作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1016 发布时间: 2018-09-07 10:52 微信号: H17720740258
学科(专业):神经生物学 细胞生物学
1992年9月-1996年6月 北京师范大学生物系,生物化学专业,本科
1996年9月-2001年4月 中国科学院昆明动物研究所,动物学专业,博士
1998年8月-2003年1月 美国Center for Reproduction of Endangered Species, Zoological Society of San Diego访问学者
2003年2月-11月美国City of Hope National Medical Center/Beckman Research Center博士后
2003年11月-2007年4月 美国Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute博士后
2007年5月至今 厦门大学神经科学研究所 教授,博导,执行所长
张云武教授从事神经系统疾病,尤其是老年性痴呆症等神经退行性疾病的细胞与分子致病机制。在Neuron, PNAS, Nat Struct Mol Biol,等国际知名刊物上发表70多篇研究论文。他荣获国家杰出青年基金、教育部新世纪优秀人才等多项奖项,并担任Molecular Neurodegeneration杂志(SCI IF 6.51)编委。他的研究获得包括国家科技重大专项、973前期专项、国家自然科学基金、美国老年痴呆协会等在内的多项科研项目支持,总额达一千多万元。
实验室主要研究工作包括:1.揭示参与Abeta代谢的重要蛋白质如APP、beta-分泌酶和gamma-分泌酶复合体等的生理及病理功能作用; 2.鉴定新的AD相关基因蛋白并阐明其作用机理; 3.确定Abeta和tau造成神经突触功能损害和神经元退行死亡的分子机制。
主要学术成果: |
论文: |
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Zheng Q, Zheng X, Zhang L, Luo H, Qian L, Fu X, Liu Y, Gao Y, Niu M, Meng J, Zhang M, Bu G, Xu H, Zhang YW* (2016) The neuron-specific protein TMEM59L mediates oxidative stress-induced cell death. Mol Neurobiol, June 21. [Epub ahead of print]. |
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Zhang C, Shi Z, Zhang L, Zhou Z, Zheng X, Liu G, Bu G, Fraser PE, Xu H, Zhang YW* (2016) Appoptosin interacts with mitochondrial outer-membrane fusion proteins and regulates mitochondrial morphology. J Cell Sci 129: 994-1002 |
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Feng T, Niu M, Ji C, Gao Y, Wen J, Bu G, Xu H, Zhang YW* (2015) SNX15 Regulates Cell Surface Recycling of APP and Aβ Generation.Mol Neurobiol,[Epub ahead of print] |
4 |
Yan L, Chen Y, Li W, Huang X, Badie H, Jian F, Huang T, Zhao Y, Cohen SN, Li L,Zhang YW*, Luo H*, Tu S*, Xu H* (2016) RPS23RG1 reduces Ab oligomer-induced synaptic and cognitive deficits. Sci Rep 6:18668. (*: co-corresponding authors) |
5 |
Hu J, Lin T, Xu J, Ding R, Wang G, Shen R, Zhang YW*, Chen H* (2016) Polyphenols isolated from leaves of Vitis thunbergii var. taiwaniana regulate APP related pathway. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 26: 505-511. (*: co-corresponding authors) |
6 |
Zheng H, Tang R, Yao Y, Ji Z, Cao Y, Liu Z, Peng F, Wang W, Can D, Bu G, Xu H, Xing H, Zhang YW*, Zheng W* (2016) miR-219 protects against seizure in the kainic acid model of epilepsy. Mol Neurobiol, 53: 1-7. (*: co-corresponding authors) |
7 |
Hou P, Liu G, Zhao Y, Shi Z, Zheng Q, Bu G, Xu H, Zhang YW* (2015)The role of copper and the copper-related protein CUTA in mediating APP processing and Ab generation. Neurobiol Aging36: 1310-1315 |
8 |
Hu J, Lin T, Gao Y, Xu J, Jiang C, Wang G, Bu G, Xu H, Chen H, Zhang YW* (2015) The Resveratrol Trimer Miyabenol C Inhibits β-Secretase Activity and β-Amyloid Generation. Plos ONE 10: e0115973. |
9 |
Zheng KM, Zhang J, Zhang CL, Zhang YW*, Chen XC* (2015) Curcumin inhibits appoptosin-induced apoptosis via upregulating heme oxygenase-1 expression in SH-SY5Y cells. Acta Pharmacol Sin 36(5):544-552. (*: co-corresponding authors) |
10 |
Zhang X, Li Y, Xu H, Zhang YW* (2014) The g-secretase complex: from structure to function. Front Cell Neurosci 8:427. |
11 |
Jiang S, Li Y, Zhang X, Bu G, Xu H, Zhang YW* (2014) Trafficking regulation of proteins in Alzheimer’s disease. Mol Neurodegener 9:6. |
12 |
Jiang S, Li Y, Zhang C, Zhao Y, Bu G, Xu H, Zhang YW* (2014) M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor in Alzheimer’s disease. Neurosci Bull 30: 295-307. |
