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发布时间: 2018-09-06 16:49
微信号: H17720740258

职 称: 教授
电 话: 0592-5952732
邮 箱: vcmei@xmu.edu.cn
1.Aug. 2007 to Jan. 2010: Guest professor, St. John’s Technology University, Taiwan.
2.December 79 to July 2007: Senior research staff, thermal and environmental control technology and building energy conservation program, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Am responsible for project management, heat pump R & D and modeling, mobile air conditioning laboratory R & D, Non-CFC automotive air conditioning system analysis, thermoelectric cooling analysis, and desiccant cooling and dehumidification technology.
3.Aug. 76 to Dec. 79: Graduate student and research assistant at Illinois Institute of Technology. Heat and mass transfer analyses
4.Nov. 72 to July 76: Acting chief engineer with Dole Refrigerating Co., Chicago, Ill. Was responsible for plate freezer, eutectic plate, and refrigeration equipment design and development.
5. Nov. 70 to Nov. 72: Mechanical Engineer with Henschien Everds Crombie Inc., Chicago, Ill. Was responsible for industrial and commercial refrigeration system design.
B.S.M.E. National Cheng-Kung Univ., Tainan, Taiwan, 1964.
MASc. (master of applied science) M.E. Univ. of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1968.
Ph.D.M.E. Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, 1979.
Ill. Was responsible for industrial and commercial refrigeration system design.
Over 100 technical publications and reports, and co-editor of seven ASME heat pump symposium volumes (1988 to 1997). A contributor to ASHRAE 1989 Fundamental Handbook Heat Transfer chapter.
Professional Activities and honors
1.ASME Fellow.
2.Member, chairman of heat pump technical committee (1996-1998), AESD of ASME.
3.Associate editor, ASME J. of Solar Energy Engineering, 2000-2006.
4.Registered Professional Engineer in Illinois.
5.Over-sea consultant of Energy and Environment Laboratory (Taiwan) since 1987.
6.Who is who in Science and Engineering. Who is who in Technology.
7.Recipient of NSF’s fellowship at Illinois Institute of Technology, 1977-79.
8.Recipient of the International Inventor’s Hall of Fame Advanced Technology award, 1995,
9.Recipient of Lockheed Martin Energy Research Inc. significant event award, 1998.
10.Recipient of ASME Advanced Energy Division Service Award, 1999.
11.Recipient of RD100 award (frostless heat pump), 1999.
12.Recipient of 1999 ORNL Energy Division Team Award.
13.Recipient of oversea Chinese outstanding service award from Taiwan government, 1992.
14. Recipient of 2006 ASME J. of Solar Energy Engineering associate editor service award.
15. U.S. representative to International Energy Agency (IEA) Annex 8 and 15 technical committees.
Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Assoc. editor, ASME J. of Solar Energy Engineering, 2000 to 2006
Over 100 technical publications and reports, co-editor of seven ASME heat pump symposium volumes (1988 to 1997), and 10 patents. A contributor to ASHRAE 1989 Fundamental Handbook Heat Transfer chapter.
1.U.S. Patent No. 4043144, Automatic Hot Gas Defrost System for Truck Refrigeration Equipment.
2.U.S. Patent No. 4341088, Highway Vehicle Exhaust Gas Powered Refrigeration System.
3.U.S. Patent No. 5245833, Liquid Over-Feeding Refrigeration System.
4.U.S. Patent No. 5622055, Integrated accumulator and expander, 4-22-97.
5.U.S. Patent No. 5845502, Improved Defrost Capability for heat pump with or without liquid over-feeding, 12-8-98.
6.U.S. Patent No. 6233958, Heat pump water heater and method of making the same, May 22, 2001.
7.U.S. Patent No. 6250090, Apparatus and method for evaporator defrosting, June 26, 2001.
8.U.S. Patent No. 6467284, Frostless Heat Pump Having Thermal Expansion Valves, Oct. 2002.
9.U.S. Patent No. 6868678, Non-Intrusive refrigerant charge indicator, March, 2005.
10.U.S. Patent No. US 2006/0213210 A1, Low Cost Heat Pump Water Heater, March 6, 2006.