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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 787 发布时间: 2018-08-29 17:23 微信号: H17720740258

  E-mail: jshi@xmu.edu.cn
  2003-2006年,香港科技大学,化工系,Research Assistant(RA);
  2008-今 厦门大学,化学化工学院,化学工程与生物工程系任教,职称副教授;
  J. Shi, F. Gao, T. Wu (2007). Single-cycle and Multi-cycle Generalized 2D Model Predictive Iterative Learning Control (2D-GPILC) Schemes for Batch processes. Journal Of Process Control. Vol. 17 (9): 715-727. (SCI)
  J. Shi, F. Gao, T. Wu (2006). A Robust ILC Design for Batch Processes with Uncertain Perturbations and Initialization. AIChE Journal. Vol. 52 (6): 2171-2187. (SCI)
  J. Shi, F. Gao, T. Wu (2006). From Two-dimensional Linear Quadratic Optimal Control to Iterative Learning Control Paper 1. Two-dimensional Linear Quadratic Optimal Controls and System Analysis. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 45 (13): 4603-4616. (SCI)
  J. Shi, F. Gao, T. Wu (2006). From Two-dimensional Linear Quadratic Optimal Control to Iterative Learning Control Paper 2. Iterative Learning Controls for Batch Processes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 45 (13): 4617-4628. (SCI)
  Y. Wang, J. Shi, D. Zhou, F. Gao (2006). Iterative Learning Fault-Tolerant Control for Batch Processes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 45 (26): 9050-9060. (SCI)
  J. Shi, F. Gao, T. Wu (2005). Robust design of integrated feedback and iterative learning control of a batch process based on a 2D Roesser system. Journal Of Process Control. Vol. 5 : 907-924. (SCI)
  J. Shi, F. Gao, T. Wu (2005). Integrated design and structure analysis of robust iterative learning control system based on a two-dimensional model. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 44 (21): 8095-8105. (SCI)
  J. Shi, T. Wu, S. Du (2004). Delay-dependent robust H-inf control for a class of uncertain switched systems with time delay. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE. Vol. 5 (7): 841-850. (Ei)
  师佳, 王建举 (1997). 一类具有综合约束的线性二次型最优控制. 自动化理论、技术与应用. Vol. 4 : 50.
  J. Shi, F. Gao, Q. Jiang. Z. Cao (2009). A Design Framework for Iterative Learning Control (ILC) Based on 2-Dimensional Model Predictive Control (2D-MPC), in The 21st Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2009 CCDC). 2009: Guilin, Guangxi. (Invited paper).
  J. Shi, F. Gao, T. Wu (2007). Higher-order Generalized 2D Predictive Iterative Learning Control Schemes. In Proceeding of 8th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, DYCOPS2007, Cancun, MEXICO.
  J. Shi, F. Gao, T. Wu (2006). 2D Model Predictive Iterative Learning Control Schemes for Batch Processes. In Proceeding of IFAC International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes 2006, Gramado, Brazil. Vol.1:215-220.
  J. Shi, T. Wu, S. Du (2004). Delay-dependent robust H-inf control for switched systems with parameter uncertainties and time delay. In Proceeding of World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, WCICA'04, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. Vol.2:951-955. (Ei)
  J. Shi, T. Wu, S. Du (2002). Three extended stabilization controller design approaches to continuous-time T-S fuzzy systems. In Proceeding of International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA'02, Xiamen, China. Vol.1:1566-1572.
  师佳, 王建举 (1996). 一类具有控制约束的线性二次型最优控制. In Proceeding of 中国控制与决策学术年会, 济南, 中国.:p362.

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