13 |
Zhang YW*, Chen Y, Liu Y, Zhao Y, Liao FF, Xu H* (2013) APP regulates NGF receptor trafficking and NGF-mediated neuronal differentiation and survival. Plos ONE 8(11): e80571. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0080571. (*: co-corresponding authors) |
14 |
Li X, Liu Y, Zheng Q, Yao G, Cheng P, Bu G, Xu H, Zhang YW* (2013) Ferritin light chain interacts with PEN-2 and affectsγ-secretase activity. Neurosci Lett 548: 90-94. |
15 |
Zhang H#, Zhang YW#, Chen Y#, Huang X, Zhou F, Wang W, Xian B, Zhang X, Masliah E, Chen Q, Han JDJ, Bu G, Reed JC, Liao FF, Chen YG, Xu H (2012) Appoptosin is a novel proapoptotic protein and mediates cell death in neurodegeneration. J Neurosci 32: 15565-15576. (#:co-first authors) |
16 |
Zhao Y, Wang Y, Yang J, Wang X, Zhao Y, Zhang YW* (2012) Sorting nexin 12 interacts with BACE1 and regulates BACE1-mediated APP processing. Mol Neurodegener 7:30. |
17 |
Zhao Y, Wang Y, Hu J, Zhang X, Zhang YW* (2012) CutA divalent cation tolerance homolog (E. Coli) (CUTA) regulates β-cleavage of β-amyloid precursor proteins (APP) through interacting with β-site APP cleaving protein 1 (BACE1).J Biol Chem 287: 11141-11150. |
18 |
Huang X, Chen Y, Li W-B, Cohen SN, Liao F-F, Li L, Xu H, Zhang YW* (2010) The Rps23rg gene family originated through retroposition of the ribosomal protein s23 mRNA and encodes proteins that decrease Alzheimer’s b-amyloid level and tau phosphorylation. Hum Mol Genet 19: 3835-3843. |
19 |
Jiang S, Wang Y, Ma Q, Zhou A, Zhang X, Zhang YW* (2012) M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor interacts with BACE1 and regulates its proteosomal degradation. Neurosci Lett 515: 125-130 |
20 |
Zhang YW, Xu H (2010) Substrate check of g-secretase. Nat Struct Mol Biol17: 140-141. |
21 |
Zhang YW, Liu S, Zhang X, Li WB, Chen Y, Huang X, Sun L, Luo W, Netzer WJ, Threadgill R, Wiegand G, Wang R, Cohen SN, Greengard P, Liao FF, Li L, Xu H. (2009) A functional mouse retroposed gene Rps23r1 reduces Alzheimer’s b-amyloid levels and tau phosphorylation. Neuron 64:328-340. |
22 |
Zhang YW*, Wang R, Liu Q, Zhang H, Liao FF, Xu H* (2007) Presenilin/ g-secretase-dependent processing of APP regulates EGFR expression. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104: 10613-10618. (*: co-corresponding authors) |
主持课题: |
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国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目“RPS23RG家族在海马神经环路功能和学习记忆中的作用研究”(2014.01-2016.12),70万元 |
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国家杰出青年科学基金“老年痴呆症的细胞与分子机制”(2013.01-2016.12),280万元 |
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国家自然科学基金中加(NSFC-CIHR)老年痴呆症及相关病症合作研究项目“一个新的与APP相互作用的促凋亡蛋白在老年痴呆症中的功能机制”(2012.01-2015.12),300万元 |
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美国Alzheimer’s Association项目“The Involvement of CutA in Alzheimer’s Disease”(2010.09-2012.08),8万美元 |
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科技部973前期专项“在老年性痴呆症中起重要作用的新基因的鉴定及功能研究”(2010.04-2012.08),62万元 |
获奖: |
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2008年教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 |
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2009年福建省“杰出青年基金” |
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2012年福建省“高校领军人才” |
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2012年“国家杰出青年科学基金” |
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2014年福建省“科技创新领军人才” |
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