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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1286 发布时间: 2018-08-30 16:19 微信号: H17720740258

  电话:0592-2186078 (办公室)
  2010至今 厦门大学化学化工学院 教授、博士生导师
  2003-2010 中国科学院上海药物研究所 任课题组长、研究员、博士生导师,入选“中科院百人计划”
  2001-2003 香港科技大学生物化学系,生物核磁共振中心 研究助理
  1998-2001 美国City of Hope National Medical Center 博士后
  1995-1998 厦门大学化学系副教授,组建核磁共振实验室,其间任日本科学振兴会JSPS特别研究员,于京都大学化学系从事生物物理研究
  1993-1995 中国科学院武汉物理研究所 博士后
  1989-1993 厦门大学化学系 博士
  1986-1989 厦门大学物理系 硕士
  1980-1984 厦门大学物理系 学士
  主要利用生物核磁共振技术和X-射线晶体衍射技术开展结构生物学研究,包括:(1) 测定蛋白质、多肽及其复合物的溶液结构或晶体结构;(2) 研究蛋白质、多肽与配体的相互作用;(3) 测定蛋白质的动力学;(4) 基于结构的药物筛选,等等。 利用核磁共振技术开展代谢组学研究,包括:(1) 重大疾病的代谢特征和早期诊断方法以及术后检测方法;(2) 药物的药效和毒性评估以及代谢通路和作用机制的阐述。样品:血液和尿液等生物体液,组织,细胞,粪便,等等。
  [1]       Z. Yu, P. Huang, Y. Yu, Z. Zheng, Z. Huang, C. Guo, D. Lin*, Unique Properties of the Rabbit Prion Protein Oligomer, PLoS ONE, 11(8): e0160874 (2016). (IF 3.057)
  [2]       J. Gu, X. Hu, W. Shao, T. Ji, W. Yang, H. Zhou, Z. Jin, H. Huang, J. Chen C. Huang*, D. Lin*, Metabolomic analysis reveals altered metabolic pathways in a rat model of gastric carcinogenesis, Oncotarget, DOI: 10.18632 (2016). (IF 5.008)
  [3]       H. Wang, L. Feng, Z. Zhang, G. Webb, D. Lin*, J. Song*, Crysalis: an integrated server for computational analysis and design of protein crystallization, Scientific Reports, 6: 21383 (2016) . (IF 5.578)
  [4]       K. Lin, Z. Yu, Y. Yu, X. Liao, P. Huang, C. Guo*, D. Lin*, Distinct Effects of Cu2+-binding on Oligomerization of Human and Rabbit Prion Proteins, Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica , 47(10): 842-850 (2015). (IF 2.089)
  [5]       J. Yang, Y. Liu, J. Bi, Q. Cai, X. Liao, W. Li, C. Guo, Q. Zhang, T. Lin, Y. Zhao, H. Wang, J. Liu*, X. Zhang*, D. Lin*, Structural basis for targeting the ribosomal protein S1 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by pyrazinamide, Molecular Microbiology, 95(5): 791-803 (2015). (IF 5.024)
  [6]       Z. Huang#, W. Shao#, J. Gu, X. Hu, Y. Shi, Q. Wen, C. Huang*, D. Lin*, Effects of culture media on metabolic profiling of human gastric cancer cell line SGC7901, Molecular Biosystems, 11(7) : 1832-1840 (2015). (hot article in 2015 and inside-cover article) (IF 3.183)
  [7]       Z. Chen#, Y. Hu#, J. Hong#, J. Hu, W. Yang, F. Xiang, Z. Xie Z. Cao, W. Li, D. Lin*, Y. Wu*, Toxin acidic residue evolutionary function-guided design of de novo peptide drugs for the immunotherapeutic target, the Kv1.3 channel, Scientific Reports, 5:9881, DOI: 10.1038/srep09881 (2015) (IF 5.078)
  [8]       W. Shao#, J. Gu#, C. Huang, D. Liu, H. Huang, Z. Huang, Z. Lin, W. Yang, K. Liu, D. Lin*, T. Ju*, Malignancy-associated metabolic profiling of human glioma cell lines using 1H NMR spectroscopy, Molecular Cancer, 13(1) : 197-208 (2014) (IF 5.397)
