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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 910 发布时间: 2018-08-23 15:47 微信号: H17720740258

  电话:(0592)2185875 (实验室)
  日本大阪大学 访问教授(2002)
  美国斯坦福大学 高级研究学者(2006
  (1)     Zheng, Y.B. ?; Zhao S. ?; Cao, S. H.; Cai, S. L.; Cai, X. H.; Li, Y. Q.*, A temperature, pH and sugar triple-stimuli-responsive nanofluidic diode, Nanoscale, 2017, 9 (1), 433-439
  (2)     Cai, W. P.; Zhai, Y. Y.; Cao, S. H.; Liu, Q.; Weng, Y. H.; Xie, K. X.; Lin, G. C.; Li, Y. Q.*,High performance dual-mode surface plasmon coupled emission imaging apparatus integrating Kretschmann and reverse Kretschmann configurations for flexible measurements. Review of Scientific Instruments 2016, 87, 5.
  (3)     Cai, S. L.; Zheng, Y. B.; Cao, S. H.; Cai, X. H.; Li, Y. Q.*, A conformation and charge co-modulated ultrasensitive biomimetic ion channel. Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 12450-12453
  (4)     Liu, Y. H.; Wu, P. P.; Liu, Q.; Luo, H. D.; Cao, S. H.; Lin, G. C.; Fu, D. S.; Zhong, X. D.; Li, Y. Q.*, A Simple Fluorescence Spectroscopic Approach for Simultaneous and Rapid Detection of Four Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH4) in Vegetable Oils. Food Anal Method 2016, 9, 3209-3217.
  (5)     Cai, S. L.; Cao, S. H.; Zheng, Y. B.; Zhao, S.; Yang, J. L.; Li, Y. Q.*, Surface charge modulated aptasensor in a single glass conical nanopore. Biosens Bioelectron 2015, 71, 37-43.
  (6)     Xie, K. X.; Cao, S. H.; Liu, Q.; Cai, W. P.; Huo, S. X.; Watarai, H.; Li, Y. Q. *, Modulation of surface plasmon coupled emission (SPCE) by a pulsed magnetic field. Chem Commun 2015, 51, 12320-12323.
  (7)     Liu, Q.; Cao, S. H.; Cai, W. P.; Liu, X. Q.; Weng, Y. H.; Xie, K. X.; Huo, S. X.; Li, Y. Q. *, Surface Plasmon Coupled Emission in Micrometer-Scale Cells: A Leap from Interface to Bulk Targets. J Phys Chem B 2015, 119, 2921-2927.
  (8)     Huo, S. X.; Liu, Q.; Cao, S. H.; Cai, W. P.; Meng, L. Y.; Xie, K. X.; Zhai, Y. Y.; Zong, C.; Yang, Z. L.; Ren, B.; Li, Y. Q. *, Surface Plasmon-Coupled Directional Enhanced Raman Scattering by Means of the Reverse Kretschrnann Configuration. J Phys Chem Lett 2015, 6, 2015-2019.
  (9)     Lin, L. R.; Luo, H. D.; Li, X. Y.; Li, N.; Zhou, N.; Jia, Y. Z.; Liu, Y. H.; Li, Y. Q. *, A novel method for the rapid detection of benzo(a)pyrene in liquid milk by dimethyl sulfoxide selectively enhanced synchronous fluorescence spectrometry. Food Addit Contam A 2014, 31, 1219-1225.
  (10)  Cao, S. H.; Zou, Z. X.; Weng, Y. H.; Cai, W. P.; Liu, Q.; Li, Y. Q. *, Plasmon-mediated fluorescence with distance independence: From model to a biosensing application. Biosens Bioelectron 2014, 58, 258-265.
  (11)  Cao, S. H.; Cai, W. P.; Liu, Q.; Xie, K. X.; Weng, Y. H.; Li, Y. Q. *, Turning on fluorescence by plasmonic assembly with large tunable spacing: a new observation and its biosensing application. Chem Commun 2014, 50, 518-520.
