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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 657 发布时间: 2018-09-06 16:46 微信号: H17720740258

  职       称: 教授
  邮       箱: fengan@icet.org.cn
  研究方向: 低碳技术、汽车能源经济战略及气候变化政策研究领域
  2013-今 厦门大学能源研究院客座教授
  2012-今 总裁兼执行主任 美中清洁技术中心(洛杉矶,北京)
  2006-今 总裁兼执行主任 美国能源与交通创新中心 (洛杉矶,北京)
  2004-今 总裁 美国能源与交通技术公司 (洛杉矶)
  2000-2010 高级顾问,美国能源基金会中国可持续能源项目,美国惠普基金会拉丁美洲交通项目
  1998-2006 高级应用物理科学家 美国能源部阿贡国家实验室交通研究中心 (阿贡)
  1994-1998 助理研究教授 加州大学河滨分校工学院环境研究和技术中心 (洛杉矶)
  1992-1994 高级顾问 美国国际开发署 (华盛顿)
  1990-1991 助理研究员 美国能源部劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 国际能源分析小组 (伯克利)
  University of Michigan, PhD, Applied Physics, 1992
  University of Notre Dame, MS, Physics, 1988
  Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, MS, Applied Physics, 1986
  University of Science and Technology of China, BS, Physics, 1983
  作为低碳技术、汽车能源经济战略及气候变化政策研究领域的国际知名专家,安锋博士拥有二十多年的学术、商业、政府及非政府组织工作经验。2006年,在美国顶尖基金会资助下,安博士在美国加州和中国北京创立能源与交通创新中心(Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation),旨在建立世界一流智库组织来研究低碳发展应对气候变化。在他的领导下,能源与交通创新中心已发展成为低碳交通、碳管理和MRV、清洁能源和技术等领域的领先专业研究机构。
  安锋博士曾接受包括纽约时报,华盛顿邮报和新华社在内的多家中外权威媒体的采访。同时,他被多次邀请在联合国、欧盟、国际能源署、石油输出国组织、世界银行等组织举办的高级别会议上发言,介绍自己的观点。1997年至2006年间,他担任中美环境网上杂志 – “中国环境期刊”的出版人和主编。安锋博士是许多学术研究报告的作者,其中最有影响力的是为美国皮尤全球气候变化中心所撰写的关于引发全球范围的努力去规范和协调国际汽车燃油经济性标准的报告。他从美国密西根大学获得博士学位,中国清华大学获得硕士学位,中国科技大学获得学士学位,研究领域均为物理学。
  Major Academic Achievements
  An, F., R. Earley, L. Kang, and L., Green-Weiskel, A Global Overview on Fuel Efficiency and Motor Vehicle Emission Standards: Policy Options and Perspectives for International Cooperation (for UNCSD), The 19th Session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development in New York, 2-13 May 2011.
  Earley, R., L. Kang, F. An, and L., Green-Weiskel, Electric Vehicles in the Context of Sustainable Development in China (for UNCSD, The 19th Session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development in New York, 2-13 May 2011.
  An, F., L. Kang, and R. Earley, Development of Low Carbon Vehicle Fuel Policy in China Recommendation Report, The Energy Foundation China Sustainable Energy Program Publication, December, 2010.
  An, F., D. Ma, L. Kang, and R. Earley: 2010 China Environmentally Friendly Vehicle Annual Analysis Report, The Energy Foundation China Sustainable Energy Program Publication, April, 2011.
  An, F., D. Ma, L. Kang, and R. Earley: 2010 China Passenger Vehicle Corporate Average Fuel Consumption Development Research Report, The Energy Foundation China Sustainable Energy Program Publication, April, 2011
  Earley, R., L. Kang, F. An. and et. al., : Research Report on China’s Four Types of Fiber Biomass Energy Conversion Technologies, Internal Report for Novozymes, August, 2010
  Wagner, D., F. An, C. Wang, 2009, “Structure and Impacts of Fuel Economy Standards for Passenger Cars in China”, Energy Policy 37 (2009) 3803-3811.
