点击量: 1090
发布时间: 2018-08-25 11:54
微信号: H17720740258
厦门大学化学系 博士 (2010)
醇醚酯国家工程实验室 工程师 (2010-2014)
厦门大学化学系 助理教授 (2014-2017)
厦门大学化学系 副教授 (2017-)
新加坡国立大学工程学院 Research Fellow (2016-2017)
纤维素、木质素等生物质催化转化制重要化学品; C-C和C-O键选择性活化断裂的基础研究; 生物质高值化利用新方法的发展和催化新材料的设计与合成。
1. Weiping Deng, Yunzhu Wang, Sui Zhang, Krishna M. Gupta, Max J. Hülsey, Hiroyuki Asakura, Lingmei Liu, Yu Han, Eric M. Karp, Gregg T. Beckham, Paul J. Dyson, Jianwen Jiang, Tsunehiro Tanaka, Ye Wang and Ning Yan, Catalytic amino acid production from biomass-derived intermediates, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 2018, in press
2. Yanliang Wang#, Weiping Deng#, Binju Wang#, Qinghong Zhang, Xiaoyue Wan, Zhenchen Tang, Ye Wang*, Chun Zhu, Zexing Cao, Guichang Wang, Huilin Wan, Chemical synthesis of lactic acid from cellulose catalysed by lead(II) ions in water, Nat. Commun. 2013, 4: 2141.
3. Weiping Deng, Pan Wang, Binju Wang, Yanliang Wang, Longfei Yan, Yanyun Li; Qinghong Zhang, Zexing Cao, Ye Wang*, Transformation of cellulose and related carbohydrates into lactic acid with bifunctional Al(III)-Sn(II) catalysts, Green Chem. 2018, 20, 735-744 (Invited article for Themed Collection of International Symposium on Green Chemistry 2017).
4. Weiping Deng, Jiashu Chen, Jincan Kang, Qinghong Zhang, Ye Wang*, Carbon nanotube-supported Au-Pd alloy with cooperative effect of metal nanoparticles and organic ketone/quinone groups as a highly efficient catalyst for aerobic oxidation of amines, Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 66805-6808.
5. Laiqi Xue, Kang Cheng, Hongxi Zhang, Weiping Deng*, Qinghong Zhang, Ye Wang*, Mesoporous H-ZSM-5 as an efficient catalyst for conversions of cellulose and cellobiose into methyl glucosides in methanol, Catal. Today 2016, 274, 60-66.
6. Chunmei Zhou, Weiping Deng*, Xiaoyue Wan, Qinghong Zhang, Yanhui Yang*, Ye Wang*, Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes for Biomass Conversion: The Base-Free Aerobic Oxidation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-Furandicarboxylic Acid over Platinum Supported on a Carbon Nanotube Catalyst, ChemCatChem 2015, 7, 2853-2863.
7. Weiping Deng, Hongxi Zhang, Xuejiao Wu, Rongsheng Li, Qinghong Zhang, Ye Wang*, Oxidative conversion of lignin and lignin model compounds catalyzed by CeO2-supported Pd nanoparticles, Green Chem. 2015, 17, 5009-5018.
8. Weiping Deng, Qinghong Zhang, Ye Wang*, Catalytic transformation of cellulose and its derived carbohydrates into chemicals involving C-C bond cleavage, J. Energy Chem. 2015, 24, 595-607.
9. Weiping Deng, Hongxi Zhang, Laiqi Xue, Qinghong Zhang, Ye Wang*, Selective activation of the C-O bonds in lignocellulosic biomass for the efficient production of chemicals, Chin. J. Catal. 2015, 36, 1440-1460.
10. Weiping Deng, Qinghong Zhang, Ye Wang*, Catalytic transformations of cellulose and its derived carbohydrates into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, levulinic acid, and lactic acid, Sci. China-Chem. 2015, 58, 29-46.
