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发布时间: 2018-09-05 15:55
微信号: H17720740258

职 称: 副教授
邮 箱: zhangjian@xmu.edu.cn
研究方向: 核材料辐照损伤,陶瓷固化核废料辐照效应
2005年9月—2007年8 月,兰州大学,核科学与技术学院,粒子物理与原子核物理,
2001.9-2005.7, B.S., nuclear technology and application, Nuclear Physics, Lanzhou University
2005.9-2007.8 , Graduate student, Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics, Lanzhou University
2007.9-2010.9 , Ph. D student, Los Alamos National Lab(Ion Beam Material Lab.)
2010.10-2011.1, PhD, Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics, Lanzhou University
Nuclear Material Irradiation Damage
Irradiation Effects of ceramics immobilizing nuclear waste
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[6].J. Zhang, Y.Q. Wang, J.A. Valdez, M. Tang, and K.E. Sickafus, “Irradiation Induced Order-Disorder Phase Transformation in A4Zr3O12 (A=Sc, Lu and Dy)”, Journal of Nuclear Material,2011. 419(1-3) 386-391
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