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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 859 发布时间: 2018-09-06 18:01 微信号: H17720740258

  2013年毕业于香港大学物理学系获得哲学博士学位(PhD),同年加入厦门大学萨本栋微米纳米科学技术研究院任助理教授。主要研究方向是半导体纳米材料的制备与光电性质,石墨烯基复合材料的绿色制备,材料缺陷与界面修饰和性质,新能源与环境器件。在Electrochimica Acta, Sci Rep, Chem Mater, Appl Phys Lett, Nano Lett等学术期刊上发表论文40余篇,综述3篇,著作章节1篇。
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  [1] Guo, H. C., Long, D., Zheng, Z. M., Chen, X. Y.*, Ng, A. M. C.*, Lu, M. Defect-enhanced performance of a 3D graphene anode in a lithium-ion battery, Nanotechnology 28, 505402, 2017.
  [2] Long, D., Guo, H. C., Cui, J. Q., Chen, X. Y.*, Lu, M. Rapid etching of carbon fiber induced by noble metal nanoparticles, Materials Letters 197, 45–47, 2017.
  [3] Wang, T., Guo, H. C., Chen, X. Y.*, Lu, M.* Low-temperature thermal reduction of suspended graphene oxide film for electrical sensing of DNA-hybridization, Materials Science and Engineering C 72, 62–68, 2017.
  [4] Chen, X. Y.*, Guo, H. C., Wang, T., Lu, M.*, Wang, T. H. In-situ fabrication of reduced graphene oxide (rGO)/ZnO heterostructure: surface functional groups induced electrical properties, ELectrochimica Acta, 196, 558, 2016.
  [5] Li, Y. F., Lin, B. C., Ge, L. K., Guo, H. C., Chen, X. Y.*, Lu, M.* Real-time spectroscopic monitoring of photocatalytic activity promoted by graphene in a microfluidic reactor, Scientific Reports 6, 28803, 2016.
  [6] Chen, X. Y.*, Ng, A. M. C., Djuri?i?, A. B., Ling, C. C., Chan, W. K., Fong, W. K., Lui, H. F., Surya, C., Cheng, C. C. W., and Kwok, W. M. GaN/MgO/ZnO heterojunction light-emitting diodes, Thin Solid Film, 527(1), 303-307, 2013.
  [7] Chen, X. Y., Ng, A. M. C., Djuri?i?, A. B., Ling, C. C., Chan, W. K., Hydrothermal treatment of ZnO nanostructures, Thin Solid Films, 520(7), 2656-2662, 2012.
  [8] Chen, X. Y., Fang, F., Ng, A. M. C., Djuri?i?, A. B., Cheah, K. W., Ling, C. C., Chan, W. K., Fong, P. W. K., Lui, H. F., and Surya, C., Nitrogen doped-ZnO/n-GaN heterojunctions, Journal of Applied Physics, 109(8), 084330, 2011.
  [9] Chen, X. Y., Ng, A. M. C., Fang, F., Ng, Y. H., Djuri?i?, A. B., Tam, H. L., Cheah, K. W., Gwo, S., Chan, W. K., Fong, P. W. K., Lui, H. F., and Surya, C., ZnO nanorod/GaN light-emitting diodes: The origin of yellow and violet emission bands under reverse and forward bias, Journal of Applied Physics, 110(9), 094513, 2011.
  [10]   Chen, X. Y., Fang, F., Ng, A. M. C., Djuri?i?, A. B., Chan, W. K., Lui, H. F., Fong, P. W. K., Surya, C., and Cheah, K. W., Effect of doping precursors on the optical properties of Ce-doped ZnO nanorods, Thin Solid Films, 520(3), 1125–1130, 2011.
  [11] Chen, X. Y., Ng, A. M. C., Fang, F., Djuri?i?, A. B., Chan, W. K., Tam, H. L., Cheah, K. W., Fong, P. W. K., Lui, H. F., and Surya, C., The Influence of the ZnO seed layer on the ZnO nanorod/GaN LEDs, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 157(3), H308–H311, 2010.
  [12] Chen, X. Y., Fang, F., Ng, A. M. C., Djuri?i?, A. B., and Tong, S. Y., Growth of triangular ZnO nanorods by electrodeposition, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 157(12), K269–K272, 2010.
  [13] Chen, X. Y., Yip, C. T., Fung, M. K., Djuri?i?, A. B., and Chan, W. K., GaN-nanowire-based dye-sensitized solar cells, Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing, 100(1), 15–19, 2010.
  [14] Chen, X. Y., Cui, H., Liu,P., Yang, G. W. Double-layer hexagonal Fe nanocrystals and magnetism, Chemistry of Materials, 2008, 20(5), 2035-2038.
  [15] Chen, X. Y., Cui, H., Liu, P., Yang, G. W. Shape-induced ultraviolet absorption of CuO shuttlelike nanoparticles, Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 90(18), 183118.
  [16] Liu, X., Wang, G., Ng, A., Ng, Y. H., Leung, Y. H., Chen, X. Y., Djurisic, A. B., Ng, A. M. C., Chan, W. K., Zinc oxideprecursor treatment for improving dye-sensitized solar cell efficiency,Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, 2015, 252(3), 532-537.
  [17] Leung, Y. H., Chen, X. Y., Ng, A. M. C., Guo, M. Y., Liu, F. Z., Djuri?i?, A. B. *, Chan, W. K., Shi, X. Q., Van Hove, M. A. Green emission in ZnO nanostructures-Examination of the roles of oxygen and zinc vacancies, Applied Surface Science, 271, 202-209, 2013.