11. Bizhong Hu#, Weiping Deng#, Rongsheng Li, Qinghong Zhang, Ye Wang*, Francine Delplanque-Janssens, Deschrijver Paul, Frederique Desmedt, Pierre Miquel, Carbon-supported palladium catalysts for the direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide from hydrogen and oxygen, J. Catal. 2014, 319, 15-26.
12. Weiping Deng, Qinghong Zhang, Ye Wang*, Catalytic transformations of cellulose and cellulose-derived carbohydrates into organic acids, Catal. Today, 2014, 234, 31-41.
13. Zhenchen Tang#, Weiping Deng#, Yanliang Wang, Enze Zhu, Xiaoyue Wan, Qinghong Zhang*, Ye Wang*, Transformation of Cellulose and its Derived Carbohydrates into Formic and Lactic Acids Catalyzed by Vanadyl Cations, ChemSusChem 2014, 7, 1557-1567.
14. Zhen Guo, Bin Liu, Qinghong Zhang, Weiping Deng, Ye Wang*, Yanhui Yang*, Recent advances in heterogeneous selective oxidation catalysis for sustainable chemistry, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2014, 43, 3480-3524.
15. Xiaoyue Wan, Weiping Deng*, Qinghong Zhang, Ye Wang*, Magnesia-supported gold nanoparticles as efficient catalysts for oxidative esterification of aldehydes or alcohols with methanol to methyl esters, Catal. Today, 2014, 233, 147-154.
16. Weiping Deng, Enze Zhu, Mi Liu, Qinghong Zhang, Ye Wang*, Cs-substituted tungstophosphate-supported ruthenium nanoparticles as efficient and robust bifunctional catalysts for the conversion of inulin and cellulose into hexitols in water in the presence of H2, RSC Adv. 2014, 4, 43131-43141.
17. Qingge Zhai, Shunji Xie, Wenqing Fan, Qinghong Zhang, Yu Wang, Weiping Deng, Ye Wang*, Photocatalytic Conversion of Carbon Dioxide with Water into Methane: Platinum and Copper(I) Oxide Co-catalysts with a Core-Shell Structure, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 5776-5779.
18. Ting Xu, Hang Song, Weiping Deng*, Qinghong Zhang, Ye Wang*, Catalytic conversion of methyl chloride to lower olefins over modified H-ZSM-34, Chin. J. Catal. 2013, 34, 2047-2056.
19. Weiping Deng, Yanliang Wang, Qinghong Zhang, Ye Wang*, Development of Bifunctional Catalysts for the Conversions of Cellulose or Cellobiose into Polyols and Organic Acids in Water, Catal. Surv. Asia 2012, 16, 91-105.
20. Dongli An, Aihua Ye, Weiping Deng*, Qinghong Zhang, Ye Wang*, Selective Conversion of Cellobiose and Cellulose into Gluconic Acid in Water in the Presence of Oxygen, Catalyzed by Polyoxometalate-Supported Gold Nanoparticles, Chem.- A Eur. J. 2012, 18, 2938-2947.
21. Weiping Deng, Qinghong Zhang, Ye Wang*, Polyoxometalates as efficient catalysts for transformations of cellulose into platform chemicals, Dalton Trans. 2012, 41, 9817-9831.
22. Weiping Deng, Mi Liu, Qinghong Zhang, Ye Wang*, Direct transformation of cellulose into methyl and ethyl glucosides in methanol and ethanol media catalyzed by heteropolyacids, Catal. Today 2011, 164, 461-466.
23. Weiping Deng, Mi Liu, Xuesong Tan, Qinghong Zhang, Ye Wang*, Conversion of cellobiose into sorbitol in neutral water medium over carbon nanotube-supported ruthenium catalysts, J. Catal. 2010, 271, 22-32.
24. Weiping Deng, Mi Liu, Qinghong Zhang, Xuesong Tan, Ye Wang*, Acid-catalysed direct transformation of cellulose into methyl glucosides in methanol at moderate temperatures, Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 2668-2670.
# contributed equally to the work; * corresponding author
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