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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量: 603 发布时间: 2018-08-15 17:09 微信号: H17720740258

  09/2014 - Present    Associate Professor in Department of Physics, Xiamen University, P. R. China
  02/2018 - Present    Post-Doc and Visiting Associate Professor in NTNU Nanomechanical Lab, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
  04/2017 - 08/2017    Associate Professor in Xiamen University Malaysia
  07/2013 – 08/2014    Research fellow in NTNU Nanomechanical Lab, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
  07/2009 – 06/2013    PhD study in Department of Structural Engineering. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
  09/2006 – 06/2009    Master study in Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering. Xiamen University, P. R. China
  09/2002 – 06/2006    Bachelor study in Department of Biological Engineering. Tianjin Agricultural University, P. R. China
  My research focus on fundamental energetics and living, including mechanics and transport of nanoscale energetic materials for nanodevices, water-based mechanobiology, nanomembrane for clean-energy and environmental fields, nanotech for petro-production. Multiscale modelling methods and nanomechanical measurements are utilized in my research.
  J. Y. Wu,*  H. Zhao, J. Liu, Z. Zhang, F. Ning, Y. Liu*. Nanotube-Chirality-Controlled Tensile Characteristics in Coiled Carbon Metastructures, Carbon, 2018, 133;335-349.
  J. Y. Wu,*  P. Cao, Z. Zhang, F. Ning, S. Zheng, J. He, Z. Zhang*. Grain-size Controlled Mechanical Properties of Polycrystalline Monolayer MoS2, Nano Letters, 2018,  18, 2, 1543-1552.
  L. Liang, J. Li, L. Zhang, Z. Zhang, J. Shen, L. Li and J. Y. Wu, Computer simulation of water desalination through boron nitride nanotubes, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, 30031-30038
  B. Fang, F. Ning, P. Cao, L. Peng, J. Y. Wu, Z. Zhang, T. J. H. Vlugt, and S. Kjelstrup. Modeling Thermodynamic Properties of Propane or Tetrahydrofuran Mixed with Carbon Dioxide or Methane in Structure-II Clathrate Hydrates. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2017, 121 (43), pp 23911–23925
  C. Feng, J. Xu* Z. Zhang, J. Y. Wu*. Morphology and Dehydrogenation Controlled Mechanical Properties in Diamond Nanothreads. Carbon, 2017, 124, 9-22.
  C. Sui, Y. Zhao, Z. Zhang,  J. He*, Z. Zhang, X. He,  C. Wang*, J. Y. Wu*. Morphology-Controlled Tensile Mechanical Characteristics in Graphene Allotropes. ACS Omega, 2017, 2 (7), pp 3977–3988
  R. Lv, F. Soyekwo, Q. Zhang*, R. Gao, J. Y. Wu, Y. Qu, A. Zhu, Q. Liu. Polyacrylonitrile mesoporous composite membranes with high separation efficiency prepared by fast freeze-extraction process. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 2017, 49, 61-68
  Y. Zhao, C. Wang, J. Y. Wu*, C. Sui*, S. Zhao, Z. Zhang and X. He*, Carbon Nanotubes Kirigami Mechanical Metamaterials. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, 11032-11042(cover paper)
  J. He*, J. Y. Wu, S. Nagao, L. Qiao, Z. Zhang. Size-dependent Phase Transformation and Fracture of ZnO Nanowires. Procedia IUTAM, 21(2017)86-93
  J.Y. Wu, B. Skallerud, J. He, Z. Zhang*. Grain-size induced strengthening and weakening of dislocation-free polycrystalline gas hydrates. Procedia IUTAM, 21(2017)11-16..
  P. Q. Cao, J .Y. Wu*, Z. S. Zhang, F. L. Ning*. Mechanical Properties of Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline Monolayer Black Phosphorus, Nanotechnology, 28, 045702-045721(2017)
  Q. Xu*, J. Zeng, H. Wang, X. Li, J. Xu, J. Y. Wu , G. Xiao, F. Xiao*, X. Liu. Ligand-triggered electrostatic self-assembly of CdS nanosheet/Au nanocrystal nanocomposites for versatile photocatalytic redox applications. Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 19161-19173
  K. Zhao, I. G. Ringdalen, J. Y. Wu, J. He, Z. Zhang. Ductile mechanisms of metals containing pre-existing nanovoids, Computational Materials Science, 125, 36-50(2016).
