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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1602 发布时间: 2018-08-25 14:21 微信号: H17720740258

  电话:(0592)2185753 (实验室)
  博士(厦门大学, 中英联合培养,1992)
  J Power Sources(IF=6.33)主编(Editor)
  教育部科技进步二等奖 (1996)
  1.Yuanjun Shao,Hongchun Wang,Zhengliang Gong*,Dawei Wang,Bizhu Zheng,Jianping Zhu,Yaxiang Lu*,Yong-Sheng Hu,Xiangxin Guo,Hong Li,Xuejie Huang,Yong Yang*,Ce-Wen,and Liquan Chen,"Drawing a Soft Interface:An Effective Interfacial Modification Strategy for Garnet-Type Solid-State Li Batteries";ACS Energy Lett., 2018,3,1212-1218
  2.Qiaobao Zhang,Huixin Chen,Langli Luo,Bote Zhao,Hao Luo,Xiang Han,Jiangwei Wang,Chongmin Wang,Yong Yang*,Ting Zhu* and Meilin Liu*,"Harnessing the concurrent reaction dynamics in active Si and Ge to achieve high performance lithium-ion batteries";Energy Environ.Sci., 2018,11,669-681
  3.Yu-Xuan Xiang,Guorui Zheng,Guiming Zhong,Dawei Wang,Riqing Fu,Yong Yang*,"Toward understanding of ion dynamics in highly conductive lithium ion conductors:Some perspectives by solid state NMR techniques";Solid State Ionics, 318(2018)19-26
  4.Wengao Zhao,Jianming Zheng,Lianfeng Zou,Haiping Jia,Bin Liu,Hui Wang,Mark H.Engelhard,Chongmin Wang,Wu Xu,Yong Yang* and Ji-Guang Zhang*,   "High Voltage Operation of Ni-Rich NMC Cathodes Enabled by Stable Electrode/Electrolyte interphases";Advanced Energy Mater., 1800297(2018)1-9
  5.Zulipiya Shadike,Enyue Zhao,Yong-Ning Zhou,Xiqian Yu,Yong Yang,Enyuan Hu,Seongmin Bak,Lin Gu and Xiao-Qing Yang*,"Advanced Characterization Techniques for Sodium-Ion Battery Studies";Advanced Energy Materials, 1702588(2018)1-29
  6.Xiang Han,Ziqi Zhang,Run You, Guorui Zheng,Cheng Li,Songyan Chen* and Yong Yang*,"Capitalization of interfacial AION interactions to achieve stable bind-free porous silicon/carbon anodes";J.Mater.Chem.A 2018,6,7449
  7.Zhengliang Gong,Yong Yang*,"The application of synchrotron X-ray techniques to the study of rechargeable batteries";Journal of Energy Chemistry 000(2018) 1-18
  8.Weimin Zhao,Guorui Zheng,Min Lin,Wengao Zhao,Dongjiang Lid,Xiaoyun Guan,Yajuan Ji,Gregorio F.Oritizc,Yong Yang*,"Toward a stable solid-electrolyte-interfaces on nickel-rich cathodes:LiPO2F2 salt-type additive and its working mechanism for LiNi0.5CO0.25O2 cathodes";Journal of Power Sources , 380(2018) 149-157
  9. C.X.Peng, G.H.Ning, J.Su, G.M.Zhong, W. Tang, B.B.Tian, C.L.Su, D.Y.Yu, L.H.Zu, J.H.Yang, M.F.Ng, Y.S.Hu, Y.Yang*, M.Armand, K.O.Loh*, " Reversible multi-electron redox chemsitry of π-conjugated N-containing heteroaromatic molecules-based organic cathodes"; Nature Energy, 2017, 2 17074
  10. Y. J. Shao, H. J.Yue, R. M. Qiao, J. Q. Hu, G. M. Zhong, S. Q. Wu, Matthew J. McDonald, Z. L. Gong, Z. Z.Zhu, W. L. Yang, and Y. Yang*; “Synthesis and Reaction Mechanism of Novel Fluorinated Carbon Fiber as a High-Voltage Cathode Material for Rechargeable Na Batteries”; Chem. Mater.; 2016, 28 (4), 1026-1033
  11.G. F. Ortiz*, M. C. López, Y. X. Li, M. J. McDonald, M. Cabello, J. L. Tirado & Y. Yang; “Enhancing the energy density of safer Li-ion batteries by combining high-voltage lithium cobalt fluorophosphate cathodes and nanostructured titania anodes”; Scientific Reports 6; 2016, 20656