  Green-Weiskel, L., F. Fang, Li Xueyu, Yufu Cheng and Feng An ,2009, Building Carbon Inventories in China, a report by the Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation.
  iCET, 2009, Background and Strategy of Chinese Low Carbon Fuel Policy, Background document for the Low Carbon Fuel Policy Project, Submitted to: The Strategic Programmes Fund British Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
  Cheng Yufu, Kang Liping, Fang Fang and An Feng, 2008, “Building a Low Carbon Fuel Standard – Advancing Alternative Fuel Development,” in the May 2008 edition of the Chinese publication, Environmental Protection.
  An, F., Gordon, D., He, H., Kodjak, D., Rutherford, D., 2007. Passenger Vehicle Greenhouse Gas and Fuel Economy Standards: A Global Update. International Council on Clean Transportation.
  He, K., Huo, H., Zhang, Q., He, D., An, F., Wang, M., Walsh, M., 2005. Oil consumption and CO2 emissions in China’s road transport: current status, future trends, and policy implications. EnergyPolicy33, 1499–1507.
  An, F., and Amanda Sauer, 2005, Comparison of Passenger Vehicle Fuel Economy and Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards around the World, Pew Center on Global Climate Changes, 2005, Arlington, VAAn, F and John DeCicco, 2004 & 2005, Automakers’ Corporate Carbon Burden, Environmental Defense, Washington DCAn, F., John DeCicco and Huiming Gong, 2004, Automotive CO2 Emissions Characterization by U.S. Light-Duty Vehicle Platform, Transportation Research Board Meeting, 2005, Washington DC.
  An, F., and Danilo Santini, 2004, Mass Impacts on Fuel Economies of Conventional vs. Hybrid Electric Vehicles, SAE 2004-01-0572, SAE 2004 Transactions - Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineering.
  An, F., and Danilo Santini, 2003, Assessing Tank-to-Wheel Efficiencies of Advanced Technology Vehicles, SAE 2003-01-0412, SAE 2003 Transactions - Journal of Passenger Cars – Mechanical Systems, Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineering.
  An, F., Danilo Santini and J. Anderson, 2003, Assessing and Modeling Direct Hydrogen and Gasoline Reforming Fuel Cell Vehicles and Their Cold Start Performance, 2003-01-2252, SAE 2003 Transactions - Journal of Engines , Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineering
  Santini, Danilo J., A.D. Vyas, J. Moore, and F. An, 2002, Comparing Cost Estimates for U.S. Fuel Economy Improvement by Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles, presentation at the 19th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition “The Answer for the Clean mobility” Oct.19-23, 2002 , BEXCO, Busan, Korea.
  An, F., D. Friedman and M. Ross, 2002, Near-Term Fuel Economy Potential for Light-Duty Trucks, SAE 2002-01-1900, Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers
  Santini, D., A., Vyas, J. Anderson, and F. An, 2002, Hybridizing with Engine Power Reduction, 81st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Paper 02-4095, Washington, DC.
  An, F., J. DeCicco, and M. Ross. 2001. Assessing the Fuel Economy Potential of Light-Duty Vehicles. SAE Paper No. 2001- 01FTT-31, SAE Special Publication (SP-1637) on New Energy Systems and Environmental Impacts, Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers.
  An, F., A. Vyas, J. Anderson, and D. Santini. 2001. Evaluating Commercial and Prototype HEVs. SAE Paper No. 2001-01-0951. SAE Special Publication (SP-1607) on Advanced Hybrid Vehicle Powertrains, Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers.
  An, F., and A. Rousseau. 2001. Integration of a Modal Energy and Emissions Model into a PNGV Vehicle Simulation Model PSAT. SAE Paper No. 2001-01-0954, SAE Special Publication (SP-1607) on Advanced Hybrid Vehicle Powertrains, Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers.
  Santini, D., A., Vyas, J. Anderson, and F. An, 2001, Estimating Trade-Offs along the Path to the PNGV 3X Goal, 80th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Paper 01-3222, Washington, DC.
  Santini, D., A. Vyas, J. Anderson, and F. An, 2001. Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles’ Fuel Economy Goal, Transportation Research Record Series 1750; Energy, Air Quality, and Fuel, pp. 3-10. Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Science, Washington DC, 2001.
  DeCicco, J.M., F. An and M. Ross. 2001. Technical Options for Improving the Fuel Economy of U.S. Cars and Light Trucks by 2010–2015, Washington, DC: American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.
