点击量: 1064
发布时间: 2018-08-29 17:30
微信号: H17720740258
E-mail: xewu@xmu.edu.cn
2014.08-; 厦门大学化学化工学院,副教授
2011.08-2014; 厦门大学化学化工学院,助理教授
2008.07-2010.10 英国Surrey大学, 化学生物系,博士?
2006.03-2007.07 德国Rostock大学, 化工系,博士?
1995.09-1999.07 太原理工大学大学,化工工艺,工学学士
1. 国家自然科学基金项目(No. 21205099),基于柔性基地的酶生物燃料电池组的构?,2013-01 ~ 2015-12?项目负责?
2. 教育部博士学科点专项基金(No. 20120121120018),利用水果发电的柔性生物燃料电池的构建?项目负责?
3. 国家科技?863项目,食品喷雾干燥的高效节能干燥新技术及装备研究,(NO.2011AA100802-3)?2011.01-2015.12?参与
M. Chen, X. D. Chen, X. Wu*, Design and Fabrication of Silicone Rubber Based Mediatorless Bioelectrode for Oxygen Reduction, Chemistry letters, Accepted. IF1.594
L. Zhong? L. Pang, L. Che, X. Wu*, X. D. Chen*,Nafion coated stainless steel for anti-biofilm applications?Colloid Surface B, 2013?111, pp. 252. (IF: 3.456)
C. Ding, X. Wu*, X. D. Chen*, Fabricate Low-cost Microfluidic Paper-Based Analytical Devices Using Paraffin Wax-Heptane Solution, Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, (应用化学)Accepted.
X. Wu*, Y. Guo, M. Chen, X. D. Chen*,Fabrication of flexible and disposable enzymatic biofuel cells, Electrochim Acta, 2013?98,pp. 20. (IF 3.832)
L. Chen, X. Wu, X. D. Chen*, Comparison between the digestive behaviors of a new in vitro rat soft stomach model with that of the in vivo experimentation on living rats - motility and morphological influences, J. Food. Eng., 2013, 117(2), pp183. (IF: 2.414)
L. Li, H Lv, R Deng, Z liao, X. Wu*, X. D.Chen*. Experimental Investigation of Egg Ovalbumin Scaling on Heated Stainless Steel Surface and Scale-removal Compared with that of Whey Protein, Colloid Surface B, 2013?107,pp. 198. (IF: 3.456)
L. Li, L Che, Q Liang, R. Mercadé-Prieto, X.Wu*, X. D. Chen*. Study on the dissolution of heat-induced ovalbumin gel in alkaline solutions relevant to the removal of fouling deposit?J. Food. Eng., 2013, 114 (4) , pp. 550. (IF:2.414)
X. Wu, F. Zhao*, N. Rahunen, J. R. Varcoe,C. Avignone-Rossa, A. E. Thumser, R. C. T. Slade. A Role for Microbial Palladium Nanoparticles in Extracellular Electron Transfer, Angew. Chem. Int.Ed., 2011, 50, pp 427. (IF?12.73?
X. Wu*, F.Zhao, J. Varcoe, A. E. Thumser, C. Avignone-Rossa, R. Slade*,A one-compartment fructose/air biological fuel cell based on direct electron transfer, Biosens. Bioelectron.,2009, 25, pp. 326. (IF?5.361?
X. Wu*, F.Zhao, J. Varcoe, A. E. Thumser, C. Avignone-Rossa, R. Slade*,Direct electron transfer of glucose oxidase immobilized in an ionic liquid reconstituted cellulose-carbon nanotube matrix?Bioelectrochemistry,2009,77, pp. 64. (IF: 3.52)
X. Wu, L. Ma, M. X. Ding, L. X. Gao*,TEMPO-derived task-specific ionic liquids for oxidation of alcohols, Synlett., 2005, pp. 607. (IF: 2.447)
X. Wu, L. Ma, M. X. Ding, L. X. Gao*,Imidazolium ionic liquid-grafted 2,2 '-bipyridine - A novel ligand for the recyclable copper-catalyzed selective oxidation of alcohols in ionic liquid [bmim][PF6]?Chem. Lett., 2005, 34, pp. 312. (IF: 1.4)
X. Wu, M. X. Ding, L. X. Gao*,A facile synthetic method for biphenyltetracarhoxylic dianhydrides?Chin. Chem. Lett., 2004, 15, pp. 787. (IF: 0.775)
F. Zhao, X. Wu, M. Wang, Y. Liu, L.X. Gao,S. J. Dong*,The Electrochemical and Bioelectrochemical Properties of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids and Carbon Composite Materials?Anal. Chem., 2004, 76, pp. 4960. (IF: 5.874)
C. L. Gao, X. Wu, G.H. Lv, M. X. Ding, L.X. Gao*, Syntheses and properties of soluble biphenyl-based polyimides from asymmetric bis(chlorophthalimide)s? Macromolecules, 2004, 37, pp. 2754. (IF: 4.837)
1. X. Wu, Cellulose-carbon nanotubes matrix modified electrode for bioelectronics application, SUPERGEN 5 Biological Fuel Cell Consortium. Jan.12-13, 2009, Oxford University, U.K.
2. X. Wu, E. Paetzold and U. Kragl, Oxidation of lignin model compounds in ionic liquids, Biorefinica. Oct. 11-12, 2006, Osnabrück, Germany
3. X. Wu, Mengxian Ding, Lianxun Gao, Electroreduction coupling haloaryl in ionic liquids, Ionic liquids: Progress and Prospects. 1, Mar. 10-12, 2004, Lanzhou, China
4. M. Chen, X.D Chen, X Wu*, Fabrication of flexible and disposable enzymatic biofuel cells stacks, 14th ISEAC. Changchun, China
1. 高连?(导师)?吴雪??丁孟贤,高昌录,张所波,电化学法制备联苯四甲酸二酐及其衍生物, 专利号:CN1410598?
2. 王震, 吴雪?, 高昌?, 丁孟?, 高连?, 2,3,3?,4?-联苯四甲酸二酐及其衍生物的制备方?, 专利号:CN1436780?
3. 吴雪?,陈晓东,陈梦莹,一种以硅橡胶为基底生物阴极的制备方法,专利申请号:201310279018.5?
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