  12. X. Han, H. X. Chen, X. Li, S. M. Lai, Y. H. Xu, C. Li, S. Y. Chen*, and Y. Yang*; “NiSix/a-Si Nanowires with Interfacial a-Ge as Anodes for High-Rate Lithium-Ion Batteries”; ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces; 2016, 8, 673-679
  13.Q. B. Zhang, H. X. Chen, X. Han, J. J. Cai, Y. Yang*, Meilin Liu*, and Kaili Zhang*; “Graphene-Encapsulated Nanosheet-Assembled Zinc–Nickel–Cobalt Oxide Microspheres for Enhanced Lithium Storage”; ChemSusChem; 2016, 9,186-196
  14. X. Han, H. X. Chen, X. Li, J. Y. Wang, C. Li, S. Y. Chen* and Y. Yang*;“Interfacial nitrogen stabilizes carbon-coated mesoporous silicon particle anodes”; J. Mater. Chem. A; 2016, 4, 434-442
  15. H. X. Chen, Q. B.Zhang, X. Han, J. J. Cai, M. L. Liu, Y. Yang* and K. L. Zhang*; “3D hierarchically porous zinc-nickel-cobalt oxide nanosheets grown on Ni foam as binder-free electrodes for electrochemical energy storage”; J. Mater. Chem. A; 2015,3, 24022-24032
  16.A.Y. Li, S.Q. Wu, Y. Yang, Z.Z. Zhu*; “Structural and electronic properties of Li-ion battery cathode material MoF3 from first-principles”; Journal of Solid State Chemistry; 2015, 227, 25–29
  17.D. W. Wang, G. M. Zhong, Y. X. Li, Z. L. Gong, M. J. McDonald, J. X. Mi, R. Q. Fu, Z. C. Shi, Y. Yang*; “Enhanced ionic conductivity of Li3.5Si0.5P0.5O4 with addition of lithium borate”; Solid State Ionics;2015, 283, 109–114
  18.D. W. Wang, G. M. Zhong, W. K. Pang, Z. P. Guo, Y. X. Li, M. J. McDonald, R. Q. Fu*, J. X. Mi, and Y. Yang*; “Toward Understanding the Lithium Transport Mechanism in Garnettype Solid Electrolytes: Li+ Ion Exchanges and Their Mobility at Octahedral/Tetrahedral Sites”; Chem. Mater.; 2015, 27, 6650?6659
  19. G. M. Zhong, J. Y. Bai, P. N. Duchesne, M. J. McDonald, Q. Li, X. Hou, J. A. Tang, Y. Wang, W. G. Zhao, Z. L. Gong, P. Zhang, R. Q. Fu and Y. Yang*; “Copper Phosphate as a Cathode Material for Rechargeable Li Batteries and Its Electrochemical Reaction Mechanism”; Chemistry of Materials; 2015, 27, 5736 - 5744
  20. Y. J. Ji, S. G. Li, G. M. Zhong, Z. R. Zhang, Y. X. Li, M. J. McDonald and Y. Yang*; “Synergistic Effects of Suberonitrile-LiBOB Binary Additives on the Electrochemical Performance of High-Voltage LiCoO2 Electrodes”; Journal of The Electrochemical Society; 2015, 162, 13, A7015-A7023
  21. S. H. Wang, Y. X. Li, J. Wu, B. Z. Zheng, M. J. McDonald and Y. Yang*; “Toward a stabilized lattice framework and surface structure of layered lithium-rich cathode materials with Ti modification”; Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.; 2015, 17, 10151--10159
  22.H. Zou, S. D. Li, X. B. Wu, M. J. McDonald, and Y. Yang*; “Spray-Drying Synthesis of Pure Na2CoPO4F as Cathode Material for Sodium Ion Batteries”; ECS Electrochemistry Letters; 2015, 4, 6, A53-A55
  23.Y. J. Ji, Z. R. Zhang, M. Gao, Y. Li, M. J. McDonald and Y. Yang*; “Electrochemical Behavior of Suberonitrile as a High-Potential Electrolyte Additive and Co-Solvent for Li[Li0.2Mn0.56Ni0.16Co0.08]O2 Cathode Materi”; Journal of The Electrochemical Society;2015, 162,4, A774-A780
  Selected Targets of Current Interest

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