点击量: 1238
发布时间: 2018-09-04 16:31
微信号: H17720740258
1. 程璇,龚朝阳,罗学涛,张颖,董炎明,胡晓兰。推进剂贮箱防渗漏内囊的制备方法,2009.9.9,中国,ZL 200510001448.6
2. 余煜玺,吴国友,程璇,张颖,涂惠彬。共前驱体法常压干燥制备透明二氧化硅气凝胶的方法,2010.12.8,中国,ZL 200810071895.2
3. 程璇,吴国友,余煜玺,张颖。二氧化硅气凝胶材料的制备方法,2011.10.12,中国,ZL 200910112653.8
4. 余煜玺,杨景明,杨露姣,程璇,张颖。一种聚铝碳硅烷的制备方法,2011.11,中国,ZL 200910111053.X
5. 周志东,郑巧明,程璇。一种钢筋混凝土埋入式腐蚀传感器,2011.12.28,中国,ZL 200910112880.0
6. 程璇,吴国友,罗凤钻,高尧,余煜玺,张颖。玻璃纤维增强二氧化硅气凝胶复合材料及其制备方法,2013.1.23,中国,ZL 201010515083.X
7. 程璇,吴国友,邵再东,罗凤钻,韩蒙,余煜玺,张颖。一种泡沫材料增强二氧化硅气凝胶复合材料的制备方法,2013.7.24,中国,ZL 201110203518.1
1. R. S. Fu, Y. S. Li, H. Yang, Y. Zhang, X. Cheng. Improved performance of Li2FeSiO4/C composite with highly rough mesoporous morphology. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 160(5):A3048-A3053 (2013)
2. F. Z. Luo, Z. D. Shao, X. Cheng, Y. Zhang. Synthesis of paramagnetic iron incorporated silica aerogels by ambient pressure drying. Materials Chemistry and Physics 142:113-118 (2013)
3. Z. D. Shao, F. Z. Luo, X. Cheng, Y. Zhang. Superhydrophobic sodium silicate based silica aerogel prepared by ambient pressure drying. Materials Chemistry and Physics 141:570-575 (2013)
4. Q. M. Zheng, X. Cheng, T. C. Jao, F. B. Weng, A. Su, Y. C. Chiang. Degradation analyses of Ru85Se15 catalyst layer in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources 218:79-87 (2012)
5. X. Cheng, H. Y. Li, Q. M. Zheng. Chapter 23 Rotating Disk electrode/rotating ring-disk electrode, Part II Ex Situ Diagnostic Tools PEM Fuel Cell Diagnostic Tools (edited by H. J. Wang et al.) CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 491-513 (2012)
6. Z. D. Shao, G. Wu, X. Cheng, Y. Zhang. Rapid synthesis of amine cross-linked epoxy and methyl co-modified silica aerogels by ambient pressure drying. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 358(18-19):2612-2615 (2012)
7. W. Feng, H. Y. Li, X. Cheng, T. C. Jao, F. B. Weng, A. Su, Y. C. Chiang. A comparative study of pyrolyzed and doped cobalt-polypyrrole eletrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction. Applied Surface Science 258(8):4048-4053 (2012)
8. Q. M. Zheng, X. Cheng, T. C. Jao, F. B. Weng, A. Su, Y. C. Chiang. Fuel cell performances at optimized Nafion and Ru85Se15 loadings in cathode catalyst layer. Journal of Power Sources 201:151-158 (2012)
9. Q. M. Zheng, X. Cheng, T. C. Jao, F. B. Weng, A. Su, Y. C. Chiang. Microwave assisted synthesis of high performance Ru85Se15/MWCNTs cathode catalysts for PEM fuel cell applications. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36(22):14599-14607 (2011)
10. G. Y. Wu, Y. X. Yu, X. Cheng, Y. Zhang. Preparation and surface modification mechanism of silica aerogels via ambient pressure drying. Materials Chemistry and Physics 129(1-2):308-314 (2011)
11. X. Cheng, X. W. Bai, J. J Li, H. Z. Chen, Y. Zhang. Experimental observations of time-dependent behaviors for polycarbosilane melt. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 120(6):3395-3400 (2011)
12. L. Zhang, L. Liu, X. Cheng, Y. Zhang, Q. B. Fan. Microstructure and composition of hybrid Pd-Nafion membranes. Materials Chemistry and Physics 127(1-2):62-69 (2011)
13. J. M. Lu, X. Cheng, Y. Zhang, X. F. Zhu. Correlations of electrochemical behavior, microstructure and chemical composition of porous silicon. Electrochimica Acta 55(18):5084-5090 (2010)
14. X. Cheng, Z. Shi, N. Glass, L. Zhang, J. J. Zhang, D. T. Song, Z. S. Liu, H. J. Wang, J. Shen. A review of PEM hydrogen fuel cell contamination: impacts, mechanisms, and mitigation. Journal of Power Sources 165(2):739-756 (2007)
15. X. Cheng, J. R. Zhang, Y. H. Tang, C. J. Song, J. Shen, D. T. Song, J. J. Zhang. Hydrogen crossover in high-temperature PEM fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources 167(1):25-31 (2007)
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