  [18] Beinik, I., Kratzer, M., Wachauer, A., Wang L., Piryatinski, Y. P., Brauer, G., Chen, X. Y., Hsu, Y. F., Djuri?i?,A. B., Teichert, C., Photoresponse from single upright-standing ZnO nanorods explored by photoconductive AFM, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2013, 208-207, 2013.
  [19] Wong, K. K., Ng, A., Chen, X. Y., Ng, Y. H., Leung, Y. H., Ho, K. H., Ng, A. M. C., Djuri?i?,A. B., Chan, W. K., Yu, L. H. Effect of ZnO Nanoparticle Properties on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Performance, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 4, 1254-1261, 2012.
  [20] Fang, F., Chen, X. Y., Ng, A. M. C., Djuri?i?, A. B., Cheah, K. W., Chan, W. K., Optical properties of ZnO-based core-shell nanostructures, Thin Solid Films, 519(7), 2296–2301, 2011.
  [21] Beinik, I., Kratzer, M., Wachauer, A., Wang, L., Lechner, R. T., Teichert, C., Motz, C., Anwand, W., Brauer, G., Chen, X. Y., Hsu, X. Y., Djuri?i?, A. B., Electrical properties of ZnO nanorods studied by conductive atomic force microscopy, Journal of Applied Physics, 110(5), 052005, 2011.
  [22] Guo, M. Y., Fung, M. K., Fang, F., Chen, X. Y., Ng, A. M. C., Djuri?i?, A. B., Chan, W. K., ZnO and TiO2 1D nanostructures for photocatalytic applications, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509(4), 1328–1332, 2011.
  [23]   Ng, A. M. C., Chen, X. Y., Fang, F., Djuri?i?, A. B., Chan, W. K., 3,4,9,10-Perylenetetracarboxylicdiimide/ZnO hybrid nanomaterials, Optical Materials, 32(12), 1578–1582, 2010.
  [24] Liu, P. Wang, C. X., Chen, X. Y., Yang, G. W., Controllable fabrication and cathodoluminescence performance of high-index facets GeO(2) micro- and nanocubes and spindles upon electrical-field-assisted laser ablation in liquid,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2008, 112 (35), 13450-13456.
  [25] Liu, P. Cao, Y. L., Wang, C. X., Chen, X. Y., Yang, G. W. Micro- and nanocubes of carbon with C(8)-like and blue luminescence, Nano Letters, 2008, 8(8), 2570-2575.
  [26] Yang, Y. H., Chen. X. Y., Feng, Y., Yang, G. W. Physical mechanism of blue-shift of UV luminescence of a single pencil-like ZnO nanowire, Nano Letters, 2007, 7(12), 3879-3883.
  Djuri?i?, A. B., Chen, X. Y., Zapien, J. A., Leung, Y. H., Ng, A. M. C. “Optical Properties of Oxide nanoparticles”, in UV-VIS and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy for Nanomaterials Characterization 2013.
  [1] Djuri?i?, A. B., Chen, X. Y., Leung, Y. H. and Ng, A. M. C., ZnO nanostructures: growth, properties and applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22(14), 6526-6535, 2012.
  [2] Djuri?i?, A. B., Chen, X. Y., and Leung, Y. H., Recent progress in hydrothermal synthesis of oxide materials, Recent Patents on Nanotechnology, 6(2), 124-134, 2012.
  [3] Djuri?i?, A. B., Ng, A. M. C., and Chen, X. Y., ZnO nanostructures for optoelectronics: Material properties and device applications, Progress in Quantum Electronics, 34(4), 191-259, 2010.
  [1] Chen, X. Y., Ng, A. M. C., Liu, F., Guo, M. Y., Leung, Y. H., Djuri?i?, A. B., Chan, W. K. ZnO nanostructures -- relationship between native defects and practical applications, E-MRS Spring Meeting, Symposium P, Strasbourg, France, May 27-31, 2013. (摘要)
  [2] Chen, X. Y., Ng, A. M. C., Leung, Y .H., Djuri?i?, A. B., Chan, W. K. ZnO-based light emitting devices, ICMAT 2013, “Symposium E - Solid-state devices for light emission and detection”, Singapore. 2013. (摘要)
  [3] Chen, X. Y., Ng, A. M. C., Djuri?i?, A. B., Ling, C. C., Chan, W. K., Fong, W. K., Lui, H. F., and Surya, C. Electroluminescence of p-GaN/MgO/n-ZnO heterojunction light-emitting diodes, MRS Proceedings, 1439, mrss12-1439-aa09-23, 2012.
  [4] Chen, X. Y., Ng, A. M. C., Djuri?i?, A. B., Ling, C. C.,Chan, W. K. Influence of hydrothermal treatment on morphology and properties of ZnO nanostructures, Proceedings of SPIE, 82631J, 2012.
  [5] Chen, X. Y., Ng, A. M. C., Wong, K. K., Djuri?i?, A. B., Fang, F., Chan, W. K., Fong, P. W. K., Lui, H. F., and Surya, C., ZnO nanorods for light emitting diode applications, in [Oxide-Based Materials And Devices II], Teherani, FH and Look, DC and Rogers, DJ, ed., Proceedings of SPIE, 79400B, 2011.

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