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简历: 2004年9月起在福州大学土木工程学院桥梁与隧道工程专业进行硕士与博士研究生阶段的学习与研究,研究方向为钢管混凝土组合结构桥梁,期间曾于2007年赴克罗地亚进行短期的学术访问,2009年7月获工学博士学位,进入厦门大学土木系任教至今。
研究方向与教学领域: 主要研究领域为钢混凝土组合结构桥梁,曾在国内外刊物上发表论文二十余篇。目前主要从事《桥梁工程》的教学工作及组合结构桥梁、拱桥理论的研究工作。
1. Jing Gao, Bao-Chun Chen. Investigation of in-plane behaviour of concrete-filled steel tubular model arches with corrugated steel webs.Proceedings of the ICE - Bridge Engineering. (DOI): 10.1680/bren.11.00013. 2013.
2. Jing Gao, Baochun Chen, Jiazhan Su. Experiment on a concrete filled steel tubular arch with corrugated steel webs subjected to spatial loading. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, 37-42. (EI收录号: 20122315095839)
3. Jing Gao, Baochun Chen. Finite element analysis of ultimate load-carrying capacity of CFST-CSW arches. Advanced Material Research, 2011, 163-167: 1910-1915(EI收录号:20110313593470).
4. Jing Gao, Chongwu Hu, Jiangfeng Lian. Analysis and Design of a Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Beam Footbridge. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Xiamen, 2011, 90-93: 1019-1022. (EI收录号: 20114014388874)
5. Jing Gao, Baochun Chen. Analysis on Load-carrying Capacity of an Arch with Corrugated Web. Proceedings of the IABSE-IASS Symposium, London, 2011.9: 0413.
6. Jing Gao, Baochun Chen. Application of Equivalent Beam-Column Method to Prediction of Ultimate Strength of CFST-CSW Arch. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering. 2011.10:978-983.
7. 高婧,石文龙,李国强,叶志明. 平端板连接半刚性梁柱组合节点的初始转动刚度.工程力学, 2011,28(3):55-61(EI收录号:20111613922605)
8. 高婧,葛继平,林铁良. 干接缝节段拼装桥墩拟静力试验研究. 振动与冲击, 2011, 30(4): 211-216.(EI收录号:20112214022875)
9. 高婧,陈宝春.波形钢腹板钢管混凝土模型拱极限承载力研究.工程力学,2010, 27(3):91-100 (EI收录号:20101912918317).
10. Gao Jing, Chen Baochun. Experimental research on beams with tubular chords and corrugated steel web. Proceedings of the 12th international symposium on tubular structures, Shanghai, China. 2008.10: 563-570.
11. Gao Jing, Chen Baochun. Experimental research on concrete filled steel tubular columns with trapezoidally corrugated steel webs. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Experts, 2008.10: 611-616 (ISTP收录:BIU29)
12. 高婧, 陈宝春. 波形钢腹板钢管混凝土梁非线性有限元分析与参数研究. 福州大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 36(5): 722-728.
13. 高婧, 陈宝春. 波形钢腹板钢管混凝土梁有限元分析. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2007, 第39卷增刊2:212-215 (EI收录号:074910962997).
14. 高婧, 陈宝春.波形钢腹板钢管混凝土柱极限承载力计算方法研究. 建筑科学与工程学报, 2008, 25(4):47-52.
15. Gao Jing, Chen Baochun. Experimental research on CFST model arch with corrugated steel web subjected to asymmetric loading. Long Arch Bridges.Chinese-Croatian Joint Colloquium-Proceedings. July, 2008: 401-408.
16. 陈宝春, 高婧.波形钢腹板钢管混凝土柱试验研究. 建筑结构学报, 2009, 30(2): 33-41 (EI收录号:2009012082861).
17. 陈宝春, 高婧.波形钢腹板钢管混凝土梁试验研究. 建筑结构学报, 2008, 29(1): 75-82(EI收录号:081611206255).
厦门大学土木工程系, 邮编 361005
Email: gaojing@xmu.edu.cn
Contact Address:
Jing Gao
Department of Civil Engineering
Xiamen University
Xiamen,Fujian 361005, P.R. China
Email: gaojing@xmu.edu.cn
Name: Gao Jing
Gender: Female
Degree: Doctor of Engineering
Title: Associate professor
Research Interest: Steel-concrete composite bridge, application of CFRP in bridge engineering.
Courses Taught: Bridge Engineering, Academic English in Civil Engineering
Office: Room 511
Tel(O): 13696963699
Email: gaojing@xmu.edu.cn
Education Background:
Study in Department of Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Fuzhou University from September 2004 to July 2009, and got the doctor degree in civil engineering in July 2009.
Professional Experience:
Work in Department of Civil Engineering, Xiamen University since July, 2009, work as a visiting scholar in Swiss Federal Laboratory of Material Science and Technology, EMPA from Sep. 1,, 2013 to Aug.31, 2014.
