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发布时间: 2018-09-04 16:36
微信号: H17720740258
1985-1992 厦门水产学院任讲师;
1993-1996 任凯能高科技工程(上海)有限公司董事兼总经理;
1996-至今 任三达膜科技(厦门)有限公司董事长;
1997-至今 任厦门大学化工学院/材料科学与工程系教授;
2002-至今 任新加坡三达集团董事局主席;
2004-至今 任南昌大学教授、博士生导师;
2007-至今 任北京大学教授、博士生导师。
1. Studies on processing prawn head into condiment through liquefaction. Journal of Xiamen Fisheries College, 1989, 11, 59-63.
2. Application of the polarographic wave absorption of phosphorus to food analysis. Journal of Xiamen Fisheries College, 1990, 12, 21-27.
3. Toxicity studies of heavy metals on prawns. Fujian Fisheries, 1990, 11. 41-45.
4. Oscillopolarographic determination of microamount chromium in seafood. Journal of Xiamen Fisheries College, 1990, 12, 48-53.
5. Determination of various species of phosphorus in seawater. Acta Oceanological Sinica, 1990, 12, 596-602.
6. Determination of phosphorus in seawater sediment & algae by oscillopolarography. Marine Environmental Science, 1990, 9, 100-104.
7. Acute toxicity of ammonia and nitrite to larvae of red bream, pagrus major. East China Sea Symposium, 1990, 37-41.
8. Analysis of chemical forms of chromium in sea water. Journal of Xiamen Fisheries College, 1991, 13, 70-78.
9. Acute Toxicity of Hg, Cu, Cd, Zn to Larvae of red sea bream, chrysophrys major. Marine Science, 1991, 5, 56-60.
10. Effect of heavy metals on enzymatic activity of the red sea bream tissues. Acta Oceanological Sinica, 1993, 15, 92-97.
11. Orthogonal array design as a chemometric method for the optimization of analytical procedures. Part 1. Two-level design and its application in microwave dissolution of biological samples. Analyst, 119, 1659-1667.
12. Orthogonal array design as a chemometric method for the optimization of analytical procedures. Part 2. Four-level design and its application in microwave dissolution of biological samples. Analyst, 119, 1669-1675.
13. Orthogonal array design as a chemometric method for the optimization of analytical procedures. Part 3. Five-level design and its application in polarographic reaction system for selenium determination. Analyst, 120, 273-280.
14. Orthogonal array design as a chemometric method for the optimization of analytical procedures. Part 4. Mixed-level design and its application to the high performance liquid chromatographic determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Analyst, 120, 281-288.
15. Orthogonal array design as a chemometric method for the optimization of analytical procedures. Part 5. Three-level design and its application in microwave dissolution of biological samples. Analyst, 120, 1115-1124.
16. Four-level orthogonal array design as a chemometric approach to the optimization of polarographic reaction system for phosphorus determination. Talanta, 41, 1917-1927.
17. in vitro effect of mercuric chloride on ATPase activity in kidney of the fancy carp cyprinus carpio. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 104C, 307-310.
18. Kinetic studies of mercuric chloride on Na+/K+-ATPase activity in the kidney of fancy carp cyprinus carpio. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 105B, 713-717.
19. Microwave digestion of fish tissue for senium determination by differential pulse polarography. Talanta, 41, 53-58.
20. Comparison of four microwave digestion methods for the determination of selenium in fish tissue by using hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry. Talanta, 41, 195-200.
21. Orthogonal array designs for the optimization of liquid chromatographic analysis of pesticides. Anal. Chim. Acta, 289, 371-380.
22. Optimization of liquid chromatographic parameters for the separation of priority phenols by using mixed-level orthogonal array design. Anal. Chim. Acta, 312, 271-280.
23. Orthogonal array designs for the optimization of solid-phase extraction. J. Chromatogr., 677, 255-263.
24. Effect of the combined copper, zinc, chromium and selenium by orthogonal array design on alkaline phosphatase activity in liver of the red sea bream chrysophrys major Aquaculture, 131, 219-230.
25. Chemically stable nanofiltration membrane and its application in pharmaceutical industry. Part A. Theory. Information on Pharmaceutical industry, 11(4), 8-15.
26. Chemically stable nanofiltration membrane and its application in pharmaceutical industry. Part B. Application. Information on Pharmaceutical industry, 11(5), 11-14.
27. Membrane Process for the downtream processing of pharmaceutical industries. Proceeding of the 34th International Membrane Tehcnology Conference, Beijing, 125-128.
28. Recovery and concentration of erythromycin using membrane filtration systems. Proceeding of the 34th International Membrane Tehcnology Conference, Beijing, 271-273.
29. Recovery and concentration of Pen-G whole broth to make 6-APA and 7-ADCA using Ultra-flo membrane filtration systems. Proceeding of the 34th International Membrane Tehcnology Conference, Beijing, 274-276.
30. 厦门膜科技园规划与发展战略思考,厦门科技,1999,(5),6—7
31. 膜技术及其在食品中的应用,厦门科技,1999,(3),7-8
32. 超滤膜分离技术在植酸酶浓缩中的应用,福建医科大学学报,2002,34(4),374-376
33. 硫酸铁掺杂聚乙烯醇复合膜的催化酯化作用,化学通报,2003,(3),39-40
34. 硫酸铁掺杂聚乙烯醇复合膜的催化酯化作用,功能材料,2001,(4),445-446
35. 基于膜分离技术的染料生产新工艺,染料工业,2001,38(5),12-14
36. 超滤膜分离技术在维生素C生产中的应用,膜科学与技术,2001,21(1),49-51
37. 纳滤在制备高浓度活性红3BS中的应用,膜科学与技术,2001, 21(5),42-44
38. 膜分离技术的应用,厦门大学学报,2001,40(2),495-501
39. 膜分离法提纯2-酮基-L-古龙酸的研究,厦门大学学报,2001,40(4),903-907
40. 维生素C生产工艺进展,中国医药工业杂志,2001,32(1),38-41
41. 超滤膜分离技术在头孢菌素C提纯中的应用,中国医药工业杂志,2001,32(11),497-499
42. 分离膜材料的污染与清洗,功能材料,2002,33(1),26-28
43. 树脂对6-氨基青霉烷酸的吸附研究,福建化工,2003,(4),18-20
44. 基于膜分离过程的6-APA生产技术,精细与专用化学品,2002,(19),13-14
45. 膜技术处理赖氨酸生产废水的研究,福建化工,2003,(1),11-12
46. 超滤技术在赖氨酸生产中的应用,福建化工,2003,(4),21-25
47. 单分散纳米微粒制备方法研究进展, 化学通报,2003,(7),441-448
48. 6-氨基青霉烷酸在弱碱性阴离子树脂IRA67上的吸附研究,离子交换与吸附,2003,19(3),277-281
49. 维生素B12工业生产技术的进展,中国医药工业杂志,2003,34(8),421-424
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