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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 1011 发布时间: 2018-08-23 15:04 微信号: H17720740258

  传  真:86-592-2183047
  E-mail: j.yang@xmu.edu.cn
  2012.02至今 厦门大学化学化工学院化学系助理教授
  2011.05-2012.02 厦门大学化学化工学院郑南峰课题组科研人员
  2007.08-2011.04 澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学(Queensland University of Technology, Australia),博士
  2003.08-2007.07 北京师范大学大学化学系,学士
  功能纳米材料的可控合成,及材料表面结构、催化、光、电性能研究 多功能纳米器件的开发 矿物基纳米材料的开发和应用 新能源开发与利用;清洁化学能源研究;
  Fang, W. J.; Yang, J.; Gong, J. W.; Zheng, N. F., “Photo-and pH-Triggered Release of Anticancer Drugs from Mesoporous Silica-Coated Pd@Ag Nanoparticles” Advanced Functional Materials, 2011, 22, 842-848.
  Huang, X. Q.; Tang, S. H.; Yang, J.; Tan, Y. M.; Zheng, N. F., “Etching Growth under Surface Confinement: An Effective Strategy to Prepare Mesocrystalline Pd Nanocorolla” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 15946-15949.
  Chen, M.; Wu, B. H.; Yang, J.; Zheng, N. F., “Small Adsorbate-Assisted Shape Control of Pd and Pt Nanocrystals”Advanced Materials, 2012, 24, 862-879
  Yang, J.; Liu, H. W.; Martens, W. N.; Frost, R. L., "Synthesis and characterisation of cobalt hydroxide, cobalt oxyhydroxide, and cobalt oxide nanodiscs." The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010, 114 (1), 111-119.
  Yang, J.; Martens, W. N.; Frost, R. L., "Transition of chromium oxyhydroxide nanomaterial to chromium oxide – a hot stage Raman spectroscopic study." Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 2011,42 (5), 1142-1146.
  Yang, J.; Cheng, H. F.; Martens, W. N.; Frost, R. L., "Transition of chromium hydrate gel to crystalline chromium oxide – a hot stage Raman spectroscopic study." Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 2011,42 (5), 1069-1074.
  Yang, J.; Cheng, H. F.; Martens, W. N.; Frost, R. L., "Application of infrared emission spectroscopy: a study on thermal transition of indium hydroxide nanocubes to indium oxide." Applied Spectroscopy 2011, 65 (1).
  Yang, J.; Frost, R. L.; Yuan, Y., "Synthesis and characterization of chromium doped boehmite nanofibres." Thermochimica Acta 2009, 483 (1-2), 29-35.
  Yang, J.; Zhao, Y.; Frost, R. L., "Surface analysis, TEM, dynamic and controlled rate thermal analysis, and infrared emission spectroscopy of gallium doped boehmite nanofibers and nanosheets." Applied Surface Science 2009, 255 (18), 7925-7936.
  Yang, J.; Frost, R. L.; Martens, W. N., "Thermogravimetric analysis and hot-stage Raman spectroscopy of cubic indium hydroxide." Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2010, 100 (1), 109-116.
  Yang, J.; Zhao, Y.; Frost, R. L., "Infrared and infrared emission spectroscopy of gallium oxide α-GaO(OH) nanostructures." Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2009, 74A (2), 398-403.
  Yang, J.; Baker, A. G.; Liu, H.; Martens, W. N.; Frost, R. L., "Synthesis and characterisation of chromium oxyhydroxide nanomaterials using a soft chemical hydrothermal route." Journal of Materials Science 2010, 45 (24), 6574-6585.
  Yang, J.; Martens, W. N.; Frost, R. L., "Synthesis and characterisation of cobalt hydroxyl carbonate Co2CO3(OH)2-relationship to the rosasite mineral group." Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy 2010, 78 (1), 420-428.
  Zhao, Y. Y.; Yang, J.; Frost, R. L.; Martens, W. N., "Size and morphology control of gallium oxide hydroxide GaO(OH), nano- to micro-sized particles by soft-chemistry route without surfactant." The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2008, 112 (10), 3568-3579.
  Zhao, Y. Y.; Yang, J.; Frost, R. L., "Raman spectroscopy of the transition of α-gallium oxyhydroxide to β-gallium oxide nanorods." Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 2008, 39 (10), 1327-1331.
  Cheng, H. F.; Liu, Q. F.; Yang, J.; Zhang, J.; Frost, R. L.,"Delamination of kaolinite–potassium acetate intercalates by ball-milling." Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2010, 348(2),355-359.

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