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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 634 发布时间: 2018-09-05 14:51 微信号: H17720740258

  Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 2003
  主要从事计算力学和结构静动力数值仿真分析方面的研究和教学工作。目前的研究方向主要包括: 高效无网格法和等几何分析方法;结构非线性静动力数值仿真分析;岩土类材料的大变形非线性损伤破坏模拟及多尺度分析等。
  厦门大学土木工程系,邮编 361005
  Email: ddwang@xmu.edu.cn
  ● ICACM Computational Mechanics Award, International Chinese Association of Computational Mechanics, 2016
  ● 厦门市优秀教师,2016
  ● ICACM Fellow Award, International Chinese Association of Computational Mechanics, 2013
  ● 钱令希计算力学青年奖,2012
  ● 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金获得者,2012
  ● ICACM Young Investigator Award, International Chinese Association of Computational Mechanics, 2011
  ● 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2009
  ● 厦门大学清源奖,2008
  ● APACM Young Investigator Award, Asian-Pacific Association of Computational Mechanics, 2007
  ● Outstanding Ph.D. Award, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, USA, 2004
  ● Finalist, The 14th Robert J. Melosh Competition for the Best Student Paper on Finite Element Analysis, Duke University, USA, 2002
  ● 国际计算力学学会理事
  ● 国际华人计算力学学会常务理事
  ● 中国力学学会理事
  ● 中国力学学会计算力学专业委员会委员
  ● 中国力学学会理性力学和力学中的数学方法专业委员会委员
  ● 中国建筑学会抗震防灾分会高层建筑抗震专业委员会委员
  ● 中国岩石力学与工程学会地下工程分会理事
  ● 福建省力学学会理事长
  ● Wang D., Fang L. and Xie P., “Multiscale asymptotic homogenization of heterogeneous slab and column structures with three dimensional microstructures”, Handbook of Micromechanics and Nanomechanics, Pan Stanford Publishing Co., 2013, Chapter 28: 1067-1109.
  ● Wang D., Liang Q. and Wu J., “A quadrature-based superconvergent isogeometric frequency analysis with macro-integration cells and quadratic splines”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 320: 712-744, 2017.
  ● Zhang H. and Wang D., “Reproducing kernel formulation of B-spline and NURBS basis functions: A meshfree local refinement strategy for isogeometric analysis”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 320: 474-508, 2017.
  ● Bigoni F., Bigoni D., Misseroni D. and Wang D., “Megalithic stone beam bridges of ancient China reach the limits of strength and challenge size effect in granite”, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 26: 167-171, 2017.
  ● Wang D., Li X. and Pan F., “A unified quadrature-based superconvergent finite element formulation for eigenvalue computation of wave equations”, Computational Mechanics, 59: 37-72, 2017.
  ● Wang D. and Wu J., “An efficient nesting sub-domain gradient smoothing integration algorithm with quadratic exactness for Galerkin meshfree methods”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 298: 485-519, 2016.
  ● Wang D., Liang Q. and Zhang H., “A superconvergent isogeometric formulation for eigenvalue computation of three dimensional wave equation”, Computational Mechanics, 57: 1037-1060, 2016.
  ● Wu Y., Wang D., Wu C.T. and Zhang H., “A direct displacement smoothing meshfree particle formulation for impact failure modeling”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 87: 169-185, 2016.
  ● Dong B., Li C., Wang D. and Wu C.T., “Consistent multiscale analysis of heterogeneous thin plates with smoothed quadratic Hermite triangular elements”, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 12, 539-562, 2016.
  ● Wu C.T., Wang D. and Guo Y., “An immersed particle modeling technique for the three-dimensional large strain simulation of particulate-reinforced metal-matrix composites”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40: 2500-2513, 2016.
  ● Zhang J., Dong B., Jia J., Han L., Wang F., Liu C., Tian Z.Q., Tian Z.W., Wang D. and Zhan D., “Electrochemical buckling microfabrication”, Chemical Science, 7: 697-701, 2016.
  ● Yang H., Wang Y., Chen X., Zhao X., Gu L., Huang H., Yan J., Xu C., Li G., Wu J., Edwards A., Dittrich B., Tang Z., Wang D., Lehtovaara L., H?kkinen H., Zheng N., “Plasmonic twinned silver nanoparticles with molecular precision”, Nature Communications, 7, 12809, 2016.
