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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1178 发布时间: 2018-09-05 14:58 微信号: H17720740258

  1993,9-1997,6 太原理工大学土木工程系 本科
  2000,9-2003,6 太原理工大学结构工程  硕士
  2009,9-       厦门大学机电工程系 博士生
  2003-今: 厦门大学建筑与土木工程学院 助理教授
  1. 主持国家自然科学基金一项;
  2. 参与国家自然科学基金两项;
  3. 参与完成福建省自然基金一项。
  1)     L. J. Liu and Ying Lei. A Bioinspired Tilt Sensor Model with Adaptive Gain and Enhanced Sensitivity. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2014, Article ID 957850. 2014.
  2)     Liu, L. J. and Lei Y. Mechanism of a Hair Cell Bioinspired Sensor with Ultrasensitivity to Weak and Low Frequency Vibration Signals. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks: 278151.2013
  3)     Liu, LiJun; Lei, Ying. Mechanism of Bio-inspired Ultrasensitive Low Frequency Sensor with Mechanics Analysis. Advanced Research on Applied Mechanics and Manufacturing System: Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol: 252. 2013.
  4)     Ying Lei, Huan Zhou and Lijun Liu. An On-line Integration Technique for Structural Damage Detection and Active Optimal Vibration Control. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. Vol. 14, No. 5. 2014.
  5)     Y. Lei, C. Liu and L. J. Liu. Identification of multistory shear buildings under unknown earthquake excitation using partial output measurements: numerical and experimental studies. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 21(5): 774-783.2014
  6)     Y. Lei , L.J.Liu, Y.F.Zhang and Q.Gu. Mechanical Model of Bio-inspired Ultra-sensitive Infrasound Sensor, The 4th International Conference ―Smart Materials, Structures and Systems‖ June 10-15, 2012, Montecatini Terme, Italy .
  7)     Y. Lei and L.J. Liu. Mchanism of Fish’s Hair Cell Bio-inspired Sensor with High Sensitivity. The 3rd International Symposium on Advances in Urban Safety. Nov. 24th-25th, 2012, Nanjing, China
  8)        Y. lei, L.j. Liu. A Smart Wireless Sensor Network for Structural Damage Detection‖. Proceedings of International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering 2011,10. Xiamen, China.
  电话:2188905,          Email: liulj214@163.com
  Name:          Liu Lijun
  Gender:         Female
  Degree:         Master
  Title:           Associate Professor
  Research Interests:
  Steel Structure, Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Detection of Civil Infrastructures, Bio-inspired sensing technology
  Courses Taught:
  Basic Principle of Steel Structure
  Building Steel Structure Design
  Office:   507
  Tel(O):   0592-2188905
  Email:   liulj214@163.com
  Education Background:
  2009.9-        Xiamen University,
  Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
  Ph.D. student in Measurement and Testing Technology
  2000.9-2003.6  Taiyuan University of Technology,
  Department of Civil Engineering
  MS Degree in Structure Engineering
  1993.9-1997.6  Taiyuan University of Technology,
  Department of Civil Engineering
  BS Degree in Civil Engineering
  Professional Experience:
  2003.8-        Assistant Professor
  School of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Xiamen University
  Research Grants:
  1. “Study on sensing mechanism inspired from high sensitive sensing mechanics of fish ear for monitoring civil infrastructures” Projectsponsored by National Natural Science Foundation.
  2. Participating in the two projects sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation.
  3. Participating in the Fujian Natural Science Foundation Project.
  Publications(Journal Articles, Books and Translated Books)
  1)     L. J. Liu and Ying Lei. A Bioinspired Tilt Sensor Model with Adaptive Gain and Enhanced Sensitivity. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2014, Article ID 957850. 2014.
  2)     Liu, L. J. and Lei Y. Mechanism of a Hair Cell Bioinspired Sensor with Ultrasensitivity to Weak and Low Frequency Vibration Signals. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks: 278151.2013
  3)     Liu, LiJun; Lei, Ying. Mechanism of Bio-inspired Ultrasensitive Low Frequency Sensor with Mechanics Analysis. Advanced Research on Applied Mechanics and Manufacturing System: Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol: 252. 2013.
  4)     Ying Lei, Huan Zhou and Lijun Liu. An On-line Integration Technique for Structural Damage Detection and Active Optimal Vibration Control. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. Vol. 14, No. 5. 2014.
  5)     Y. Lei, C. Liu and L. J. Liu. Identification of multistory shear buildings under unknown earthquake excitation using partial output measurements: numerical and experimental studies. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 21(5): 774-783.2014
  6)     Y. Lei , L.J.Liu, Y.F.Zhang and Q.Gu. Mechanical Model of Bio-inspired Ultra-sensitive Infrasound Sensor, The 4th International Conference ―Smart Materials, Structures and Systems‖ June 10-15, 2012, Montecatini Terme, Italy .
  7)     Y. Lei and L.J. Liu. Mchanism of Fish’s Hair Cell Bio-inspired Sensor with High Sensitivity. The 3rd International Symposium on Advances in Urban Safety. Nov. 24th-25th, 2012, Nanjing, China
  8)     Y. lei, L.j. Liu. A Smart Wireless Sensor Network for Structural Damage Detection‖. Proceedings of International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering 2011,10. Xiamen, China.

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