点击量: 933
发布时间: 2018-08-29 16:07
微信号: H17720740258
博士 (美国凯斯西储大学,2007)
硕士 (华侨大学,2003)
学士 (华侨大学,2000)
“A Healable Supramolecular Polymer Blend Based on Aromatic Stacking and Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions”, S. Burattini, B. W. Greenland, D. H. Merino, W. G. Weng, J. Seppala, H. M. Colquhoun*, W. Hayes, M. E. Mackay, I. W. Hamley, S. J. Rowan, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 12051-12058.
“Effect of monomer structure on the Gelation of Metallo-supramolecular Polymers”, W.-G. Weng, Z.-Li, A. M. Jamieson*, S. J. Rowan*, Soft Mat. 2009, 5, 4647-4657.
“Control of Gel Morphology and Properties of a Class of Metallo-Supramolecular Polymers by Good/Poor Solvent Environments”, W.-G. Weng, Z.-Li, A. M. Jamieson*, S. J. Rowan*, Macromolecules, 2009, 42, 236-246.
“Structural Origin of the Thixotropic Behavior of a Class of Metallo-supramolecular Gels”, W.-G. Weng, A. M. Jamieson*, S. J. Rowan*, Tetrahedron, 2007, 63, 7419-7431.
“Understanding the Gelation and Stimuli-Responsive Nature of a Class of Metallo-supramolecular Polymers”, W.-G. Weng, J. B. Beck, A. M. Jamieson*, S. J. Rowan*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 11663-11672.
“Transport Properties of Electrically Conducting Nylon 6/Foliated Graphite Nanocomposites”, W.-G. Weng, G. H. Chen*, D. J. Wu, Polymer, 2005, 46, 6250-6257.
“Piezoresistive Materials from Directed Shear-Induced Assembly of Graphite Nanosheets in Polyethylene”, J.-R. Lu, W.-G. Weng, D.-J. Wu, C.-L. Wu, G.-H. Chen*, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2005, 15, 1358-1363.
“Fabrication and Characterization of Nylon 6/Foliated Graphite Electrically Conducting Nanocomposites”, W.-G. Weng, G.-H. Chen*, D.-J. Wu, C.-L. Wu, W.-L. Yan, J. Polym. Sci. B Polym. Phys. 2004, 42, 2844-2856.
“Nonlinear Conduction Behavior in Nylon 6/Foliated Graphite Nanocomposites above Percolation Threshold”, G.-H. Chen*, W.-G. Weng, D.-J. Wu, C.-L. Wu, J. Polym. Sci. B Polym. Phys. 2004, 42, 155-167.
“HDPE/Expanded Graphite Electrically Conducting Composite”, W.-G. Weng, G.-H. Chen*, D.-J. Wu, W.-L. Yan, Comp. Interf. 2004, 11, 131-143.
“Preparation and Characterization of Graphite Nanosheets from Ultrasonic Powdering Technique”, G.-H. Chen*, W.-G. Weng, D.-J. Wu, C.-L. Wu, Carbon, 2004, 42, 753-759.
“PMMA/graphite nanosheets composite and its conducting properties”, G.-H. Chen*, W.-G. Weng, D.-J. Wu, C.-L. Wu, Eur. Polym. J. 2003, 39, 2329-2335.
“Crystallization Kinetics and Melting Behaviors of Nylon 6/Foliated Graphite Nanocomposite”, W.-G. Weng, G.-H. Chen*, D.-J. Wu, Polymer, 2003, 44, 8119-8132.
“Preparation and Characterizations of Nanoparticles From Graphite via an Electrochemically Oxidizing Method”, W.-G. Weng, G.-H. Chen*, D.-J. Wu, Z.-Y. Lin, W.-L. Yan, Synth. Met. 2003, 139, 221-225.
“Investigation on the Nano-dispersion of Graphite into Polymer Matrix”, G.-H. Chen*, W.-G. Weng, D.-J. Wu, C.-L. Wu, W.-L. Yan, Acta Polym. Sin. 2001, 6, 803-806.
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