  An, F., F. Stodolsky, A. Vyas, R. Cuenca and J. Eberhardt. 2000. Scenario Analysis of Hybrid Class 3-7 Heavy Vehicles. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Technical Paper 2000-01-0989. SAE Transaction: Journals of Engine, 109-3, 2000.
  An, F., F. Stodolsky, and D. Santini. 1999. Hybrid Options for Light-Duty Vehicles. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Technical Paper 1999-01-2929, SAE Special Publication (SP-1466) on Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles and Fuel Cell Technology.
  An, F., F. Stodolsky, and J. Eberhardt. 1999. Fuel and Emission Impacts of Heavy Hybrid Vehicles. 32nd ISATA Conference Proceeding, Vienna, Austria, 99CPE015, pp. 193-202.
  Stodolsky, F., L. Gaines, C. Marshall, and F. An. 1999. “Total Fuel Cycle Impacts of Advanced Vehicles.” SAE Technical Paper 1999-01-0322.
  An, F., and M. Barth. 1998. Critical Issues in Quantifying Hybrid Electric Vehicle Emissions and Fuel Consumption. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Technical Paper, 981902.
  An, F., M. Barth, G. Scora and Marc Ross. 1998. Modal-based Intermediate Soak Time Emissions Modeling, Transportation Research Board Record Series 1664, pp. 58-78. Transportation Research Board , National Academy of Science, Washington DC, 1999.
  An, F., M. Barth, G. Scora and Marc Ross. 1998. Modeling Enleanment Emissions for Light-Duty Vehicles, Transportation Research Board Record Series NO. 1641, PP. 48-57. Transportation Research Board , National Academy of Science, Washington DC, 1998.
  An, F., M. Barth, M. Ross and J. Norbeck. 1997. The Development of a Comprehensive Modal Emissions Model: Operating Under Hot-Stabilized Conditions. Transportation Research Board Record Series 1587: 52-62, Washington DC, 1997.
  An, F., M. Barth and G. Scora. 1997. Impacts of Diverse Driving Cycles on Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Performance. SAE Special Publication (SP-1284) on Electric/Hybrid Vehicles: Alternative Powerplants, Energy Management, and Battery Technology. SAE Technical Paper 972646.
  An, F., A. Frank and M. Ross. 1996. Meeting both ZEV and PNGV Goals with a Hybrid Electric Vehicle - An Exploration. SAE Special Publication on Technical Solutions to Alternative Transportation Problems (SP-1189): 17-32. SAE Technical Paper 961656 .
  An, F. and M. Ross. 1996. A Simple Physical Model for High Power Enrichment Emissions. Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, Vol. 46, March, pp. 216 - 223.
  Barth, M., F. An, J. Norbeck and M. Ross. 1996. Modal Emissions Modeling: A Physical Approach. Transportation Research Board Record Series 1520: 81-88, Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Science, Washington DC, 1996.
  An, F., M. Barth and M. Ross. 1995. Vehicle Total Life-Cycle Exhaust Emissions. Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper 951856.
  An, F. and F. Stodolsky. 1995. Modeling the Effect of Engine Assembly Mass on Engine Friction and Vehicle Fuel Economy. SAE Special Publication on Engine and Multidimensional Engine Modeling (SP-1101): 267-273. SAE Technical Paper 950988.
  An, F. and M. Ross. 1993. A Model of Fuel Economy with Applications to Driving Cycle. Transportation Research Board Record Series 1416: 105-114. Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Science, Washington DC, 1993.
  An, F. and M. Ross. 1993. A Model of Fuel Economy and Driving Patterns. SAE Special Publication on Future Fuel and Emission Systems (SP-949): 63-79. SAE Technical Paper 930328.
  Ross, M. and F. An. 1993. The Use of Fuel by Spark Ignition Engines. SAE Special Publication on Future Fuel and Emission Systems (SP-949): 1-10. SAE Technical Paper 930329.
  Ross M., M. Ledbetter and F. An. 1991. Options for Reducing Oil Use by Light Vehicles: An Analysis of Technologies and Policy. American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.
  Schipper, L., P. Duerr, R. Steiner, F. An and S. Strom. 1991. Energy Use in Passenger Transport in OECD Countries: Changes Between 1970 and 1987. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Report LBL-29830.

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