. Xie, Y. Zhou, W. Xi, F. Zeng, S. Chen, Fabrication of a cell fixation device for robotic cell microinjection, Micromachines, 7, 131, 2016, DOI:10.3390/mi7080131.
  8) S. Chen, J.W. van Nieuwkasteele, A. van den Berg, J.C.T. Eijkel, Ion-step method for surface potential sensing of silicon nanowires, Analytical Chemistry, accepted, 2016, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b02230.
  7) D. Narezo-Guzman, Y. Xie, S. Chen, et al., Heat-flux enhancement by vapour-bubble nucleation in Rayleigh-Benard turbulence, J. Fluid. Mech., 787, 331-366, 2016.
  6) S. Chen, A. van den Berg, E.T. Carlen, Sensitivity and detection limit analysis of silicon nanowire bio(chemical)sensors, Sensor. Actuat. B- Chem., 209, 486-489, 2015.
  5) S. Chen, Y. Xie, A. De, A. van den Berg, E.T. Carlen, Electrical shielding for silicon nanowire biosensor in microchannels, Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 173702, 2013.
  4) S. Chen, J.G. Bomer, E.T. Carlen, A. van den Berg, Al2O3/Silicon nanoISFET with near ideal Nernstian response, Nano Lett., 11, 2334-2341, 2011.
  3) M. Masood, S. Chen, E.T. Carlen, A. van den Berg, All-(111) Surface Silicon Nanowires: Selective Functionalization for Biosensing Applications, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., 2, 3422-3428, 2010.
  2) S. Chen, J.G. Bomer, et. al., Top-down fabrication of sub-30 nm monocrystalline silicon nanowires using conventional microfabrication, ACS Nano, 3, 3485-3492, 2009.
  1) H.D. Tong, S. Chen, et. al., Novel top-down wafer-scale fabrication of single crystal silicon nanowires, Nano Lett., 9, 1015-1022, 2009.
  Method for manufacturing a single crystal nano-wire, Patent EP2465137 (granted in 2013);  Patent US20120202325 A1 and WO2011019282 A1 (pending).
  A. De, S. Chen, E.T. Carlen, Probe-free semiconducting silicon nanowire platforms for biosensing, in: Semiconducting Silicon Nanowires for Biomedical Applications, pp. 229-266, Woodhead Publishing, 2014. ISBN 978-0-85709-766-8.
  6) S. Chen, A. van den Berg, J. Eijkel, Ion-step method for surface potential sensing of silicon nanowires. In: The 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, mTas 2015, 25-29 October 2015, Gyeongju, Korea (pp. 1731-1733)
  5) E.T. Carlen, S. Chen, M. Jin, J. van Nieuwkasteele, J. Bomer, Nanosensing platforms: physics, technology, and applications, Conference on Sensing Technologies for Global Health, Military Medicine, Disaster Response, and Environmental Monitoring II, and Biometric Technology for Human Identification IX, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, April 23-25, 2012.
  4) A. De, S. Chen, J. van Nieuwkasteele, W. Sparreboom, E.T. Carlen, A. van den Berg, Integrated Lab-On-A-Chip silicon nanowire biosensing platform, The 21st Micromechanics and Microsystems Europe Workshop, Enschede, The Netherlands, September 26-29, 2010.
  3) S. Chen, J.G. Bomer, W.G. van der Wiel, E.T. Carlen, A. van den Berg, pH sensitivity of single crystal silicon nanowires, Materials Research Soceity (MRS 2009), Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, U.S.A, 2009. (Oral presentation).
  2) S. Chen, J.G. Bomer, W.G. van der Wiel, E.T. Carlen, and A. van den Berg, Top-Down Fabricated Single Crystal Silicon Nanowires for Biosensing, Nano Bio Tech Conference, Montreux, Switzerland, 2009. (Best poster prize)
  1) S. Chen, L. Wang, C. Wu, J. Zhang, P. Wang. Au electrode array based electrochemical immune-biosensor for detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7. 11th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, WP36, 2006.
  3) 荷兰Achmea医疗保险公司横向项目,Nanopil2.0,2014/03-2018/03,参与
  2) 荷兰国家项目NanoNextNL计划出资,NG Nanowire,2010/01-2015/04,参与
  1) 私人投资项目,Blue Bolus Chip(或作Nanopil 1.0),2008/01-2011/12,参与

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