  (12)  Cao, S. H.; Cai, W. P.; Liu, Q.; Xie, K. X.; Weng, Y. H.; Huo, S. X.; Tian, Z. Q.; Li, Y. Q. *, Label-Free Aptasensor Based on Ultrathin-Linker-Mediated Hot-Spot Assembly To Induce Strong Directional Fluorescence. J Am Chem Soc 2014, 136, 6802-6805.
  (13)  Zhao, S.; Zheng, Y. B.; Cai, S. L.; Weng, Y. H.; Cao, S. H.; Yang, J. L.; Li, Y. Q. *, Sugar-stimulated robust nanodevice: 4-Carboxyphenylboronic acid modified single glass conical nanopores. Electrochem Commun 2013, 36, 71-74.
  (14)  Liu, X. Q.; Liu, Q.; Cao, S. H.; Cai, W. P.; Weng, Y. H.; Xie, K. X.; Li, Y. Q. *, Directional surface plasmon-coupled emission of CdTe quantum dots and its application in Hg(II) sensing. Anal Methods-Uk 2012, 4, 3956-3960.
  (15)  Liu, Q.; Huang, W.; Shindi, A. A. F.; Li, Y. Q. *, A novel rapid method for simultaneous determination of three diagnostically important porphyrins in erythrocytes using hyphenated synchronous fluorescence techniques. Talanta 2012, 88, 663-668.
  (16)  Li, Y. Q.*; Zheng, Y. B.; Zare, R. N.*, Electrical, Optical, and Docking Properties of Conical Nanopores. Acs Nano 2012, 6, 993-997.
  (17)  Cao, S. H.; Cai, W. P.; Liu, Q.; Li, Y. Q. *, Surface Plasmon-Coupled Emission: What Can Directional Fluorescence Bring to the Analytical Sciences? Annu Rev Anal Chem 2012, 5, 317-336.
  (18)  Zhou, N.; Luo, H. D.; Li, N.; Jia, Y. Z.; Li, Y. Q.*,  Highly sensitive and selective spectrofluorimetric approach for the rapid determination of trace benzo[alpha]pyrene in drinking water and in solutions leached from disposable paper cups. Luminescence 2011, 26, 35-43.
  (19)  Zhang, L. X.; Cai, S. L.; Zheng, Y. B.; Cao, X. H.; Li, Y. Q.*, Smart Homopolymer Modification to Single Glass Conical Nanopore Channels: Dual-Stimuli-Actuated Highly Efficient Ion Gating. Adv Funct Mater 2011, 21, 2103-2107.
  (20)  Li, X. Y.; Li, N.; Luo, H. D.; Lin, L. R.; Zou, Z. X.; Jia, Y. Z.; Li, Y. Q. *, A Novel Synchronous Fluorescence Spectroscopic Approach for the Rapid Determination of Three Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Tea with Simple Microwave-Assisted Pretreatment of Sample. J Agr Food Chem 2011, 59, 5899-5905.
  (21)  Li, N.; Li, X. Y.; Zou, Z. X.; Lin, L. R.; Li, Y. Q. A novel baseline-correction method for standard addition based derivative spectra and its application to quantitative analysis of benzo(a)pyrene in vegetable oil samples. Analyst 2011, 136, 2802-2810.
  (22)  Cao, S. H.; Xie, T. T.; Cai, W. P.; Liu, Q. A.; Li, Y. Q. Electric Field Assisted Surface Plasmon-Coupled Directional Emission: An Active Strategy on Enhancing Sensitivity for DNA Sensing and Efficient Discrimination of Single Base Mutation. J Am Chem Soc 2011, 133, 1787-1789.
  (23)  Zhang, L. X.; Cao, X. H.; Zheng, Y. B.; Li, Y. Q. *, Covalent modification of single glass conical nanopore channel with 6-carboxymethyl-chitosan for pH modulated ion current rectification. Electrochem Commun 2010, 12, 1249-1252.
  (24)  Xie, T. T.; Liu, Q.; Cai, W. P.; Chen, Z.; Li, Y. Q. *, Surface plasmon-coupled directional emission based on a conformational-switching signaling aptamer. Chem Commun 2009, 3190-3192.

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