  C. Sui, Q. Luo, X. He,* L. Tong, K. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, J. Y. Wu,* C. Wang.* A study of mechanical peeling behavior in a junction assembled by two individual carbon nanotubes. Carbon, 107, 651-657(2016).
  J. Y. Wu, S. Nagao, Z. Zhang, J. He, Deformation and fracture of nano-sized metal-coated polymer particles: A molecular dynamics study, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 150, 209-221(2015) (Invited Paper)
  J. Y. Wu, G. Nie, J. Xu, J. He, Q. Xu, Z. Zhang, Structural Instability and Mechanical Properties of MoS2 Toroidal Nanostructures. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 32425(2015).
  J. Y. Wu, F. Ning, T. T. Trinh, S. Kjelstrup, T. J. H. Vlugt, J. He, B. H. Skallerud, Z Zhang. Mechanical instability of monocrystalline and polycrystalline methane hydrates, Nature Communications, 6:8743(2015)
  P. ?esták, J. Y. Wu, J. He, J. Poklud, Z. Zhang. Extraordinary deformation capacity of smallest carbohelicene springs, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 18684-18690(2015)
  C. Wang, Q. Peng, J. Y Wu, X. He, L. Tong, Q. Luo, J. Lia, S. Moody, H. Liu, R. Wang, S. Du, Y. Li, Mechanical characteristics of individual multi-layer graphene-oxide sheets under direct tensile loading, Carbon, 80, 279–289(2014).
  G. M. Odegard, B. D. Jensen, S. Gowtham, J. Y. Wu, J. Y. He, Z. L. Zhang, Predicting Mechanical Response of Crosslinked Epoxy using ReaxFF, Chemical Physics Letters, 591, pp. 175 - 178 (2014).
  J. H. Zhao, J. Y. Wu (Co-first author), J-.W. Jiang, L. X. Lu, Z. L. Zhang, T. Rabczuk, Thermal conductivity of carbon nanocoils, Applied Physical Letters, 103, 233511 (2013).
  J. Y. Wu, J. Y. He, Z. L. Zhang, Molecular-dynamics study examines effect of nanoparticles on oil/water flow. Journal of Petroleum Technology, 65, 148-151(2013).
  J. Y. Wu, J. Y. He, G. M. Odegard, S. Nagao, Q. S. Zheng, and Z. L. Zhang, Giant Stretchability and Reversibility in Tightly-Wound Helical Carbon Nanotubes, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135:13775(2013)
  J. Y. Wu, J. Y. He, G. M. Odegard, and Z. L. Zhang, Effect of Chain Architecture on the Compression Behaviours of Nanoscale Polyethylene Particles, Nanoscale Research Letters, 8:322(2013)
  J. Y. Wu, J. Y. He, Z. L. Zhang, Fracture and Negative Poisson’s Ratio of Novel Spanned-Fullerenes Nanotube Networks under Tension, Computational Materials Science, 80:15(2013) (Invited paper) (Cover Figure)
  J. Y. Wu, S. Nagao, J. Y. He, Z. L. Zhang, Nanohinge Induced Plasticity of Helical Carbon Nanotubes, Small, 9:3561(2013) (Cover Figure)
  J. Y. Wu, S. Nagao, J. Y. He, Z. L. Zhang, Role of Five-fold Twin Boundary on the Enhanced Mechanical Properties of fcc Fe Nanowires, Nano Letters, 11:5264(2011)
  J. Y. Wu, Q. L. Liu, Y. Xiong, A. M. Zhu and Y. Chen. Molecular Simulation of Water/Alcohol Mixtures’ Adsorption and Diffusion in Zeolite 4A Membranes, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 11:4267(2009)
  中央高校基本业务费,“二硫化钼的微观力学行为“, (59万), 2018-2020年
  国家自然科学面上基金, “天然气化合物的力学失稳行为”, (78万), 2018-2021年
  教育部留学回国基金,“纳米孪晶结构立方氮化硼的形成及力学增强机理研究”,(3.5万), 2015-2017年
  国家自然科学青年基金, “分子模拟研究螺旋碳纳米管的力与热学行为”, (29.1万), 2016-2018年
  中央高校基本业务费,“超硬立方氮化硼材料的硬化及失稳行为”, (50万), 2015-2017年
  2016年度福建省科学技术二等奖,高性能渗透汽化膜的设计与合成,刘庆林、张秋根、陈建华、熊 鹰、吴建洋
  General Physics I

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