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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1138 发布时间: 2018-09-05 15:12 微信号: H17720740258

  陈志为,福建漳州人,厦门大学土木工程系副教授,厦门市交通基础设施智能管养工程技术研究中心副主任。2010年毕业于香港理工大学土木与结构工程系获博士学位。主要从事结构健康监测与既有结构评估相关的研究工作。作为项目负责人承担纵向科研课题10项(国家自然科学基金项目2项、福建省自然科学基金面上项目、厦门市科技局产学研协同创新项目等)。目前担任中国公路学会交通院校工作委员会委员、结构抗振控制与健康监测青年委员会委员、世界交通运输大会结构工程学部桥梁全寿命安全监测、评估与管理学科“大跨桥梁结构先进传感器网络与参数识别”技术委员会联合主席,举办了第一届土木工程防灾减灾青年学者学术会议。在国内外期刊和会议上发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI收录20余篇,第一作者论文发表在Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE,Engineering Structures等主流期刊。曾担任多个SCI收录国际学术期刊的客座编辑,长期担任Journal of Bridge Engineering-ASCE,Journal of Sound and Vibration等期刊的审稿人。
  2006.06- 2010.12    香港理工大学土木与结构工程系    博士
  2003.09- 2006.06    福州大学土木工程系  硕士
  2015.08- 至今   厦门大学土木工程系    副教授
  2011.01- 2015.08    厦门大学土木工程系    助理教授
  2017.08- 至今          厦门市交通基础设施智能管养工程技术研究中心    副主任
  2014.01- 2014.05    美国天主大学土木系    高级访问学者、讲师
  2010.06- 2011.01    香港理工大学土木系    副研究员(Research Associate)
  国际学术期刊Advances in Structural Engineering客座编辑
  美国土木工程师协会(ASCE) 会员
  国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于准静态影响线精确识别的桥梁状态评估理论与试验研究,主持,2018- 2021
  福建省自然科学基金项目,基于健康监测系统的大跨桥梁损伤识别方法研究,主持,2017- 2020
  厦门大学校长基金项目,路网桥梁状态智能评估系统的关键技术研究,主持,2018- 2020
  厦门市科技局产学研协同创新项目,桥梁静载测试新技术的实桥应用研究,主持,2016- 2017
  国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,基于健康监测系统的大跨多荷载桥梁的疲劳与可靠度评估,主持,2012- 2014
  Chen Z.W.*, Yang W. B., Li J., Cheng Q.F., and Cai Q.L. (2017), “A systematic method from influence line identification to damage detection: application to RC bridges”, Computers and Concrete (CAC), An International Journal, 20(5): 536-572.
  Fan X.Y., Li J., Hao H. and Chen Z.W. (2017),"Using multi-type sensor measurements for damage detection of shear connectors in composite bridges under moving loads", Computers and Concrete (CAC), An International Journal, 20(5): 521-527.
  He W.Y., Zhu S.Y., Chen Z.W. (2017), “Wavelet-based multi-scale finite element modeling and modal identification for structural damage detection”, Advances in Structural Engineering, 20(8):1185-1195.
  Chen Z.W.*, Cai Q.L. and Li J. (2016), “Stress influence line identification of long suspension bridges installed with structural health monitoring systems”, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 16(4): 1640023.
  Li J., Hao H. and Chen Z.W. (2016), “Damage identification and optimal sensor placement for structures under unknown traffic-induced vibrations”, Journal of Aerospace Engineering-ASCE, 2015: B4015001.
  Chen Z.W., Zhu, S.Y., Xu, Y.L., Li Q., and Cai Q.L. (2015), “Damage detection in long suspension bridges using stress influence lines”, Journal of Bridge Engineering-ASCE, 20(3), 20(3):05014013.
  Chen Z.W. and Chen B. (2014), “Recent research and applications of numerical simulation for dynamic response of long-span bridges subjected to multiple loads”, Scientific World Journal, 2014(2): 763810.