  ● Wang D., Liu W. and Zhang H., “Superconvergent isogeometric free vibration analysis of Euler-Bernoulli beams and Kirchhoff plates with new higher order mass matrices”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 286: 230-267, 2015.
  ● Wang D., Song C. and Peng H., “A circumferentially enhanced Hermite reproducing kernel meshfree method for buckling analysis of Kirchhoff-Love cylindrical shells”, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 15: 1450090, 2015.
  ● Wang D., Sun M. and Xie P., “A boundary enhancement for the stabilized conforming nodal integration of Galerkin meshfree methods”, International Journal of Computational Methods, 12: 1550009, 2015.
  ● Zhang H. and Wang D., “An isogeometric enriched quasi-convex meshfree formulation with application to material interface modeling”, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 60: 37-50, 2015.
  ● Zhang H., Wu J. and Wang D., “Free vibration analysis of cracked thin plates by quasi-convex coupled isogeometric-meshfree method”, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 9: 405-419, 2015.
  ● Wang D. and Zhang H., “A consistently coupled isogeometric-meshfree method”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 268: 843–870, 2014.
  ● Wang D. and Chen P., “Quasi-convex reproducing kernel meshfree method”, Computational Mechanics, 54: 689–709, 2014.
  ● Zhou S., Liu Y., Wang D., Wang K. and Yu S. “Upper bound shakedown analysis with the nodal natural element method”, Computational Mechanics, 54: 1111–1128, 2014.
  ● Wu Y., Wang D. and Wu C.T., “Three dimensional fragmentation simulation of concrete structures with a nodally regularized meshfree method”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 72: 89-99, 2014.
  ● Zhang H., Wang D. and Liu W., “Isogeometric-meshfree coupled analysis of Kirchhoff plates”, Advances in Structural Engineering, 17: 1159-1176, 2014.
  ● Wu C.T., Guo Y. and Wang D., “A pure bending exact nodal-averaged shear strain method for finite element plate analysis”, Computational Mechanics, 53: 877-892, 2014.
  ● Wang D., Li L. and Li Z., “A regularized Lagrangian meshfree method for rainfall infiltration triggered slope failure analysis”, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 42: 51-59, 2014.
  ● Wang D., Li X., Liu W. and Zhang H., “An ultra-accurate dynamic isogeometric analysis with higher order mass formulation”, Science China-Technological Sciences, 57: 1293-1309, 2014.
  ● Zhou Z., Wang D. and Jiang Q., “Piezoelectric effect on the buckling of piezoelectric thin film with viscoelastic substrate”, Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics, ASCE, 4: A4013004, 2014.
  ● Wang D., Liu W. and Zhang H., “Novel higher order mass matrices for isogeometric structural vibration analysis”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 260: 92-108, 2013.
  ● Wang D. and Peng H., “A Hermite reproducing kernel Galerkin meshfree approach for buckling analysis of thin plates”, Computational Mechanics, 51: 1013-1029, 2013.
  ● Wang D. and Li Z., “A two‐level strain smoothing regularized meshfree approach with stabilized conforming nodal integration for elastic damage analysis”, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 22: 440‐459, 2013.
  ● Wang D., Xie P. and Lu H., “Meshfree consolidation analysis of saturated porous media with stabilized conforming nodal integration formulation”, Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, 6: 107-125, 2013.
  ● Wang D., Xie P. and Fang L., “Consistent asymptotic expansion multiscale formulation for heterogeneous column structure”, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, ASME, 134: 031006, 2012.
  ● Wang D., Zhang H. and Xuan J., “A strain smoothing formulation for NURBS‐based isogeometric finite element analysis”, Science China‐Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 55: 132‐140, 2012.
  ● Wang D. and Lin Z., “A comparative study on the dispersion properties of HRK and RK meshfree approximations for Kirchhoff plate problem”,International Journal of Computational Methods, 9: 1240015, 2012.
  ● Wang D. and Lin Z., “Dispersion and transient analyses of Hermite reproducing kernel Galerkin meshfree method with sub-domain stabilized conforming integration for thin beam and plate structures”, Computational Mechanics, 48: 47-63, 2011.
