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厦门大学化学化工学院电化学科学与工程研究所导师介绍:Leroy Cronin

作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1045 发布时间: 2018-08-29 15:29 微信号: H17720740258

  Leroy Cronin
  Leroy Cronin教授36岁即当选英国爱丁堡皇家科学院院士(2009年),40岁当选英国钦定皇家化学教授(全英国仅有八位教授获此殊荣)(2013年),2014年被英国“工程与自然研究理事会(Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council , EPSRC)”评选为全英十大最具启发性科学家-“RISE Leader”的称号,同年被英国国家科学委员会(Science Council)推选为全英百大最具影响力科学家“100 leading UK practising scientists”之一。到目前为止,Leroy Cronin教授已发表论文超过290篇,其中包括Science 2篇,Nature 1篇,Nature子刊10篇,Angewandte40余篇。
  1. 2010.01.01, Unveiling the Transient Template in the Self-Assembly of a Molecular oxide Nanowheel, Science HaralamposN.Miras, GeoffryJ.T.Cooper, De-Liang Long, HartmutBogge, Achim Muller, CarstenStreb, Leroy Cronin*
  2. 2009.03.01, Spontaneous assembly and real-time growth of micrometer-scale tubular structure from polyoxometalate-based inorganic solids, Nature Chemistry, Chris Ritchie, Geoffrey J.T.Cooper, Yu-Fei Song, CarstenStreb, Huabing Yin, Alexis D.C. Parenty, Donald A. MacLaren, Leroy Cronin*
  3. 2010.03.14, Face-directed self-assembly of an electronically active Archimedean polyoxometalate architecture, Nature Chemistry, Scott G.Mitchell, CarstenStreb, HaralamposN.Miras, Thomas Boyd, De-Liang Long, Leroy Cronin*
  4. 2011.09.04, Observation of Fe=O using variable-temperature mass spectrometry and its enzyme-like C-H and C=C oxidation reactions, Nature Chemistry, Irene Prat, Jennifer S.Mathieson, MireiaGuell, XaviRibas, Josep M. Luis, Leroy Cronin*, Miquel Costas*
  5. 2012.04.15, Integrated 3D-printed reactionware for chemical synthesis and analysis, Nature Chemistry, Mark D.Symes, Philip J.Kitson, Jun Yan, Craig J.Richmond, Geoffrey J.T.Cooper, Richard W.Bowman, TurlifVilbrandt, Leroy Cronin*
  6. 2012.11.18, A flow-system array for the discovery and scale up of inorganic clusters, Nature Chemistry, Craig J.Richmond, HaralamposN.Miras, Andreu Ruiz de la Oliva, HongyingZang, Victor Sans, Leonid Paramonov, CharalamposMakatsoris, Ross Inglis, EuanK.Brechin, De-Liang Long, Leroy Cronin*
  7. 2013.04.14, Decoupling hydrogen and oxygen evolution during electrolytic water splitting using an electron-coupled-proton buffer, Nature Chemistry, Mark D.Symes, Leroy Cronin*
  8. 2014.04.28, Discovery of gigantic molecular nanostructures using a flow reaction array as a search engine, Nature Communication, Hong-Ying Zang, Andreu Ruiz de la Oliva, HaralamposN.Miras, De-Liang Long, Roy T.McBurney, Leroy Cronin*
  9. 2006.10.01, The immitation game- acomputational chemical approach to recognizing life, Nature Biotechnology, Leroy Cronin*, NatalioKrasnogor, Benjamin G Davis, Cameron Alexander, Neil Robertson, Joachim H G Steinke, Sven L M Schroeder, Andrei N Khlobystov, Geoff Cooper, Paul M Gardner, Peter Siepmann, Benjamin J Whitaker, Dan Marsh
  10. 2008.03.30, Reversible electron-transfer reactions within a nanoscale metal oxide cage mediated by metallic substrates, Nature nanotechnology, Christopher Fleming, De-Liang Long, Nicola McMillan, Jacqueline Johnston, Nicolas Bovet, Vin Dhanak, NikolajGadegaard, Paul Kogerler, Leroy Cronin*, Malcolm Kadodwala*
  11. 2009.08.01, How to sweet-talk bacteria, Nature Chemistry, Geoffrey J.T.Cooper, Leroy Cronin*
  12. 2014, Decoupled catalytic hydrogen evolution from a molecular metal oxide redox mediator in water splitting, Science, Benhamin Rausch, Mark D. Symes, Greig Chisholm, Leroy Cronin*
  13. 2014.11.27, Design and fabrication of memory devices based on nanoscalepolyoxometalate clusters, Nature, ChristophBusche, Laia Vila-Nada, Jun Yan, Haralampos N. Miras, De-Liang, Vihar P. Georgiev, AsenAsenov, Rasmus H. Pedersen, NikolajGadegaard, Muhammad M.Mirza, Douglas J. Paul, Josep M. Poblet and Leroy Cronin*

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