  Chen Z.W., Cai Q.L., Lei Y. and Zhu S.Y. (2014), “Damage detection of long-span bridges using stress influence lines incorporating control charts”, Science China Technological Sciences, 57(9): 1689-1697.
  Zhu S.Y., Chen Z.W.*, Cai Q.L., Lei Y. and Chen B. (2014), “Locate damage in long-span bridges based on stress influence lines and information fusion technique”, Advances in Structural Engineering, 17(8): 1089-1102.
  Lei Y., Chen Z.W. and Yi T. H. (2014), “Technology developments in disaster prevention and mitigation engineering”,  Advances in Structural Engineering, 2014, 17(8): i-ii.
  Lei Y., Li, Q., Chen F. and Chen, Z.W. (2014), “Damage identification of frame structures with joint damage under earthquake excitation”, Advances in Structural Engineering, 17(8): 1075-1088.
  Chen B., Chen Z.W., Wang G.J., Xie W.P. (2014), “Damage detection on sudden stiffness reduction based on discrete wavelet transform", Scientific World Journal, 2014: 807620.
  Li, S.L., Zhu, S., Xu, Y.L., Chen, Z.W., and Li, H. (2013), “Long-term condition assessment of suspenders under traffic loads based on structural health monitoring system: application to Tsing Ma Bridge”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 19(1): 82-101.
  Chen, Z.W. and Wang, X.M. (2013), “Probabilistic fatigue assessment based on bayesian learning for wind-excited long-span bridges installed with WASHMS”, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2013(2013): 286-291.
  Chen B., Chen Z.W., Sun Y.Z. and Zhao S.L. (2013), “Condition assessment on thermal effects of a suspension bridge based on SHM oriented model and data”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013(2013): 1-18.
  Chen, Z.W., Xu, Y.L., and Wang, X. M. (2012), “SHMS-based fatigue reliability analysis of multi-loading suspension bridges”, Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE, 138(3): 299-307.
  Xu, Y.L., Chen, Z.W., and Xia, Y. (2012), “Fatigue assessment of multi-loading suspension bridges using continuum damage model”, International Journal of Fatigue, 40(7): 27-35.
  Chen, Z.W., Xu, Y.L., Li, Q., and Wu, D.J. (2011), “Dynamic stress analysis of long suspension bridges under wind, railway and highway loading”, Journal of Bridge Engineering-ASCE, 16(3): 383-391.
  Chen, Z.W., Xu, Y.L., and Wong K.Y. (2011), “Fatigue analysis of long-span suspension bridges under multiple loading: case study”, Engineering Structures, 33(12): 3246-3256.
  Li, Q., Xu, Y.L., Wu, D.J., and Chen, Z.W. (2010), “Computer-aided nonlinear vehicle-bridge interaction analysis”, Journal of Vibration & Control, 16(12): 1791-1816.
  Xu, Y.L., Li, Q., Wu, D.J., and Chen, Z.W. (2010), “Stress and acceleration response analysis of vehicle-bridge systems using mode superposition method”, Engineering Structures, 32(5): 1356-1368.
  陈志为*,王永辉 (2015). “腐蚀退化的钢筋混凝土桥墩碰撞后的剩余承载力评估”, 武汉理工大学学报, 31(7): 78-83.
  周华敏,肖凯,陈志为*,刘永斗 (2015). “运营环境下输电导线径向温度分布模拟”, 厦门大学学报, 31(7): 137-143.
  陈志为* (2014). “基于健康监测系统的桥梁疲劳可靠度研究”, 工程力学, 31(7): 99-105.
  陈志为*,杨维彪,程棋锋,高婧 (2017). “基于桥梁影响线的损伤识别方法及其试验验证”, 武汉理工大学学报, 39(5): 70-73.
  2013级硕士:蔡亲霖    王永辉
  2015级硕士:杨维彪    吴   焜
  2016级硕士:刘孟奇    付   强
  2017级硕士:张   健    李富明
  电子邮件: cezhiwei@xmu.edu.cn

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