  ● Wang D. and Sun Y., “An efficient Galerkin meshfree formulation for shear deformable beam under finite deformation”, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 1: 051010, 2011.
  ● Wang D. and Sun Y., “A Galerkin meshfree formulation with stabilized conforming nodal integration for geometrically nonlinear analysis of shear deformable plates”, International Journal of Computational Methods, 8: 685-703, 2011.
  ● Wang D., Li Z., Li L. and Wu Y., “Three dimensional efficient meshfree simulation of large deformation failure evolution in soil medium”, Science China–Technological Sciences, 54: 573-580, 2011.
  ● Zhang C., Wang D. and Li T., “Orthogonal basic deformation mode method for zero-energy mode suppression of hybrid stress elements”, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 32: 83-96, 2011.
  ● Wang D. and Xuan J., “An improved NURBS-based isogeometric analysis with enhanced treatment of essential boundary conditions”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 199: 2425-2436, 2010.
  ● Wang D. and Lin Z., “Free vibration analysis of thin plates using Hermite reproducing kernel Galerkin meshfree method with sub-domain stabilized conforming integration”, Computational Mechanics, 46: 703-719, 2010.
  ● Wang D. and Fang L., “A multiscale method for analysis of heterogeneous thin slabs with irreducible three dimensional microstructures”, Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, 3: 213-234, 2010.
  ● Wang D., Sun Y. and Li L., “A discontinuous Galerkin meshfree modeling of material interface”, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 45: 57-82, 2009.
  ● Wang H.P. and Wang D., “Efficient meshfree computation with fast treatment of essential boundary conditions for industrial applications”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 135: 1147-1154, 2009.
  ● Wang D. and Chen J.S., “A Hermite reproducing kernel approximation for thin plate analysis with sub-domain stabilized conforming integration”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 74: 368-390, 2008.
  ● Wang D. and Wu Y., “An efficient Galerkin meshfree analysis of shear deformable cylindrical panels”, Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, 1: 339-355, 2008.
  ● Wang D. and Lin T.H., “PQR model-based micromechanical analysis of hysteresis loops for single crystal fatigue: aspects of multi-axial loading, geometric effects and creep”, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 17: 283-305, 2008.
  ● Zhang C., Wang D., Zhang J., Feng W. and Huang Q., “On the equivalence of various hybrid finite elements and a new orthogonalization method for explicit element stiffness formulation”, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 43: 321-332, 2007.
  ● Wang D. and Chen J.S., “A locking-free meshfree curved beam formulation with the stabilized conforming nodal integration”, Computational Mechanics, 39: 83-90, 2006.
  ● Chen J.S. and Wang D., “A constrained reproducing kernel particle formulation for shear deformable shell in Cartesian coordinates”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 68: 151-172, 2006.
  ● Wang D., Dong S.B. and Chen J.S., “Extended meshfree analysis of transverse and inplane loading of a laminated anisotropic plate of general planform geometry”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 43: 144-171, 2006.
  ● Lin T.H. and Wang D., “Incremental extrusion and intrusion with incremental fatigue loadings on single crystals”, International Journal of Fatigue, 27: 1175-1178, 2005.
  ● Chen J.S. and Wang D., “Extended meshfree method for elastic and inelastic media”, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 43: 17-38, 2005.
  ● Chen J.S., Kotta V., Lu H., Wang D., Moldovan D. and Wolf D., “A variational formulation and a double-grid method for meso-scale modeling of stressed grain growth in polycrystalline materials”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 193: 1277-1303, 2004.
  ● Chen J.S., Wang D. and Dong S.B., “An extended meshfree method for boundary value problems”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 193: 1085-1103, 2004.
  ● Wang D. and Chen J.S., “Locking-free stabilized conforming nodal integration for meshfree Mindlin-Reissner plate formulation”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 193: 1065-1083, 2004.
  ● Wang D., Chen J.S. and Sun L.Z., “Homogenization of magnetostrictive particle-filled elastomers using an interface-enriched reproducing kernel particle method”, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 39: 765-782, 2003.
  Contact Address:
  Dongdong Wang
  Professor, Ph.D.
  Department of Civil Engineering
  Xiamen University
  Xiamen, Fujian 361005, China
  Email: ddwang@xmu.edu.cn

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