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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 905 发布时间: 2018-09-05 15:02 微信号: H17720740258

  1999-2002, 上海大学,固体力学,博士(上海)
  1996-1999, 上海大学,固体力学,硕士(上海)
  1985-1989, 中国石油大学,地球物理勘探,学士(山东东营)
  2011-2014, 康哥迪亚大学机械和工业工程系,访问学者(加拿大蒙特利尔)
  2006-2014, 厦门大学土木工程系,副教授,福建厦门
  2002-2006, 厦门大学土木工程系,讲师,福建厦门
  1989-1996, 胜利石油管理局,工程师,山东东营
  (1) 土木工程力学教学改革与实践,优秀教学成果二等奖,2009年04月,厦门大学
  (2) 土木工程力学教学团队,省部级优秀教学成果一等奖,2010年04月,福建省教育厅
  (3) 桩基低应变动测的智能化诊断,科技进步三等奖,2006年11月,厦门市人民政府
  1.       Zhang CH*, Hoa SV. A systematic and quantitative method to determine the optimal assumed stress fields for hybrid stress finite elements. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 80, pp41-62, 2014.
  2.       Zhang CH*, Hoa SV, Liu P. A method to analyze the pure bending of tubes of cylindrically anisotropic layers with arbitrary angles including 0o and 90o. Composite Structures, 109, pp57-67, 2014
  3.       Zhang CH, Hoa SV, A limit-based approach to the stress analysis of cylindrically orthotropic composite cylinders (0/90) subjected to pure bending, Composite Structures, 94, pp2610-2619, 2012
  4.       Zhang CH, Liu P, Stress and failure analysis for pure bending tubes of cylindrically orthotropic composite. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 501-504: 2493-2498, 2014.
  5.       Zhang CH, Hoa SV, Liu P, A method to analyze the pure bending of tubes of cylindrically anisotropic layers with arbitrary angles including 0°or 90°, Composite Structures, 109, pp57-67, 2014
  6.       Zhang CH, Hoa SV, A systematic and quantitative method to determine the optimal assumed stress fields for hybrid stress finite elements, Finite Element in Analysis and Design, 80, pp41-62, 2014
  7.       张灿辉*, 王东东, 李同姗. 杂交元零能模式抑制的改进基本变形模式方法. 固体力学学报, 32(6), pp630-637, 2011.
  8.       张灿辉,王东东,李同姗,杂交元零能模式抑制的正交基本变形模式方法, 32, 79-92, 2011.
  9.       张灿辉*, 王东东. 一种抑制杂交元零能模式的假设应力场方法. 固体力学学报, 31(1): 40-47, 2010.
  10.  张灿辉*, 王东东, 张建霖. 三维杂交应力元性能分析的基本变形模式方法. 工程力学, 26(8): 44-49, 2009.
  11.  Zhang CH, Wang DD, Zhang JL, Feng W, Huang Q. On the equivalence of various hybrid finite elements and a new orthogonalization method for explicit element stiffness formulation. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 43: 321-332, 2007.
  12.  张灿辉*, 黄黔, 冯伟. 杂交元假设应力模式的变形刚度分析. 应用数学和力学, 27(7): 757-764, 2006.
  13.  张灿辉*, 冯伟, 黄黔, 张建霖. Hahn-Tsai 复合材料的非线性杂交应力有限元方法. 计算力学学报, 23(6): 749-753, 2006.
  14.  张灿辉*, 张建霖, 王东东, 黄黔. 非线性复合材料的一种杂交应力有限元方法. 应用力学学报, 23(4): 631-634, 2006.
  15.  张灿辉*, 冯伟, 黄黔. 非线性复合材料杂交应力有限元的有效迭代方法. 固体力学学报, 26(4): 434-438, 2005.
  Name: Zhang Canhui
  Gender: Male
  Degree: PhD
  Title: Associate Professor
  Research Interests: Nonlinear hybrid stress finite element method and its applications in engineering, as well as the analysis and design for composite materials and structures.
