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发布时间: 2018-08-23 15:49
微信号: H17720740258
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博士后(以色列希伯来大学 美国伊利诺伊大学)
“Ultrafast Excitation of Molecular Adsorbates on Flash-Heated Gold Surfaces” Jeffrey A. Carter, Z.-H. Wang, H. Fujiwara, Dana D. Dlott., J. Phys. Chem A, 2009, 111: 12105-12114.
“Ultrafast nonlinear coherent vibrational sumfrequency spectroscopy methods to study thermal conductance of molecules at interfaces”, Jeffrey A. Carter, Z.-H. Wang, Dana D. Dlott, Accounts of Chemical Research, 2009, 42: 1343-1351
(invited paper) “Watching vibrational energy in molecules with high time and space resolution,” Jeffrey A. Carter, Z.-H. Wang, Dana D. Dlott, in Proceedings of the XXIst International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, edited by R. Withnall and B. Z. Chowdhry (IM Publications LLP, Charlton, Chichester,) 2008: 112-113.
“Ultrafast dynamics of heat flow across molecules”, Z.-H. Wang, David G. Cahill, Jeffrey A. Carter, Yee Kan Koh, Alexei Lagutchev, Nak-Hyun Seong and Dana D. Dlott, Chemical Physics, 2008 Volume 350, Issues 1-3, 23 June 2008: 31-44
“Spatially resolved vibrational energy transfer in molecular monolayers”, Jeffrey A. Carter, Z.-H. Wang, Dana D. Dlott., J. Phys. Chem., 2008, 112: 3523-3529.
“Ultrafast shock wave coherent dissociation and spectroscopy of materials”, Jeffrey A. Carter, Z.-H. Wang, Alexei Lagutchev, Ying Fang, Nak-Hyun Seong, David G. Cahill and Dana D. Dlott, AIP Conf. Proc. Shock Wave Proceeding 2007:1221.
“Ultrafast Flash Thermal Conductance of Molecular Chains”, Z.-H. Wang, Jeffrey A. Carter, Alexei Lagutchev, Yee Kan Koh, Nak-Hyun Seong, David G. Cahill and Dana D. Dlott, Science. 2007 , 317:787-90.
(invited feature article + cover photo) “Hydrogen-bond disruption by vibrational excitations in water”, Z.-H. Wang, Yoonsoo Pang and Dana D. Dlott. J. Phys. Chem. A., 2007, 111: 3196-3208. "One of the most-accessed articles published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry A in 2007"
“Vibrational energy in molecules probed with high time and space resolution”, Yoonsoo Pang, John Dea?k, Wentao Huang, Alexi Lagutchev, Andrei Pakoulev, James Patterson, Tim. Sechler, Z.-H. Wang, Dana Dlott, International Reviews in Physical Chemistry, 2007, 26: 223-248
“Long-lived interfacial vibrations of water”, Z.-H. Wang, Yoonsoo Pang and Dana D. Dlott, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2006, 110: 201150-20117.
“Vibrational energy dynamics of water studied with ultrafast Stokes and Anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy”, Z.-H. Wang, Y Pang, and D Dlott., Chem. Phys. Lett., 2004, 397: 40-45.
“ Vibrational Substructure in the OH Stretching Transition of Water and HOD”, Z.-H. Wang, A Pakoulev, Y Pang and D Dlott., J. Phys. Chem.A., 2004, 108: 9054-9063,
“Vibrational energy transfer across a reverse micelle surfactant layer”, J Deàk, Y Pang, T. Sechler, Z.-H. Wang, D Dlott., science, 2004, 306: 473-476.
“The vibrational Stokes shift of water (HOD in D2O)”, Z.-H. Wang, Y. Pang, and D. Dlott., J. Chem. Phys., 2004, 120: 8345-8348,. (This paper was selected to appear in the “Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science”.)
“Three-dimensional spectroscopy of vibrational energy relaxation in liquids”, Z.-H. Wang, A. Pakoulev, Y. Pang, D. Dlott., Ultrafast Molecular Events in Chemistry and Biology, edited by M. Martin and J. T. Hynes Elsevier, 2004: 169-176..
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