  [9]       X. Liu#, W. Zhu#, S. Guan, R. Feng, H. Zhang, Q. Liu, P. Sun, D. Lin*, N. Zhang*, J. Shen*, Metabolomic Analysis of Anti-hypoxia and Anti-anxiety Effects of Fu Fang Jin Jing Oral Liquid, PLoS ONE,8(10); e78281 (2013). (IF 3.730)
  [10]    C. Guo#, C. Yi#, Y. Peng, Y. Wen, D. Lin*, Solution structure and backbone dynamics of human Raf-1 kinase inhibitor protein, Biochem. Bioph. Res. Co., 438(1):129-132 (2013). (IF 2.406)
  [11]    L. Wei#, J. Yang#, X. He, L. Mu, G. Mo, J. Hong, X. Yan*, D. Lin*, R. Lai*, Structure and function of a potent lipopolysaccharide-binding antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory Peptide, J. Med. Chem., 56(9): 3546-3556 (2013). (IF 5.614)
  [12]    Y. Wang, H. Yu, X. Shi, Z. Luo, D. Lin, M. Huang*, Structural mechanism of ring opening reaction of glucose by human serum albumin, J. Biol. Chem., 288 (22): 15980-15987 (2013). (IF 4.651)
  [13]    H. Yu#, J. Dong#, Y. Gu, H. Liu, A. Xin, H. Shi, F. Sun, Y. Zhang*, D. Lin*, H. Diao*, The novel human beta-defensin 114 regulates lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-mediated inflammation and protects sperm from motility loss, J. Biol. Chem., 288 (17): 12270-12282 (2013). (IF 4.651)
  [14]    Y. Gu, Q. Liu, P. Chen, C. Guo, Y. Liu, Y. Zhao, Y. Zhang, D. Lin*, Characterization of the oligomerization and ligand-binding properties of recombinant rat lipocalin 11, BBA – Proteins and Proteomics, 1834:1-7 (2013). (IF 3.733)
  [15]    H. Liu, H. Yu, Y. Gu, A. Xin, Y. Zhang, H. Diao*, D. Lin*, Human beta-defensin DEFB126 is capable of inhibiting LPS-mediated inflammation, Appl. Microbiol. Biot., 97 (8): 3395-3408 (2013). (IF 3.689)
  [16]    X. Liu#, X. Xue#, L. Gong, X. Qi, Y. Wu, G. Xing, Y. Luan, Y. Xiao, X. Wu, Y. Li, M. Chen,D. Lin*,J. Ren*, 1H NMR-based metabolomic analysis of triptolide-Induced toxicity in liver-specific cytochrome P450 reductase knockout mice, Metabolomics, 8: 907-918 (2012). (IF 4.505)
  [17]    L. Sun, X. Wu, Y. Peng, J.Y. Goh, Y.-C. Liou, D. Lin*, Y. Zhao*, Solution structural analysis of the single-domain parvulin TbPin1, PLoS ONE, 7:e43017-e43017 (2012). (IF 4.092)
  [18]    X. Zheng#, J. Hong#, H. Li, D. Lin, H. Hu*, Biochemical properties and catalytic domain structure of the CcmH protein from Escherichia coli, BBA – Proteins and Proteomics, 1824(12):1394-1400 (2012). (IF 3.635)
  [19]    F. Zhong#, X. Liu#, Q. Zhou, X. Hao, Y. Lu, S. Guo, W. Wang*, D. Lin*, Nan Chen, 1H NMR-based metabonomics in the kidneys provides new insight into pathophysiological mechanisms: applications for treatment with Cordyceps sinensis, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation,27 (2): 556-565 (2012). (IF 3.900)
  [20]  L. Zhao, H. Gao, F. Lian, X. Liu, Y. Zhao, D. Lin*, 1H NMR-based metabonomic analysis of metabolic profiling in diabetic nephropathy rats induced by streptozotocin, Am J Physiol Renal Physiol, 300 (4): F947-956 (2011). (IF 3.790)

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