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发布时间: 2018-08-25 11:51
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E-mail: xlliao@xmu.edu.cn
生物核磁共振技术及其在结构生物学研究中的应用 量子化学和分子动力学模拟
Liao X , Jung P, Shuai J (2009) Global Noise and Oscillations in Clustered Excitable Media. Physical Review E. 79 (4) 041923,1-6.
Liao X, Chen X and Han D (2008). 组氨酸与金属离子相互作用的1H-NMR研究. 厦门大学学报(自然科学版),. 47: Sup1.55-58.
Lin H, Chen C, Liao X, Lin T and Zhou Z (2006). Ethylenediamine tetraacetato trioxomolybdate(VI) and tungstate(VI) and their reactions with hydrogen peroxide. Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry 36(5): 411-414
Huang L, Lin L, Yu L, Liao X, Zhen J and Zhang H (2005). Characterization of carbon deposits on W/MCM-22-based catalysts for dehydro-aromatization of CH4 in absence of O2. Journal of Xiamen University (Natural Science). 44: 33-38.
Liao X and Lin D (2004). 用异核多维NMR技术研究蛋白质动力学. 波谱学杂志. 21: 385-396.
Li Y, Zhang H, Chen J, Liao X, Dong Z and Gao J (2004). A new efficient chiral iridium catalyst for asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of ketones. Journal of Molecular Catalysis-Chemical. 218(2): 153-156.
Peng Q, Liao X and Yuan Y (2004). Micelle effect of disulfonated cetyldiphenyl phosphine in biphasic hydroformylation of higher olefins. Catalysis Communications 5(8): 447-451.
Liao X, Wu W, Mo Y and Zhang Q (2003). VB studies on bonding features of HNC <-> HCN. Science in China (Series B: Chemistry) 46: 361-370
Liao X, Wu W, Mo Y and Zhang Q (2003). HNC<->HCN成键特征的价键理论中国科学B辑33:253-260.
Liao X, Wu W, Mo Y and Zhang Q (2003). Ab initio VB studies of the ground and low-lying excited states of BeH and BH. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 21(8): 1005-1010.
Liao X, Mo Y, Wu W, and Zhang Q (2003). Ab initio valence bond study on AB-type molecules. A description for XH (X = Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F) and XF (X = Li, Be, B). Chinese Journal of Chemistry 21(3): 225-231
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