点击量: 972
发布时间: 2018-09-03 17:18
微信号: H17720740258
陈俐燕 副教授
Ph.D. 厦门大学人文学院 文学博士学位, 2012.12
M.S. 西北工业大学人文与经法学院 文学硕士学位, 2007.4
Chen Liyan(1),et al. Retrieval of the Medical Tongue Images based on Color Analysis. ICCSE 2016 - 11th International Conference on Computer Science and Education. Pages: 113-117.[ EI:20164502983148]
Chen Liyan(1),et al. Research of Dynamic Shape Context Retrieval Algorithm for Sketch Retrieval. Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Engineering and Technology, ICETECH 2016. Pages: 1249-1254. [ EI: 20164302944284 ]
Chen Liyan(1),et al. Research on the Augmented Reality System Without Identification Markers for Home Exhibition. ICCSE 2016 - 11th International Conference on Computer Science and Education, p 524-528. [ EI: 20164502982918]
Chen Liyan(通讯作者),et al. Topic evolution based on LDA and HMM and its application in stem cell research. Journal of Information Science Volume:40, pp. 611-620. 2014. [SCI: 000342200700005]
Chen Liyan(1),et al.Design and Implementation of governmentaffairtransparent System. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Science and Education, ICCCSE 2014. Pages: 1094-1097. 2014. [EI: 20144800257185]
Chen Liyan(1),et al.J2EE-based Authentication System of ExpansiveTraining for the University Student. The 3rd International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet2013. (2014). [EI: 20140917366012]
Chen Liyan(1),et al. Research on Digital Reconstruction of Chinese Ancient Architecture.The 7th IEEE International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification. ASID2013. (2014).[EI: 20142717891568]
Chen Liyan(1),et al. Design and Implementation of the Virtual Experiment System. Frontier and Future Development of Information Technology in Medicine and Education,Frontier and Future Development of Information Technology in Medicine and Education. ITME 2013. (2014). [EI: 20140917403657]
Chen Liyan(通讯作者),et al. Topic evolution based on LDA and HMM and its application in stem cell research. Journal of Information Science Volume:40, pp. 611-620. 2014. [SCI: 000342200700005]
Chen Liyan(通讯作者) ,et al.A class similarity based weight estimation algorithm for the personalized enterprisesearch engines. Journal of Computational Information Systems. Volume: 10,Pages: 1903-1910. 2014. [EI: 20142117743833]
Chen Liyan(2),et al. The extraction of vascular axis based on signed distance function. The fifth International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing, ICGIP 2013. (2014). [EI:20140917364816]
Chen Liyan(1),et al. Research on Digital Museum for the Intangible Cultural Heritage. 2009 the Second IEEE International Symposium on IT in Medicine &Edication,2009. [EI: 20101312814309];
Chen Liyan(通讯作者) ,et al.An application of inspection in product security based on distributed and real-time system.Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Computer Sciences and Covergence Information Techn, 2009;[EI: 20101012761079]
Chen Liyan(3),et al. Research and Implementation of Smart Course Scheduling System. the Second IEEE International Symposium on IT in Medicine &Edication,pp: 1028-1033, 2009.[EI: 20101312814218]
Chen Liyan(3),et al.Research & application of metadata management system based on data warehouse for banks. Proceedings of 2008 3rd International Conference on Intelligent System and Knowledge Engineering, ISKE 2008. [EI: 20090911922354]
Chen Liyan(4),et al. Improved Generalized Co-occurrence Matrix for Image Retrieval using MPEG-7 Texture Edge, Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium on Information Science and Engineering, ISISE '08 , 2008.[EI: 2009131197808]
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