Honors and Awards:
Research Grants:
Research on Spatial Mechanical Behavior of Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Arch with Corrugated Steel Webs, granted by Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province, Grant No. 2011J05138);
Application of Concrete Filled Steel Tubular beam with Corrugated Steel Webs in pedestrian bridge, granted by Science Foundation of Xiamen, Grant No. 3502Z20104019;
Research on Maintainance Measures of Steel Bridges in the Marine Environment, Health Monitoring of highway tunnel in service, Health monitoring of half-through arch bridges, Health monitoring of Tianyuan Bridge, granted by Highway Bridge and Tunnel Maintainance Center, Xiamen.
Structure analysis and calculation of Zhanghu Bridge in Nanping, granted by Xiamen Zhongping Highway Survey and Design Company.
Publications(Journal Articles, Books and Translated Books)
1. Gao Jing, Su, Jiazhan , Xia Yong , Chen Baochun. Experimental study of concrete-filled steel tubular arches with corrugated steel webs. Advanced Steel Construction, 2014, 10(1): 99-115(SCI WOS:000331504900007; EI index:20140917410858).
2. Jing Gao, Baochun Chen. Investigation of in-plane behaviour of concrete-filled steel tubular model arches with corrugated steel webs. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Bridge Engineering, 2013, 166(3): 205-216 (EI index:20140517258186).
3. J. Gao, C. Chen, A. Winist?rfer, and U. Meier. Proposal for the application of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) for suspenders of arch bridges in China. Proceedings of 2nd Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, September 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
4. Jing Gao, Bin Zhao, Chunmiao Chen. Problems in Suspenders of Arch Bridges in China. Proceeding of 7th International Conference on Arch Bridges, 2-4 October 2013, Split, Croatia.
5. Jing Gao, Baochun Chen. Finite element analysis of ultimate load-carrying capacity of CFST-CSW arches. Advanced Material Research, 2011, 163-167: 1910-1915(EI index:20110313593470).
6. Jing Gao, Chongwu Hu, Jiangfeng Lian. Analysis and Design of a Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Beam Footbridge. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Xiamen, 2011, 90-93: 1019-1022. (EI index: 20114014388874)
7. Jing Gao, Baochun Chen. Analysis on Load-carrying Capacity of an Arch with Corrugated Web. Proceedings of the IABSE-IASS Symposium, London, 2011.9: 0413.
8. Jing Gao, Baochun Chen. Application of Equivalent Beam-Column Method to Prediction of Ultimate Strength of CFST-CSW Arch. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering. 2011.10:978-983.
9. Gao Jing, Shi Wen-Long, Li Guo-Qiang, Ye Zhi-Ming. Initial rotational stiffness of semi-rigid composite beam-to-column joints with flush end plate connections, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2011,28(3):55-61(EI index:20111613922605)
10. Gao, Jing, Ge, Ji-Ping, Lin, Tie-Liang. Pseudo static test for pre-cast segmental bridge columns with dry joints. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2011, 30(4): 211-216.(EI index:20112214022875)
11. Gao Jing, Chen Baochun. Experimental study on in-plane ultimate load-carrying capacity of CFST arches with corrugated steel webs. Engineering Mechanics, 2010, 27(3):91-100 (EI index:20101912918317).
12. Gao Jing, Chen Baochun. Experimental research on beams with tubular chords and corrugated steel web. Proceedings of the 12th international symposium on tubular structures, Shanghai, China. 2008.10: 563-570.
13. Gao Jing, Chen Baochun. Experimental research on concrete filled steel tubular columns with trapezoidally corrugated steel webs. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Experts, 2008.10: 611-616 (ISTP收录:BIU29)
14. Gao Jing, Chen Baochun. Nonlinear finite element analysis and parametric studies on concrete filled steel tubular beam with corrugated steel web. Journal of Fuzhou University(Natural Science), 2008, 36(5): 722-728.
15. Gao Jing, Chen Baochun. Finite element analysis of concrete filled steel tubular beam with corrugated steel web. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2007, v 39, n SUPPL. 2: 212-215. (EI index:074910962997).
16. Gao Jing, Chen Baochun. Studies on calculation method of ultimate load carrying capacities for concrete filled steel tubular column with corrugated steel webs. Journal of Architecture science and engineering, 2008, 25(4):47-52.
17. Gao Jing, Chen Baochun. Experimental research on CFST model arch with corrugated steel web subjected to asymmetric loading. Long Arch Bridges. Chinese-Croatian Joint Colloquium-Proceedings. July, 2008: 401-408.
18. Urs Meier, Giovanni P. Terrasi, Jing Gao. Use of the time-temperature superposition principle for the prediction of frp creep data. Proceeding of the 7th international Conference on Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2014), August 20-24, 2014, Vancover, Canada.
19. Urs Meier, Giovanni P. Terrasi, Jing Gao. Reinforced concrete and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers(CFRPs). Proceedings of the 3rd All-Russia (International) Conference on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete, May 12-16, 2014, Moscow, Russia.
20. Chen Baochun, Gao Jing. Experimental research on concrete filled steel tubular columns with corrugated steel webs. Journal of Building Structures, 2009, 30(2): 33-41 (EI index:2009012082861).
Chen Baochun, Gao Jing. Experimental studies on concrete filled steel tubular beam with corrugated steel web under bending. Journal of Building Structures, 2008, 29(1): 75-82 (EI index:081611206255).