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发布时间: 2018-08-29 16:21
微信号: H17720740258
电话:0592-2180738, 13003912200
厦门大学 教授/博导 2006-
厦门大学 副教授 2001-2006
韩国延世大学 高级访问学者 2002
英国Brunel大学 博士后 1998-2000
中科院福建物构所 研习员 1988-1998
厦门大学 博士 1994-1997
中科院上海冶金所 1985-1988
吉林大学 学士 1980-1985
多元多层纳米复合涂层制备、微观结构、物理和化学特性研究; 纳米复合和纳米结构材料的合成、表征及在新能源中的应用; 无机/有机纳米复合功能材料制备、性能研究及其应用; 医用金属材料和轻合金材料表面处理新技术等。
"Efficient Overall Water-Splitting Electrocatalysis Using Lepidocrocite VOOH Hollow Nanospheres",Huanhuan Shi,Hanfeng Liang*,Fangwang Ming,Zhoucheng Wang*.AngewandteChemie International Edition,2017, 56, 573–577.
"CrN Thin Film Prepared by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering for Symmetric Supercapacitors", Binbin Wei,Hanfeng Liang*, Dongfang Zhang,Zhengtao Wu,Zhengbing Qi, Zhoucheng Wang*. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 2844-2851.
"Anticorrosive yet conductive Hf/Si3N4 multilayer coatings on AZ91D magnesium alloy by magnetron sputtering", Dongfang Zhang, Zhengbing Qi, Binbin Wei, Zhengtao Wu, Zhoucheng Wang*. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2017, 309: 12-20.
"Low temperature thermal oxidation towards hafnium-coated magnesium alloy for biomedical application", Dongfang Zhang, Zhengbing Qi, Binbin Wei, Zhoucheng Wang*, Materials Letters, 2017, 190:181-184.
"Solution Growth of Vertical VS2Nanoplate Arrays for Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution", Hanfeng Liang,Huanhuan Shi,Dongfang Zhang,Fangwang Ming,Rongrong Wang, JunqiaoZhuo,and Zhoucheng Wang*. Chemistry of Materrials, 2016, 28, 5587?5591.
"MOF-Derived Co-Doped Nickel Selenide/C Electrocatalysts Supported on Ni Foam for Overall Water Splitting", Fangwang Ming, Hanfeng Liang,* Huanhuan Shi, XunXu, Gui Mei and Zhoucheng Wang*. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 15148 – 15155.
"Lithium copper/manganese titanate anode material for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries", Wei Chen, Zhengrong Zhou, Hanfeng Liang, WeijianRen, JieShu, Zhoucheng Wang*. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2016, 169:128-135.
"Understanding hardness evolution of Zr–Si–N nanocomposite coatings via investigating their deformation behaviors", Z.T. Wu, Z.B. Qi, B.B. Wei, D.F. Zhang, Z.C. Wang*. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2016, 36: 3329–3339.
"Nanoindentation induced plastic deformation in nanocrystallineZrN coating", Z.T.Wu,Z.B.Qi, D.F. Zhang, Z.C.Wang*. Materials Letters, 2016,164:120-123.
"X-shaped hollow a-FeOOH penetration twins and their conversion to a-Fe2O3 nanocrystals bound by high-index facets with enhanced photocatalytic activity", Hangfeng Liang, Wei Chen, Rongrong Wang, Zhengbing Qi, JinxiaoMi, Zhoucheng Wang*. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 274: 224–230.
"Porous Two-Dimensional Nanosheets Converted from Layered Double Hydroxides and Their Applications in Electrocatalytic Water Splitting".Hanfeng Liang, Linsen Li, Fei Meng, Lianna Dang, JunqiaoZhuo, Audrey Forticaux, http://pubs.acs.org/action/doSearch?ContribStored=Xiu%2C+LZhoucheng Wang*, Song Jin*. Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27(16): 5702–5711.
"Enhanced electrochemical properties of lithium cobalt titanate via lithium-sitesubstitution with sodium". Wei Chen, Hanfeng Liang, Zhengbing Qi, Lianyi Shao, JieShu, Zhoucheng Wang*, ElectrochimicaActa, 2015,174: 1202–1215.
"Observation of the structural changes of sol-gel formed Li2MnTi3O8 during electrochemical reaction by in-situ and ex-situ studies", Wei Chen, Hanfeng Liang, Lianyi Shao, JieShu, Zhoucheng Wang *,ElectrochimicaActa, 2015,152: 187–194.
"Lithium storage mechanism in cubic lithium copper titanate anode material upon lithiation/delithiation process", Wei Chen, Zhengrong Zhou, Hanfeng Liang, Lianyi Shao, JieShu, Zhoucheng Wang*, Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 281: 56-68.
"In situ and ex situ studies of microstructure evolution during high-temperature oxidation of ZrN hard coating", Z.B. Qi, Z.T. Wu, H.F. Liang, D.F. Zhang, J.H. Wang, Z.C. Wang*, Scripta Materialia, 2015, 97: 9-12.
"Lithium storage behavior of manganese based complex spinel titanate as anode material for Li-ion batteries". Wei Chen, Ruihong Du, Hanfeng Liang, Zhengrong Zhou, Lianyi Shao, JieShu, Zhoucheng Wang*. Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 272: 622-628.
"Synthesis of 2D hollow hematite microplatelets with tunable porosity and their comparative photocatalytic activities".Hanfeng Liang, Xinde Jiang, Zhengbing Qi, Wei Chen, Zhengtao Wu, Binbin Xu, Zhoucheng Wang*, Jinxiao Mi and Qingbiao Li. Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 7199-7203.
"Facile synthesis of hematite nanostructures with controlled hollowness and porosity and their comparative photocatalytic activities". Hanfeng Liang, XunXu, Wei Chen, BinbinXu, Zhoucheng Wang*. CrystEngComm, 2014, 16: 959–963.
"Improved hardness and oxidation resistance for CrAlN hard coatings with Y addition by magnetron co-sputtering". Z.B.Qi, Z.T.Wu, Z.C.Wang*. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2014, 259: 146-151.
"Evolution of the microstructure and oxidation resistance in co-sputtered Zr-Y-N coatings". Z.T.Wu,Z.B.Qi, D.F. Zhang, Z.C.Wang*,Applied Surface Science, 2014, 321: 268-274.
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