厦门大学能源学院核能导师介绍:Roger U. Fujii
点击量: 854
发布时间: 2018-09-05 15:46
微信号: H17720740258

Roger U. Fujii
职 称: 教授
研究方向: 系统、软件和硬件验证与确认
2016年美国电子电气工程师协会(IEEE)计算机协会主席,IEEE会士,IEEE计算机协会金核心成员,2010年计算机与信息工程(CIE)执行官,系统、软件和硬件验证与确认的国际权威。现任国际软件工程标准(ISO/IEC SC7/JTC1)美国代表团主席,IEEE理事会成员——第八分部理事,IEEE计算机协会IEEE Std 1012标准工作组主席(1985年至今)。担任新闻事务委员会理事长,最近出任出版专委会成员,特邀编辑(软件)。2011年,他领导了计算机协会战略发展计划。
因IEEE 1012(1986,1994,1998,2012)被采纳,Fujii获得了IEEE计算机协会“杰出成就奖”。
Fujii系统公司总裁,负责日常行政事务。作为诺斯洛普?格鲁门公司(Northrop Grumman)副总裁(已退休),他管理10.86亿美元,负责 F-22/35通讯系统开发。曾在加州大学洛杉矶分校和萨克拉门托州立大学举办专题演讲。曾服务于美国国家科学院委员会的航天飞机项目。
1. IEEE Fellow (2009)
2. IEEE Computer Society Golden Core Member
3. Asian American Executive of the Year Award, 2009, Chinese Institute of Engineers
4. IEEE Computer Society “Certificate of Appreciation” for Outstanding service as a member of the Publications Board (2007)
5. IEEE Computer Society “Meritorious Service Award” for Head of USA Delegation and Chair of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 (1993)
6. IEEE Computer Society “Outstanding Achievement Award” for adoption of IEEE Std 1012, Standard for Software Verification and Validation (1986, 1994,1998, 2012)
7. Asian Pacific Heritage Month Award (2010), United States Air Force Hanscom Air Force Base New England Chapter
8. Daedalian Award for Systems Excellence, Order of Daedalians, 2010
9. Finalist, Laureate Award Aviation Week Magazine (Battlefield Airborne Communication Network), 2011
1. Software Engineering Encyclopedia (John Marciniak), chapter on Software Verification and Validation
2. Systems and Software Engineering (chapter on Verification and Validation), IEEE Computer Society, R. Thayer and Merlin Dorfman, 1997
3. Computer Magazine (May 1989), “Introduction to Software Verification and Validation”
4. Department of Defense MIL STD 2167A, 2168 and DOD STD 483, contributor of various sections
5. National Academy Of Sciences, National Research Council, Aeronautics and Space Engineering, “Assessment of Space Shuttle Flight Software Development Processes”, special annex on “Definition of Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V)
6. Principles of System and Software Verification and Validation, Systems and Software Technology Conference, 26 April 2012, Salt lake City, UT
7. System, Software, and Hardware Verification and Validation: A Return to Systems Engineering, NASA Independent Verification and Validation Workshop, 11 September 2012, West Virginia University, Fairmont, WV
8. Numerous other papers at conferences and special panel sessions
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