  Courses Taught: BA: Theoretical Mechanics, Material Mechanics, Structural Mechanics, Elastic Mechanics, Calculation Method; ME: Numerical Analysis, Elastic and Plastic Mechanics, Structural Dynamic Mechanics
  Office: Haiyang Building 514
  Tel(O): 0592-2187887
  Email: chzhang@xmu.edu.cn
  Education Background:
  1999-2002, Ph.D. Degree (Solid Mechanics), Shanghai University, Shanghai, China
  1996-1999, ME Degree (Solid Mechanics), Shanghai University, Shanghai, China
  1985-1989, BA Degree (Geophysical exploration), China University of Petroleum, Dongying, Shandong, China
  Professional Experience:
  2011-2014,  Visiting Scientist, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada
  2006-2014, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China
  2002-2006, Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China
  1989-1996,  Engineer, Shengli Petroleum Oilfield, Dongying, Shandong, China
  Honors and Awards:
  (1) Reform and Practice of Teaching of Mechanics in Civil Engineering, Second prize for outstanding teaching, April 2009, Xiamen University
  (2) Group of Teaching of mechanics in civil engineering, First prize for outstanding teaching, April 2010, Department of Education in Fujian;
  (3) Intelligent diagnosis using Low Strain Dynamic Testing for Pile foundation, Third prize for advanced Scientific Research, November 2006, Xiamen government
  Publications: More than 30 Journal Articles have been published, 12 of which are indexed by SCI/EI, mainly including the following:
  1.   Zhang CH*, Hoa SV. A systematic and quantitative method to determine the optimal assumed stress fields for hybrid stress finite elements. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 80: 41-62, 2014.
  2.   Zhang CH*, Hoa SV, Liu P. A method to analyze the pure bending of tubes of cylindrically anisotropic layers with arbitrary angles including 0o and 90o. Composite Structures, 109: 57-67, 2014
  3.   Zhang CH, Hoa SV, A limit-based approach to the stress analysis of cylindrically orthotropic composite cylinders (0/90) subjected to pure bending, Composite Structures, 94, pp2610-2619, 2012
  4.   Zhang CH, Liu P, Stress and failure analysis for pure bending tubes of cylindrically orthotropic composite. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 501-504: 2493-2498, 2014.
  5.   Zhang CH, Hoa SV, Liu P, A method to analyze the pure bending of tubes of cylindrically anisotropic layers with arbitrary angles including 0°or 90°,Composite Structures, 109, pp57-67, 2014
  6.   Zhang CH, Hoa SV, A systematic and quantitative method to determine the optimal assumed stress fields for hybrid stress finite elements, Finite Element in Analysis and Design, 80, pp41-62, 2014
  7.   Zhang CH, Wang DD, Li TS. An improved basic deformation mode method for zero-energy mode suppression of hybrid element, Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics, (in Chinese) 32(6): 630-637, 2011.
  8.   Zhang CH, Wang DD, Li TS. An orthogonal basic deformation mode method for zero-energy mode suppression of hybrid stress element. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 32, 83-96, 2011.
  9.   Zhang CH, Wang DD. An assumed stress method for zero-energy mode suppression in hybrid finite elements. Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics, 31: 40-47, 2010 (in Chinese).
  10.  Zhang CH, Wang DD, Zhang JL. Performance analysis of 3D hybrid stress elements with a basic deformation- based approach. Engineering Mechanics, 26: 44-49, 2009 (in Chinese).
  11.  Zhang CH, Wang DD, Zhang JL, Feng W, Huang Q. On the equivalence of various hybrid finite elements and a new orthogonalization method for explicit element stiffness formulation. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 43: 321-332, 2007.
  12.  Zhang CH, Huang Q, Feng W. Deformation rigidity of assumed stress modes in hybrid elements. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 27: 861-869, 2006.
  13.  Zhang CH, Feng W, Huang Q, Zhang JL. The nonlinear hybrid stress finite element method for Hahn-Tsai composite materials. Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, 23(6): 749-753, 2006 (in Chinese).
  14.  Zhang CH, Zhang JL, Wang DD, Huang Q. A hybrid stress finite element method for nonlinear composite materials. Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics, 23(4): 631-634, 2006 (in Chinese)
  15.  Zhang CH, Feng W, Huang Q. An effective iterative method of the hybrid stress finite element for nonlinear composite materials. Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics, 26(4): 434-438, 2005 (in Chinese)

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